Speaking of the Large Hadron Collider. , i can't believe the people who think the device is going to produce a black hole which is capable of sucking
up the entire earth. Black holes are coming in and out of existence all the time, and 'somehow' we're all still here.
Either way it is an amazing computer with amazing power although give it 20 years and our desktops will probably have similar power..... well maybe
not but you never know
oh yeah of course, its hard to imagine we are the most complex organism or machine in the entire universe. It is possible but i beleive unlikely.
Perhaps if you could look at the universe from ''top down'' or from outside it could be classed as a complex machine of some type...... just a
Awesome stuff, I love the LHC (too bad Fermilab is closing down.) But it also goes to show how many of mankind's achievement come from wartime (USS
New Hampshire - submarine, Space Shuttle - Cold War, etc.)