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Yet Another WWIII hypothetical scenario

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posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 03:38 PM
As you will clearly see, I have too much free time

First let's address the players (Current Alliances), and then the possible timeline and an EXTREMELY primitave military strength scale.
I'll break up the posts in hopes of avoiding a text wall.

Strength Chart

1 Poor, not a significant force
2 Fair, enough to secure own borders
3 Good, secure borders, minor expeditionary force
4 Very Good, significant expeditionary force
5 Excellent, major military force
6 Super-Power, top of the line weaponry and military

Country Stength
Albania 1
Austria 3
Belgium 2
Bulgaria 1
Canada 3
Croatia 1
Czech Rep2
Denmark 3
Estonia 1
France 5
Germany 5
Greece 2
Hungary 2
Iceland 1
Italy 3
Latvia 1
Lithuania 1
Luxembourg 1
Netherlands 4
Norway 3
Poland 2
Portugal 2
Romania 1
Slovakia 2
Slovenia 1
Spain 4
Turkey 4
Cyprus 1
UK 5

Country Stength
China 6
Kazakhstan 3
Kyrgyzstan 2
Russia 6
Tajikistan 2
Uzbekistan 2
India 5
Iran 4
Mongolia 2
Pakistan 5
Belarus 3
Sri Lanka 2
Turkmenistan 2
Armenia 1

Possible Independent Participants
Country Stength
Australia 4
Cuba 2
North Korea 3
South Korea 4
Phillipenes 2
Japan 2
Saudi Arabia 2
Egypt 4
Israel 5
Brazil 4
Indonesia 4
Taiwan 2
Mexico 3
Sweden 4
Ukraine 4
Thailand 4
South Africa 2
Argentina 3
Syria 2
Georgia 1
Venezuela 2
Serbia 2
Libya 1

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 03:41 PM
Hypothetical War Scenario

Possible Timeline

- Due to "Arab Spring", NATO/US launch "humanitarian" campaigns in Syria and Yemen
- World-wide debate over NATO/US interference in Libya, Syria, and Yemen. Russia & China call for sanctions on USA which are vetoed
- Jihad declared by Iranian Ayatolah against all NATO member countries, attempting to make issue into a religious conflict
- Russia, China, and Pakistan openly declare anger over NATO/US campaigns in the middle-east recalling several diplomats
- Palestinians declare another uprising (Intifada) for their independence
- Israeli forces crack down on protesters in Gaza & Westbank leaving hundreds dead and thousands homeless
- Numerous terrorist attacks (linked to Lebanon & Syria) rock Tel-Aviv, Israel closes and militarizes all borders
- NATO/US impose sanctions on Pakistan and Iran after alleged evidence of terrorist harboring
- Israeli Mossad launches numerous covert sabotage missions into Iran
- Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran announce mutual protection pact
- Israel calls all reserve military into alert
- India praises NATO/US war on terror, further infuriating Pakistan which recalls NATO/US diplomats
- US - Indian relations improve, while Indian - Pakistan relations deteriorate, Pakistan begins military build-up on border to India
- US - India sign mutual protection pact. In response, Pakistan signs mutual protection pact with Russia
- India and Pakistan both increase military build-up at border.
- Russia and China announce "Mutual Security Coalition" resulting in massive "Security Cooperation" between the 2 super-powers
- NATO/US + Australia denounce "Coalition" as a destabilizing aggression tactic by China and Russia
- NATO/US declare DEFCON 2 in response to "Coalition" war excersizes in the East China sea, Beiring Sea, and the Black Sea
- Syria gov forces defeat rebel uprising, NATO/US pull out of Syria and declare Iranian interference
- Iranian forces capture team of 6 alleged Mossad agents who are publicly executed for Terrorism
- Israel furious, demands reparations and public apology from Iran
- NATO/US + Israel decide to place an arial embargo on Iran. US Navy begin numerous patrols in the Persian gulf harrasing Iranian vessels
- Embargo somewhat ineffective as Iranian trade flows through Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Russia
- NATO/US impose sanctions on Turkmenistan for their part in aiding Iranian trade, naval embargo engaged against Iran
- 2 Major events start official war declarations: Iran shoots 2 Israeli and US planes over it's airspace. India clashes with Pakistan in Kashmir.
- NATO/US announce launch of operation "Bucephalus to prevent Iranian military use against civilian protests in Tehran"
- Iran enacts mutual protection pact with Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon
- Syria and Jordan simultaneously launch missile and air strikes on Israeli bases that NATO/US forces are launching operations from
- Israel declares war against Syria and Jordan
- Iran, Egypt, Yemen declare war against Israel
- NATO/US launch operation "Joshua" against Yemen, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon to protect Israel
- India and Pakistan openly declare war over Kashmir, and both countries enact mutual protection plans with US and Russia respectively
- At first US and Russian forces do not engage each other, but only offer support to their allies
- Russian spy plane shot down by US F-22 over India, Russia engages "Security Coalition" agreement with China.
- Chinese & Russian navies attack US ships in Persian Gulf, Chinese & Russian fighters engage NATO/US fighters throughout the middle-east
- UN is disolved as permanent security council members are now at war with each other
- War eventually flows into Europe as NATO forces clash with Syrian forces in Turkey, and Russia attacks Georgia and Finland
- North Korea launches attack on South Korea in hopes of catching US forces depleted
- NATO/US now in 3-front war (Europe, Middle East, and Korea)
- Throughout the war, small-yield tactical nuclear weapons are used between Israel and Iran, along with India and Pakistan, no ICBMS are fired by any side.
- Main fighting contained to Middle-East (Including Turkey), northern Europe, and East-Central Asia
with occassional terrorist bombings in western Europe (including UK) and North America

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 03:41 PM
who's up for a game of RISK!?!

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 03:41 PM
who's up for a game of RISK!?!

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 03:43 PM
Country Stength
Belgium 2
Canada 3
Czech Rep2
Denmark 3
France 5
Germany 5
Hungary 2
Italy 3
Luxembourg 1
Netherlands 4
Norway 3
Poland 2
Slovakia 2
Turkey 4
UK 5
Australia 4
South Korea 4
Phillipenes 2
Japan 2
Israel 5
Taiwan 2
Mexico 3
Finland 3
Sweden 4
Ukraine 4
Georgia 1
India 5

Country Stength
China 6
Kazakhstan 3
Kyrgyzstan 2
Russia 6
Tajikistan 2
Iran 4
Mongolia 2
Pakistan 5
Belarus 3
Sri Lanka 2
Turkmenistan 2
Armenia 1
North Korea 3
Egypt 4
Indonesia 4
Syria 2
Libya 1
Afghanistan 1
Lebanon 1
Yemen 1
Jordan 1

Neutrals - Mostly due to inability to economically/politically support war

Country Stength
Cuba 2
Albania 1
Iceland 1
Bulgaria 1
Croatia 1
Saudi Arabia 2
Greece 2
Estonia 1
Latvia 1
Lithuania 1
Thailand 4
South Africa 2
Venezuela 2
Iraq 1
Serbia 2
Portugal 2
Spain 4
Romania 1
Slovenia 1
Brazil 4
Argentina 3

edit on 6-6-2011 by Konstantinos because: damn typos

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 03:44 PM
RESULT: Stale-Mate, although both sides proclaim victory

Changes after war

Creation of the Republic of Kashmir, independent from India and Pakistan
NATO/US pull out of Iran after a new NATO-friendly government placement
Demilitarization of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, and Libya
Israel takes Sinai and Eastern Egypt up to and including Suez Canal
Iran, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Afghanistan forced to recognize new Israeli state and territories
NATO/US returns all captured territory in exchange for permanent US bases and heavy reparation payments
Canada, & US force Russia to give up any and all claims to the North Pole
Elimination of North Korea, reuniting the Koreas into one democratic country
"Neutral" NATO members have their membership revoked (Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Estonia, Croatia, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, & Romania)
FYROM & India granted NATO membership

China pulls out of India, South Korea, & Phillipenes in exchange for retaining Taiwan. Taiwan absorbed into China.
China pulls out of Turkey in exchange for exclusive and free shipping/docking rights on its coasts
and agreement from Allies to not impose any sanctions
Russia returns Denmark, Norway, and Slovakia for South East Ukraine down to Crimea, seizing control of the Sea of Azrov
Russia returns Finland and Sweden in exchange for northern Georgia (Osettia)
Iran and Iraq sign Persian Accords which effectively make the 2 countries partners in every sence, putting years of distrust behind them
Pakistan joins Security Coalition with Russia and China

Years Later

Pakistan and India still rebuilding, most of their infrastructure was completely wiped out
Security Coalition remains keeping NATO/EU in check
Israel still very tense with Palestinian minority and hostile neighbors (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria)

So, to answer any questions, this was inspired by a WWIII dream I had a few nights ago

Disclaimer: I know nothing about south Asian politics so my assumptions there could be WAY wrong!

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 03:50 PM
That would make a good book.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 03:56 PM
Or strategy video game

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 04:11 PM
Good read. Thanks for all the hard work!

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 04:24 PM
Didn't read the whole post but, Poland deserves more than a "2" rating, as they have been deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 04:58 PM
Nice scenario..

Tho I would not cast Jordan on the opposing side.. the UK has forces in country (exercises to train for deployment to Afghanistan) the RN (and USN) frequently use the Jordanian Naval bases and the Jordanian king (who they do love) is still the Colonel in Chief of a British regiment that has been deployed to Afghanistan (the Light Dragoons)

While more political jostling has been going on of late.. the West have been granted licenses to extract the Jordanian uranium (2% of the worlds total) and Jordan is looking to build a series of Nuclear plants.. France South Korea and Japan have put in bids as have Russia and China.

Rather amusingly from a Western perspective in the wake of the recent Japanese nuclear disaster the Jordanians have been protesting against the building of these dangerous plants in their country..

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

Thanks, I wasn't aware of the ties with the UK and Jordan.
In my scenario, Jordan falls into the mutual protection pact with Iran, Syria and Yemen, and gets embroiled with the Israeli mobilzation.

Basically, they got dragged into this unwillingly.
edit on 7-6-2011 by Konstantinos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Konstantinos

I liked your scenario..
I certainly hope I didn't come across as tho I trying to undermine it as that wasn't my intention.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

Not at all, I welcome any and all input! It helps my understanding of the links between nations

As I said, I had a dream about something like this and it inspired my imagination.... I play too much Civ! LOL

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by steppenwolf86

Perhaps, but Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was deployed as well, and I don't think they would deserve more than a 1 on the strength scale.
Again, it's a crude scale, Poland could be a 2 or a 3, no higher in my eyes.

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