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I Need Help Rregarding Oct 28TH 2011

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posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by unphased

Well strictly speaking the introduction forum is for introducing yourself. Tell a little bit about yourself, your interest and why you joined ATS.

After having made (I believe) 20 posts you get the privilege to post in other forums. I don't know if you can also create threads in any forum after 20 posts but it's designed that way to keep out the trolls (a little bit...).

I guess some moderator will come around and point this out to you but until that time your thread is doing fine.


posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:19 AM
Interesting experience!

A couple of thoughts to share back:

My parents were both shrinks (mom psychotherapist, clinical psychologist, dad psychoanalyst). My mom worked in a state psychiatric hospital, with patients that were severely mentally ill. I spent time with her there and witnessed some pretty weird stuff. Many of the patients would just start rambling away with incohesive words and phrases, but stuff would come out in the middle of it that would be things they could not have known! If you walk by them in the hallway as they are rambling, as you approach, they would suddenly blurt out some details of your private life- even if you had never seen them in your life, they could not have access to info on you (especially where they were).

I really have the suspicion that some of those people didn't have the protective walls of a secure self concept and were constantly floating in the collective consciousness, in touch with information as it floats by with no discernment. Like floating in the ocean, instead of safetly in a boat, going in a chosen direction, and fishing in the ocean as needed.

The guy could have had that thing going, and just picked up on things about you, and fit them into his own delusions. Or he could have been used as a messenger by entities through that open channel.

The message of being chosen is not really that uncommon an experience by those who have set out on (or been thrust into) a spiritual awakening. There is a phase in which recognition of ones "importance" is a stepping being able to then further that perception to others being "chosen"....... the Messiahs of their own universe, each. But you just follow this river and see where it leads!

Wasn't there something about Elenin being especially close to the earth on that date or something? It does seem I have seen that particular date thrown around.........

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by ColoradoJens

lol I know Idol isn't the best example to use here but it is where many of the delusional types can be found.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:20 AM
Isn't that the date that that fraud Harold Camping said the official end of the world would be? The rapture here recently and then the end on October 28th?

Hmm... Did you run into Mr. Camping?

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

I have plenty of positive things to say, I guess you're just looking for the negatives, so what does that say about you?

Touche. Obviously my perception of you is colored by our previous interactions, however, that was a very negative statement regarding Indigos.

As for Indigos, they may exist but the ones I've seen that claim to be Indigos are self absorbed, delusional little brats (real ones, if real aren't like this at all, in fact a real one would never brag or claim to be one).

But that is just your experience of the people you have met, not a blanket statement about a group of people as your previous post implied. However, I agree wholeheartedly with your parenthetical-humility is a sign of not being wrapped up in ego.

What these Indigos are, are exactly what I said above, spoiled, self absorbed, delusional kids who have grown up with their parents telling them they are the best at what they do.

Again, back to ego. When a person comes from that part of themselves, I agree with your assessment, but that is really little more than immaturity. When a person connects with their spirit and not from their immature ego self, it is a completely different story. Perhaps there is a reason why you have magnetized those sorts of people into your experience (double touche.)

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:21 AM


posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
Isn't that the date that that fraud Harold Camping said the official end of the world would be? The rapture here recently and then the end on October 28th?

Hmm... Did you run into Mr. Camping?

I heard that guy is spot on with his predictions...we all better S&F flag this beast.


posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:23 AM
To be honest, I have trouble believing your story but you referenced one of the most interesting things i've ever read. The dark knight prediction is by far the most puzzling thing on here to me because the things he said really seem to be coming to pass like lights in the sky, noises in the sky, and shapes and figures. The norway spiral, all the rumbling noises, THE VIRGIN MARY??? I dunno, 10/28 is gonna be a super dope day if you ask me.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

You do realise that everybody over the age of 31 has had this happen, right?

Yes I do. I've always called it the "Golden Birthday." It's just an especially interesting correspondence in this case.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by unphased
reply to post by xynephadyn

The guy who approached me didn't mention it. However I've seen it referenced in a lot of threads on here and it's date is the same as my birthday, this year. 10/28/11

In Numerology you enter the Personal # 6, this means "fertility" and it represents "Family and Nurturing". Generally, it means that any and all endeavors have growing results attached to them, so be careful what you wish for!

Ideally you are a very imaginative person, you see trends that others do not, you are playful and think in terms of "new" and "exciting". Laughter is key with your reasoning power.

There seems to be a sense of "illumination" that is coming from within; it is the child on both sides of you, the child of the past and the child of the future. You are at a cusp in your development and you must realize here and now that there is a level of innocence that you must protect within you. I am speaking about that which resides within you that was touched by this fragmented moth; the light that draws them all in is their own reflection!

It is OK, you know now that there is a Beginning about to happen to you, it starts where you began and it ends where you begin, your Soul Path is the # 5, "Death and Freedom", "Change and Fluctuation".

You have to realize that Rules that govern others do not apply to you and that you must open to your Child and embrace them as they enter this new world ahead; the Child I speak of is you from within. Drive out the "needs" and the "wants" of others for you because they are only seeing their own reflection when they look upon you. They see themselves and they wish for you what they wish for themselves, good or bad!

You are Unique in your Self because no one will ever really know who you truly are; if someone likes you it is because they like themselves, if some one detests you it is because they detest themselves.

Your wandering Prophet, he saw himself in you; he touched GOD within you through his own reflection. What an incredible gift you have!
As for 10/28/2011, you will enter the Personal Year of the # 6, Fertility...Wow, I hope you reflect wisely!

Blessings to you OP, Blessings Ahead!

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by aching_knuckles


posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:34 AM
A bunch of friends gave a homeless guy $20 to do much the same thing to one of my buddies last year. It had him going paranoid for a month till he was let in on the joke. He was ready to flame someone
It took him another week to forgive them.
poor guy!

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:06 AM
Most of these replies seem to assume that "chosen one" means Messiah, but for all we know, "chosen one" could be anything. It could be that the seedy dude is the Messiah and that his hand rubbing you was to cleanse you for some other chosen task, like being one of the Two Witnesses. It could be that the seedy dude is the AC and that he was darkening your heart and selecting you to be the false prophet. It could be a test of some new psychological weapon that uses one's thoughts and knowledge to affect individuals in negative ways. The thing that I'd be most concerned about is that he knows your birth date and that he is aware of 10/28/11 being significant in some way, as it has already been spreading that the end of October is going to be a time of serious change due to Elenin or the Camping prediction (which I assume to have been derived from Elenin predictions). Either way, I believe that you aren't just making this up, so now I'm just a little creeped out.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:10 AM
Sounds like an Egregore to me... ignore it,its not real.

reply to post by unphased

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by unphased

It would be interesting if it was true. And actually meeting with the chosen one
. Nice. Once you save the world, I hope they are gonna film it
. I wantz a movie

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Farnhold

I think they already did...

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:40 AM
there always is not lack of amazing story,i think you need wait only.i hope you will go on to post about your story.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 07:03 AM
Interesting situation, though I think that I would be inclined to be very careful on how you interpret it. There are a few possible explanations;

1) Your are the chosen one

2) You have had a delusion of some kind. It may or may-not be a psychological problem, delusions can be caused by toxins in the environment, for example a gas leak or a build up of exhaust fumes.

3) A prank by a friend

4) Someone was following you (private eye, etc) and got too close. Needing a reason to explain his presence, he has come up with a something quickly. Someone "tailing" a person usually has their details fresh in their mind (name, dob, likes/dislikes, etc...) and probably has a whole bunch of different things that could be said to "stun" you with unexpected information that makes a person stop and think. A homeless person is a good cover for a private eye as they are generally ignored unless they are creating a scene(drunk, rowdy, etc...). The weird feeling after he touched you may only have been a rush of adrenalin after having your personal space invaded.

I'm sure there are other explanations but these seem to be the most obvious to me.

Just for the record.. Howard Camping's current prediction is for the 21st of October, though, in my honest opinion, I would bet on the opposite of anything Mr Camping predicts

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by unphased

Its one of those things where only time would tell for yourself if its valid information or not. I would not be too bothered about it if I were you, but keep it on personal analysis. However on the 11/11/2011 is a date to remember the 11 of November ((^_^)). Earth's society is very much based on religious hype, as I think two weeks ago or omething, people were expecting the rapture or something...
But I do have a suggestion, try not boast about it to much and ride the ego horse if it is genuine information.
Have a fantastic day and have fun ((^_^))

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 08:21 AM
Welcome, interesting thread! As someone mentioned, I also suggest you to look up Karl Calleman´s theory, he has interesting interpretation about Mayan chalender and he sais, that 28th October 2011 is the end of this. Not the end of the world. I believe he´s the one, who first said, that October 2011 will be life changing, other theories came later.
Here´s some information about Calleman´s theory: Nine Underworlds
Calleman´s webpage

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