posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 03:49 PM
What would have happened if back in 2008 before everyone's 401k and investments went to half value, if all us common folk had converted our 401k's
out of stocks and all into cash (keeping it all in the 401k though)? Because what happened when we didn't, was the rich were able to make money off
of the destabilization and the changes in the market. So seeing that there was never really a danger of the economy actually crashing, and that
people somewhere DID make money off of all that chaos, would the common man have won that little battle if we had converted all our stocks into cash?
Would the middle class be invigorated and strong had we done that?
What would happen now if we converted our 401k's into cash as a collective? Would it hurt the system? I am not advocating this, I am just curious
and I think it's a useful theory and looking for education.
What would have happened if the common man had sold all their stock a year before the great depression? ETC. somebody always comes out ahead.
It seems like these would be victories for the common man, and a loss to the elite's power.
Anyone else have theories of other significant places in history where the common man could have united and dealt a heavy blow to TPTB had "we"
known things politically or economically in advance?