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Syria Says 80 Security Officers Are Killed by ‘Gangs’ now reporting 120 dead

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posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 12:53 PM

CAIRO — Syria’s state news agency reported Monday that “armed gangs” had killed 80 police and security personnel in multiple attacks on security forces in a northwestern town, and that residents were “pleading” for the army to intervene.

The attacks, if confirmed, would be the most lethal anti-government retaliation in Syria since President Bashar al-Assad began a brutal crackdown on protesters three months ago.

Story at NY Times

officially the government has said these protests are all over the high costs and shortage of food stuffs as well as poor economic conditions, in other words not enough jobs to go around... however... there is another side

The uprising began in the southern town of Dara’a and quickly spread, after residents there rose up against the Assad regime following the arrest and torture of a group of school children accused of spray painting anti-government graffiti on a school house wall. The children, aged eight to fifteen, were badly beaten and had their fingernails pulled out! Can you say "Ouch"... Can you say "Pissed off Parents?" Sure, I knew you could.

So maybe it's no so much about unemployment and more about fighting back against oppression?

Syrian TV: 120 security forces killed in north

Yahoo news update

BEIRUT – Syrian TV claims 120 police and security forces have been killed by armed groups in a northern town.

It says 82 of them were killed in an attack on a security post. The report on Monday could not immediately be verified.

The confrontations occurred in the town of Jisr al-Shughour in Idlib province were Syria's military has been conducting military operations for days as part of a crackdown on an uprising calling for an end to President Bashar Assad's regime.

edit on 6-6-2011 by DaddyBare because: Update

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by DaddyBare

I don't know , deraa is a hotbed of the muslim brotherhood , and muslim brotherhood is controlled by mi6 and massoneria .Makes the uprising questionable and from what i know from my friends in the gulf , they believe syrian police is being provoked to up the ante so that invasion and attack against Syria and Russian assets can be justified. any attack on russian military assets by NATO or muslim brotherhood could mean world war (if by NATO) or mass artillery attack on muslim brotherhood in Deraa (which will be genocide in Deraa ,comparable to FallulJAH,Iraq . Syria is being destablized deliberately to drag Russia into war against NATO . Russia has a naval base in Tartarus ,Syria

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by DaddyBare

Armed gangs were blamed for the violence in the first place, the protests started peacefully, the government followed up on the protesters demands, but thugs were armed and cause the spread of chaos. The protests increased because of the violence, Assad's forces have carried out extreme acts of violence, but that's the result of the widespread chaos created by armed thugs, where did they get their weapons from?


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