posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 12:18 PM
I contacted the person that made these videos and here is his response.
Re: your videos
I listen to Coast to Coast and they mention your URL group, I am rather limited in my time as I do have a day job that keeps me rather busy, I will
try register by next week...
P.S. I added some background on me...
To all thanks for looking at my "strange" video clips as I do this because I do find this rather very interesting, as I have never seen this before.
Since I got the Night Vision device it just has been an amazing thing.. I was in the USAF for more than ten years and working on high performance jets
and heard from some pilots who told stories about strange craft over flying jets and making very sharp turns. I did not give much thought to these
things till I needed a device for my microscope and so I decided to buy a light amplifier, but just as I got the unit, I decided to have a look
outside in my backyard as it was very dark the Moon was not up yet, and as I was looking at the night sky something flew across my viewing window and
to my surprise it was a white flat oval disk, I could not believe what I have had just seen !! I spent the next two hours in the backyard and did I
get a show, it was very hard to comprehend as I did not believe in UFO's at all!! let alone space craft from somewhere else than Earth. It was a
shock and I started to look at my daily life as a surreal existence being over flown by some unknown craft that did not use petrol to power it' s
engines !! Wow, so what conclusions I have made ?? Well they are here, and that all I can do is to record them, and that is it... I have some craft
that are probably ours on these video clips and some animals ? I just post them and people (you) should download the more interesting video clips as
they are in HD and not compressed they will give you some very good basis to study this phenomena. I also have the raw file and will send them to
anybody interested to study this. However I would consider that you should get your own equipment or set up a study group in your area and link that
group across the web to others who will share this..
I am in the mining business and work in mineral processing development and work in automation of these processes. So for me technical stuff is very
easy to do, I do have a passion for aircraft of all types as my background would dictate. I will post any time, I will get some time to look at the
starry sky and look for the "big mother ship" ?? I hope ??
Al.. here in Denver, Colorful Colorado...
You can re-post this and edit what you need... aka...Magnetflipper