ok...first, and yes you have surprised me a lot too.
as far as i see in your words, you are judging me, harak and italiano, because we belive in Ashtar.
and all you say, and assure about ashtar is just your belives, because i do not see anything, that proof to us what you have sayed about Ashtar.
so you are judging people based on a personal "guess" of you.
think about that and see "who" is acting "evil"!
do you any time in your life have seen Ashtar? assuming by your words it looks that the answer is no!
when you stated : why he appear to humans, when he knows that nobody will belive in that or him, you are again, "guessing"! that almoust all will
not belive in that, all we know, but all who have seen him... have you any proof or a statment of any one that have meet him, and after that say it is
evil? or not belive him?, if yes please show me.
now...i can't even belive that you have writed this:
"and knows that people like Kangaxx and Harak will believe so wholeheartedly, and will fight and scream and discredit to get HIS info across to the
can you tell me where have you seen me or harak "screaming and discrediting", trying to pass Ashtar information?!?!?
where are any topic started by me or harak about Ashtar?!?
where are our so "obvious" ,for you, enfforts to descredit so strongly at all costs, in a so enfatic way, other people belives about him??? we are
here giving our opinions to a member's topic about Ashtar and you see us like in a "crusade" for Ashtar?!?
again when you say this:
"Ashtar Sheran is nothing but a Fake-tar Imposhteran in my eyes."
you state very clear that it is ONLY your "guess" or belive. how can you judge me Harak or any other people based only in what you "think"?!?
do would like to be in a court of room, been acused of something, and be condemned based on belives or guesses?!?
do you any time have read any of the hundreds of the small Ebooks of Ashtar Sheran?!? i am sure you do not!
but... if you stat so well that he his evil, and his "tricking" humans, you for sure have read A LOT against him, and something, or some one had
obvious poisoned your mind about it! now. let me ask, go you do not have personal proofs that Ashtar is good, have you proofs that Ashtar is evil,
besides your "guesses"?!
you sayed:
"Why no mention of Ashtar in the bible? Is Ashtar trying to take over the role of Jesus? Seems like it to me."
what kind of question is that!?! that is logical for you? Why in this world Ashtar must have been named or related in the Holy Bibble?!?
and. again. whe you say the next things about Christ and Ashtar, that is the proof for us(that know what he Ashtar says) that you DO NOT HAVE A CLUE
about what that entitie have teached or transmited!! because if you have read it something , you never will "guess" that. and, because he do not are
playing at all the role of Christ. he says musch about that, he says about his possible conections with Christ, and he says waht Chirst was, and when
we must "waite" for him. do you call this as trying to do the role of Christ????
you say:
"Humanists understand love and compassion, but we realize that there are those that do not deserve it,"
let me tell you just this: after we read the above topic of you, we must assume( yes it's a assumtion), that you are a person that realy worries
about the true love or the true good, folowing that, how can you say that there exist some ones or some things that DO NOT DESERVE LOVE??!!
again...who of you bouth are roling a evil way?? you ??, or Ashtar?? because Ashtar do not says anywhere that there are exeptions about love!!! love
is for all, and for everything!
you say:
"Enlightenment doesn't come from someone elses mouth to your head. "
so...again you are jest "assuming" right?
try to learn something about Hinduism and Buddhism, and see if it is possible to be enlightned by a "mouth" or not??? or if you prefere, just read
the history of Christ, or Ghandi(as you refered), and see how is possible that just by "Mouth", and some times with just using the eyes, people can
be enlightned!
You say:
"I'm being really nice about this because I haven't been attacked personally, yet. "
so,,, you call what you have writed "being nice"!!?? it is "nice" to judge me based on "guesses" or in something not real proofed?
you say:
"Give EVERYBODY a certain amount of love, and if they squander it, do not give them more. If they sow it and make it grow, then they have done the
right thing. Ashtar ever tell you this? he shouldn't have had to. if he did, and asked you to spread the 'truth', then I see deceit on the horizon.
Not in a single book or Ashtar messages that was been sayed! go look and see for your self in his books.
and no he never have asked me to spread the truth, because if he have done that, i was doing that for too long already and at the moment!!
Yes, you have realy surprised me, you was one guy that have asked me a lot of things in the aliens topic, you always was respectfull to me in all the
possible ways, and now, based on "guesses", you change, and "jump" on me puting me in the "trash"!
well, .et me make a "guess" too: for sure beteen the aliens topic, and now, you have in deed been deceived, and for me, you can't even now see the
diference fro what is good or right, from what is bad/ evil or wrong.
let me saying something, in my life i have meet many groups, wew always some one "invoked" a "entitie"!! if i would have belived in all of them,
at the moment i was beliving that Christ was the devil, Ghandi was the antichrist, Buddha was the Santa claus, etc
yes friend, it is realy a pitty that you have "turned" to the wrong side!