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Miami Police Ordered Videographer At Gunpoint To Hand Over Phone

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posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 06:46 PM
never give copies or orginal to cops in city where it happened give it to fbi or state police. if you give it up in same city evidence will be destroyed and you might be killed as a witness

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:10 PM
I did some research, but couldn't find any anti-paparazzi laws in the Miami area. Similarly, the only anti-photography law that I came across involves photographing, filming, or recording inside of transit stations, federal buildings and the like.

Commercial photography or recording. No person, unless authorized in writing by MDTA or the County Manager when appropriate under Section 2-11.14 of this Code, shall take still, motion, or sound motion pictures or sound records or recordings of voices or otherwise for commercial, training or educational purposes, other than news coverage anywhere in the transit system.

But the same code goes on to say:

“[n]othing in this section shall require any permit from: (i) Individuals filming or video taping only for their own personal or family use; (ii) Employees of print or electronic news media when filming on-going news events. This exception shall not apply to simulations or re-enactments orchestrated by print or electronic news media; or (iii) Students and faculty filming exclusively for educational purposes. “

So I'm not sure if the law extends to randomly filming police officers when they're killing somebody. Regardless of any such laws that I'm not aware of, the police officers in question demonstrated a gross use of authority and should be suspended from duty indefinitely. People like that aren't fit to be cops.

Also, while I believe the people who were abused by the cops are entitled to some type of settlement, I hate for it to be at the taxpayer's expense. The settlement money should come directly from the cops who treated the people filming them like criminals.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:26 PM
Which again leaves the same question.

How much longer are we going to wait until we've finally had enough?

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:34 PM
i hope something will get done about this, its going out of control now.
We will see if the original uploader will upload a closer look about this situation.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo
Something smells. Where's the video? Most people would have plastered this all over the net by now. Seems a little strange to me.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:52 PM
Another one bites the dust...

and for what?

the militarization of our LEOs...

so they can be conditioned to serve in the police state.

"We are just doing our jobs, nothing to see here, move on people"

The sad part is, none of the officers will be held accountable for this man's death. I bet they all get exonerated.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:58 PM
Once the vid is posted someone should report this to Miami Metro PD's Internal Affairs Bureau at :

Metro-Dade County Police Department's Professional Compliance Bureau - Internal Affairs

This is sickening, these cops need to be fired, jailed for life for not only murdering someone in cold blood but also for trying to cover it up.

Mr. Benoit should also file harrassment charges against the officer's in q, but don't file it at the local precient but at City Hall and make them aware about it as if you report it directly to City Hall there is no way that a coverup would be possible. Go as high up the ladder as possible, to the Mayor's office firect if possible.

If something like this were to ever happen to anyone here go to City Hall directly and Tell them the following :
1. "I have some solid evidence about the questionable conduct of one of our cities finest and fear that the cop will come after me and need to file this complaint to someone who can and will take action to prevent it from being swept under the rug and I fear for my safety and life as a result!" Inform them like this and watch how fast the ball gets rolling.
2. If you do not get anywhere with City Hall or are blocked from filing make the report with the next highest office and that is the County Administration Building located in your County's County Seat. They give you no help go directly to the State Attorney General's office directly. No help there call your local Federal Bureau Of Investigation office.
3. Make at least 5 copies of everything and keep one away from your home, place of employment and in the care of a trusted individual. Place a copy in a sealed box and bury it in your yard. Do not ever place a copy in your bank's safety deposit box. Email a copy to a friend or famly member who lives outside of your state.
4. Send a copy anonymously to your local media outlet, tv news preferred.


NO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICAL CAN EVER LEGALLY EITHER FORCE SOMEONE TO OR FORCIBLY SIEZE OR DESTROY YOUR CELL PHONE FOR ANY REASON AND DO NOT EVER GIVE IT UP! YOUR CELL PHONE CANNOT EVER BE CLASSIFED AS AN ILLEGAL DEVICE AND IF THEY TRY DRIVE OFF TO A WELL LIT AND WELL ATTENDED AREA AND FORCE THEM TO GET A WARRANT AND LAWYER UP INSTANTLY AND SAY NOTHING EVER! THEY WILL NOT PURSUE THE MATTER AFTER YOU LAWYER UP AND DEMAND A WARRANT! If you have a garage that connects direct with a kitchen or hallway internally and has an automatic opener drive into your garage and close the door and do not come out. Call the local pd to inform them that you witnessed a cop murder someone in cold blood and have evidence and fear for your personal safety to dispatch a unit to your locale and have the cop meet you between two closed doors and do not let the leo breach your home. Only after you've copied and emailed the vid. Post to YouTube or another file sharing service before you make the call so that it's on the internet before you do a thing.
edit on 5-6-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

I am with you for 100% and im truely against their bad conduct.A Question particurlar this ex text

"But what they didn’t know was that Narces Benoit had removed the SIM card and hid it in his mouth, which means the video survived."

How is it possible you can store "MB" videos on sim cards? or was it a memory card? im confused my man

edit on 5-6-2011 by solid007 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-6-2011 by solid007 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-6-2011 by solid007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:35 PM
So this is cop going to get punished for at least one of the following?

1) felony assault with a deadly weapon.
2) Felony theft and vandalism (of the cell phones which were destroyed)
3) tampering with evidence.
4) false arrest
5) murder?

Or just a nice slap in the wrist and a paid leave?

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

We live in a different country now though

If an officer tells you to spread your cheeks

you better comply

or you will get

tasered, shot, and beaten up.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:45 PM
It's kind of funny the mistake they made calling the media card the SIM card, the SIM card is given by the service provider to provide you service... and with CDMA it can't be taken out. but cool story I want to see the video

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by arbitrarygeneraiist
I did some research, but couldn't find any anti-paparazzi laws in the Miami area. Similarly, the only anti-photography law that I came across involves photographing, filming, or recording inside of transit stations, federal buildings and the like.

Commercial photography or recording. No person, unless authorized in writing by MDTA or the County Manager when appropriate under Section 2-11.14 of this Code, shall take still, motion, or sound motion pictures or sound records or recordings of voices or otherwise for commercial, training or educational purposes, other than news coverage anywhere in the transit system.

But the same code goes on to say:

“[n]othing in this section shall require any permit from: (i) Individuals filming or video taping only for their own personal or family use; (ii) Employees of print or electronic news media when filming on-going news events. This exception shall not apply to simulations or re-enactments orchestrated by print or electronic news media; or (iii) Students and faculty filming exclusively for educational purposes. “

So I'm not sure if the law extends to randomly filming police officers when they're killing somebody. Regardless of any such laws that I'm not aware of, the police officers in question demonstrated a gross use of authority and should be suspended from duty indefinitely. People like that aren't fit to be cops.

Also, while I believe the people who were abused by the cops are entitled to some type of settlement, I hate for it to be at the taxpayer's expense. The settlement money should come directly from the cops who treated the people filming them like criminals.

Thank you for the bit of legalese yet I do not think it matters much to this crowd

I want the facts and to see the video but I doubt we will get that yet I am hopeful.

Do you think this has anything to do with the following video?

The police mainly enforce statutes and codes which generates revenue for the local, state and federal governments who are the business administrators of and for the US corporation.
Bottom line, We the People have been the "enemy" for alot longer then many would like to believe and that also means that most of our "great efforts" accomplished by the "Greatest Generation" was nothing more then a business deal. Hey mate? Shall we give rise to a powerful dictator, perhaps in france? no germany, yes! and we will have to go in and clean up and thereby split Europe with our Commie comrades....

Or am I extrapolating this a bit too far out?

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:52 PM
If i was him , i would upload to youtube and show to millions for proof and support.Case would be closed quicker


edit on 5-6-2011 by solid007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:10 PM
On top of everything else... 4 bystanders were shot also.

No one should ever fire their weapon unless they are 100% sure they are going to hit their intended target.

With all that adreneline flowing it is so easy to shoot and miss, so don't shoot unless you are 100% sure.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by origamiandurbanism

Originally posted by Helious
Ask yourselves a question...... Where is the media in all this? Why don't they report on issues like this? Surely Americans would like to know this happens in this country so why is it not reported? Who controls them, who decides what they report?

State run media? You tell me..... This should be on the 11:00, 6:00 news for the next three days but you wont hear a word about it.

That's a very good question. Usually a local TV station or media outlet has a relationship with law enforcement. I remember a couple years ago, a TV station in my area literally sat on video evidence of police abuse for months (it was a local FOX affiliate) because they didn't want to ruin the relationship (ie, "breaking" news, etc.) they had with the police department. So much for looking out for the people! But that's the reality of it. Who knows how much video evidence of police abuse is never actually shown.

Even though it's definitely not right, it does sort of make sense on a local level, due to local TV stations competing with each other for breaking stories etc. What I find really strange is I NEVER see any police videos or news stories of wrongdoing on a national TV news level.

Media takeover by the government is the first sign of shifting rule of the land. At some point in the past, the media was for the people and gained there revenues from advertising from viewer ship that originated because people wanted to hear what they had to say and tuned in. It was a good relationship and both sides benefited from actual news.

In the last years, marked by 9/11 we see this almost gone completely. There are no independent thoughts or broadcasts, everything is very tightly organized before hand and reported as ordered, it doesn't feel right, there is something horrible wrong and it does not matter what side of the political fence your on.

God help us all if the media is in bed with the government which it seems to be in full swing. Who will tell the masses what is coming to pass? Not enough people know whats going on in the world because they believe blindly in the 6 o clock news.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by Vitchilo

Forgive me if I am incorrect, but I believe you cannot save video files to a sim card. Perhaps he had a micro sd card that he saved. But the video cannot be saved on the sim. Sim cards usually only have 64 kb of memory meant for phone number storage. Hopefully the video was saved to the memory card. I am looking forward to this alleged episode to be exposed. Will be keeping an eye.

Star and flag.

You are correct, but the average person doesn't know the difference between a sim card and a microsd. I'm sure it was the MicroSD he put in his mouth.

For all those that wish to protect themselves from actions like this, switch to a service that can give a laptop a wireless internet connection, buy a hidden camera and wear it on you and have it stream to a private folder on your home computer. This way, what ever they destroy is backed up off location, so they cannot obtain this information.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 05:28 AM
Not seeing many "pro cop" fanatics today, maybe even they see behind the mask this time.

Cops are the worst form of criminals, ever see that show dexter?

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 11:32 PM
Here's the vid.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by yrwehere1

It's right here.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 09:59 PM
now doesn't it make you feel better?
the pigs have won tonight
they can all sleep soundly
and everything is alright

-trent reznor in march of the pigs

these pigs need to get theirs. this is absolutely disgusting misuse of power. i didn't see myself exactly how the suspect was using his car as a weapon. and then, 5 officers unloading a clip each into his car. disgusting pigs. and pigs wonder why they don't get any respect

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