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Ancient Aliens Debunked?

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posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by TheArchaeologist

When looking at the full picture...

Can you explain to me what the other elements of this "plant" are in the picture, and, are the men holding the scent up with their hands?


edit on 4-6-2011 by TheArchaeologist because: trying to corrent RED X

You know what it looks like to me? A battle between two men or gods with penis envy, rage or some other battle. Those big things coming out of the center of the plant (around the area of the stamen, the reproductive organ of the flower) have snakes or serpents in them which have also been related to sexual innuendo. You have obvious women (As you can see the shapes of their breasts) holding up a giant phallus from each man, which is also conveniently emanating from his genital area. This carving is sexually related, not alien related.
edit on 6/5/2011 by pjslug because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by MindfulReason

I'm not a historian, please direct your question at someone truly qualified to answer it.

Whoa Buddy when your here saying other peoples evidence is wrong best believe you should back up your own theories.

To be honest there are numerous plausible hypotheses for how structures like the pyramids were built.

Orly? Prove it (not with Wiki)

edit on 5-6-2011 by ObvTruth because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-6-2011 by ObvTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

None of the ramp or rope theories are plausible at all. When you have civil engineers and construction professionals responsible for some of the most incredible modern construction known telling you it's impossible to build them using that technique, and impossible to quarry these stones let alone move them and lift them into place with no mortar than you have to move on to either intervention, or the potential of having advanced technology in ancient times.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by pjslug

I hope you are joking. They look like light bulbs. They have a coil going through the bulb and wires coming from the bottom. They are also being held by the giant humanoids while the smaller ones support the ends.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by eleventhsun

Sorry but those modern engineers aren't ancient Egyptian, Greek, or Roman engineers. You can't call it impossible based on their word, that's just an argument from authority.
edit on 5-6-2011 by Titen-Sxull because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by eleventhsun

And yet you have civil engineers and construction professionals who say it is possible.
Simple machines can do amazing things. Here's what a single man can do with them

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

No it's an argument based on modern science. I don't care what country you are from or what time period. Moving a 1200 tonne stone is moving a 1200 tonne stone. Now, then or tomorrow.

When you have a "wonder of the world" the Pyramids, which have NO actual proven way of building them (why we love em oh so much) or another megalithic structure, the opinion of people who we have physical proof of being capable and responsible for building the structures we have now are completely relevant and should be noted.

When you have someone who builds 50 story structures capable of withstanding disasters telling you that they would have trouble building these objects than yes, it is relevant.

By your comment you are suggesting that the ancient cultures you named had some different sort of architectural and knowledge of structural engineering and building? That's what we are saying too.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by eleventhsun

Can you clarify what 1200 ton stone you are referring to?

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:33 PM
Another fact to contemplate:

There is no evidence of how the interior of the pyramids were lit.

No traces of oil on the ceilings, no soot, no torches, nor torch holders.

So, short of having carved these massive stones first and placing them in the building while construction was taking place, what other theory makes any sense?

Light bulbs, ladies and gents.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by jimnuggits

Any evidence of infrastructure? Generators? Cables? Any of that kind of thing?

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Phage

When they recreate the Pyramids or the temple of Baalbek in that method come talk to me.

That's an excellent video, in which I've seen. I've always been intrigued at Stonehenge is more of a why than a how? Why is it there? what does it represent? It's all fine and dandy for a man to build it when he has the stone, but where did they quarry it from and move it to this field and why did they go through the effort of bringing this stone there?

How about Puma Punku? Where did that stone come from? Would they use trees (the only source of food) to roll giant stones there for nothing? And what of the precise drilling and cutting underneath stone, how did they do that?

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Phage

The 1200 t stones at Baalbek are the ones I was referring to, surely there is a way ancient man could move that but modern man is scratching his head.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:38 PM

Lord Pye says it all. For me it is obvious that some thing quite astonishing was going on in the pre-historic ancient times. It is very important to realise that all of these "alien" artefacts are pre dating recorded history. In my opinion these "alien" artefacts are evidence that our ancestors during the last great Ice Age period from 15,000 BC through to 100,000 BC and probably even further back too were very much in possession of technology that we today are only now rediscovering. How is it that our ancestors lost these technologies ? What catastrophic disaster struck them ? I believe it was a combination of things. Climate change at the end of the last Ice Age around 15,000 BC caused a massive and probably very sudden rise in sea level. According to the Book of Genesis great numbers of people are there in reported to have died, including a race of "giants" who used to eat us smaller people. I believe that these "giants" also known as the "annunaki" were a technologically advanced people and are the "missing link" sought by science. In my understanding many of the "alien" artefacts [including the Pyramids in Egypt] are in fact built long before 15,000 BC. Also the vaste majority of such "alien" artefacts are now lost under the waters of the oceans. During the full depth of Ice Ages sea levels globally can be as low as 6000 meters lower than the present day. Another reason for the demise of the "giants" were their love of waging war amongst each other. There is scientific evidence that a nuclear war was waged in the pre-historic era. Certain areas of every continent are covered with various radioactive isotopes that very specifically only come into existence due to detonation of a nuclear weapon.

ווארים מיר עס איז קלאָר ווי דער טאָג אַז עטלעכע זאַך גאנץ אַסטאַנישינג איז געגאנגען אויף אין דער פאַר - היסטאָרישע אור אַלטע צייטן. עס איז זייער וויכטיק צו פאַרשטיין אַז אַלע פון ​​די "פרעמד" אַרטעפאַקץ ביסט פאַר דייטינג רעקאָרדירט ​​געשיכטע. אין מיין מיינונג די "פרעמד" אַרטעפאַקץ זענען זאָגן אַז אונדזער אָוועס בעשאַס די לעצטע גרויס אייז אַגע צייַט פון 15,000 בק דורך צו 100.000 בק און מסתּמא אַפֿילו ווייַטער צוריק צו האבן זייער פיל אין פאַרמעגן פון טעכנאָלאָגיע וואָס מיר הייַנט זענען בלויז איצט רידיסקאַווערינג. ווי איז עס אַז אונדזער אָוועס פאַרפאַלן די טעקנאַלאַדזשיז? וואס קאַטאַסטראַפיק ומגליק געשלאגן זיי? איך גלויבן עס איז געווען אַ קאָמבינאַציע פון ​​זאכן. קלימאַט טוישן בייַ די עק פון די לעצטע אייז אַגע אַרום 15,000 בק געפֿירט אַ מאַסיוו און מסתּמא זייער פּלוצעמדיק העכערונג אין ים מדרגה. לויט צו די ספר פון גענעסיס גרויס נומערן פון מענטשן זענען דאָרט אין רעפּאָרטעד צו האָבן געשטארבן, אַרייַנגערעכנט אַ געיעג פון "דזשייאַנץ" וואס פלעגט צו עסן אונדז סמאָלער מענטשן. איך גלויבן אַז די "דזשייאַנץ" אויך באַוווסט ווי דער "אַננונאַקי" זענען געווען אַ טעקנאַלאַדזשיקלי אַוואַנסירטע מענטשן און זענען די "פעלנדיק לינק" געזוכט דורך וויסנשאַפֿט. אין מיין שכל פילע פון ​​די "פרעמד" אַרטעפאַקץ [אַרייַנגערעכנט די פּיראַמידס אין מצרים] זענען אין פאַקט געבויט לאַנג פֿאַר 15,000 בק. אויך די וואַסטע מערהייט פון אַזאַ "פרעמד" אַרטעפאַקץ זענען איצט פאַרפאַלן אונטער די וואסערן פון די אָושאַנז. בעת די פול טיפעניש פון אייז עלטער ם לעוועלס גלאָובאַלי קענען זייַן ווי נידעריק ווי 6000 מעטער נידעריקער ווי די פאָרשטעלן טאָג. אן אנדער סיבה פֿאַר די פּטירע פון ​​די "דזשייאַנץ" זענען געווען זייער ליבע פון ​​וויידזשינג מלחמה צווישן יעדער אַנדערער. עס איז וויסנשאפטלעכן זאָגן אַז אַ יאָדער מלחמה איז וויידזשד אין דער פאַר - היסטאָרישער תקופה. זיכער געביטן פון יעדער קאָנטינענט זענען באדעקט מיט פארשיידענע ראַדיאָאַקטיוו ייסאַטאָופּס אַז זייער ספּאַסיפיקלי נאָר קומען אין עקזיסטענץ רעכט צו דעטאַניישאַן פון אַ יאָדער וואָפן.

edit on 5/6/2011 by CAELENIUM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Allred5923

I wasn't just speaking of the stone cutters and sculptor's that are available today, I am also saying that the method that had to be used is very difficult even in modern standards. They, as far as we know, didn't have diamond tipped lathes, CNC or other devices for such precision of such articulated work.Heck, they don't even know how or when these megalithic stones were cut, nor by whom or how.

Are you the same guy who was earlier claiming it was impossible to carve granite without diamond-tipped tools? What do you think the Romans used (2nd Century AD) to carve the granite pillars of the Pantheon?? Seriously; what do you think they used? Let's also consider the use of granite by different cultures and civilisations prior to the 19th Century?

Have they all used magic and lost-tech diamond-cutting machinery?

When you get over the 'wow-factor' and go and read up on the literature, you might just discover that people have been using granite for centuries. They had the time, inclination and as much intelligence as people today.

What kind of mentality looks at our great achievements and cannot conceive of any other possibility than ******* aliens? Since when did 'aliens did it' become top of the list of explanations for anything you don't understand?

Ancient Egyptian resources: Stone

Rock Properties: Why the ancient Egyptians can carve rock with stone and copper tools - Arche Solenhofen

Ancient Egyptian Materials: Diorite

Denys Stocks used the same tools as the Egyptians and replicated the carving of the same stone. His book is widely cited and was available on Google Books.

The position that 'only aliens or ancient astronauts' could be responsible for these endeavours is absurd.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull
While few will deny the "History Channel" is a Globalist Disinformation Asset who strategically insert lies, redirection, misdirection and sets out to rewrite history while mixing their poison in amongst the truth, your post/thread has in no way debunked "Ancient Aliens" theories/beliefs. I am not sure if your core motivations are religious or humanist aka Darwinist but I personally and first hand know that not only is man the result of genetic engineering at the hands of various species of ETs that have come here for millions of years; some of whom were responsible for making this planet a haven and cocoon for life; that our Spirits are both of this planet and elsewhere and the life on this planet has been the means for our Spirits to incarnate in this material plane. So, for all your intelligence and attempts with this post, you will have to pardon me for not taking the time to ague and educate you; you are not alone and that is okay, reality does not need your acknowledgement or acceptance, you will wake up sooner or later, you and the others here I see chiming in. Its not your faults, you are products of your parents and a great deal of focused brainwashing.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull

reply to post by Doublemint

but in my opion it does mean you can throw any idea out there any possiblity is possible untill proven false.

While it is true that almost anything is possible science must follow where the evidence points. The conclusion is drawn from the evidence not the evidence drawn from a preconceived conclusion. In the video Daniken himself suggests that he started with the conclusion and then went out looking for evidence.

preconceived conclusion kinda like a hypothesis? I just don't see how you go off saying how its not being done scientifically but yet it is. Do you know that scientist have theories and ideas that can't be tested and proven at the presnt time? Now can you explain to me how this theory is any differnt than those.
edit on 5-6-2011 by Doublemint because: (no reason given)

wait are you saying that two theories can not exist at the same time about one thing? because thats not how science works either.
edit on 5-6-2011 by Doublemint because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by eleventhsun

Stonehenge is a calendar. Important to any agrarian society.

Pumapunku. It depends which stones your talking about. The largest stones (131 and 85 tons), the red sandstone came from near Lake Titicaca, about 10km away. They probably didn't use rollers, ramps is more likely. You can read about it here.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by eleventhsun

The large monolith at Baalbek is in place. It was not moved.
Ancient Aliens doesn't mention that.

edit on 6/5/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by eleventhsun
Modern man isn't 'scratching his head.'

The guys who write the stuff on the websites you might visit are certainly scratching their asses.

Baalbek is a mystery for anyone who hasn't taken the time to read the literature. Try ATS Search - 'Baalbek + hanslune.' He's posted quite a few sourced explanations for the construction of Baalbek. While you're at it, try and work out how the Romans managed to shift the huge Egyptian obelisks of 4-500 tons across to Rome.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by MajorKarma

If you're not going to back up any of your claims than thanks for taking the time to make a load of baseless assertions.

May I at least ask how you KNOW these things?

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