posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 02:15 PM
Feds versus the hacker underground: army of informers turned by fearHackers once ridiculed the FBI and secret service by playing Spot the Fed. Now
agents covet the 'I am the Fed' T-shirt
Moss initiated a game at his events called Spot the Fed. If a delegate detected someone they thought was a cop they could stand up and denounce them.
If correct, they would win a T-shirt printed with the logo: "I spotted the Fed."
The game became an instant sensation. "People were really excited about it," Moss says. That was in the 1990s. Since then Moss's annual conference,
Defcon, has turned into one of the largest hacker meetings in the world and those early examples of outed Feds trying to pass undetected among the
Defcon crowd have also grown into an entire industry, a specialism of modern policing, with highly trained and computer literate FBI and secret
service agents running an army of informants who now pervade the hacker community.
I want to play Spot the Fed, The game sounds fun. Im sure here on ATS they don't want you to play any games like this and would frown upon accusing
members. But could we play a game like this with disinformation on the internet itself or would it cause legal problems because of defaming websites?
I guess its just something hackers get to play. Why do hackers get all the fun. White hats, Black hats and the Gray hats in between. Theres truly not
much difference except who your working for, But they all seem to be having fun doing things that no body else is supposed to do. The US govenment
seems to have gone a long way from spamming Iraq befor there invasion to find defectors with pop up screens to attacking Iranian nuclear sites. Now
you have non-profits in the US like Cyber Security Forum Initiative (
CSFI) who openly targets Libya to find
all its weaknesses for there inxasion but say its to protect them. Really they want to protect Libya as there at war with them?
PDF Project Cyber Dawn Libya And thats being done
Infragard. Infragard is supposed to protect the US homeland by bringing private businesses and the FBI
together to share information. Why do they want to find the weaknesses in Libya and why are they teamed up with NATO? I guess White hats, Black hats
and the Gray hats in between. Theres truly not much difference except who your working for, But they all seem to be having fun doing things that no
body else is supposed to do.
I want to play!!!