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Fixing America: Gold, Hemp & The Fair Tax

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posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 04:11 PM
Interesting article I found while searching the blogs..kinda relates to one of the other posts I saw today. Just this person's idea on things we can do to turn this nation around. I have to agree mostly with what was said but would like to include property taxes be abolished as we are paying rent on something we own.

"As pretty much every American knows by now the federal deficit has become such a utter disaster that our country will be dealing with this ever expanding black hole for generations to come. Plain and simple this country is busted, broke and is in serious need of repair. Greed, budgeting err lack thereof, corruption, the globalist agenda and countless other injustices that have contributed to this crisis. It is about high time that we roll up our sleeves put aside our left/right political differences and get this train wreck back on track. We can no longer afford to sit idly by..real change needs to happen and it needs to happen fast. Here are a few thoughts on what we can do now to start righting the wrongs...."

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 04:18 PM
You can juggle the figures till the cows come home but unless you lynch those who are responsible it will continue until there is nothing left to take. Then "they" will (and are) venture onto new pastures to reap another harvest.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by nerbot

Fair enough..Get the corruption out and reboot the whole system

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by nerbot
You can juggle the figures till the cows come home but unless you lynch those who are responsible it will continue until there is nothing left to take. Then "they" will (and are) venture onto new pastures to reap another harvest.

true enough

vote 3rd party in the next election. a vote for a repub or a dem is a vote for more of the same. we need new type of patriot. a new party. no vote is wasted if you vote for what is right. there is no.difference between repub or dem. don't spend a valuable vote on more waste or more war. vote all repub and dem out.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 04:39 PM
I think our troubles come from allowing private banks to print our money. This system which has allowed us to get where we are today, does not work and all the time we accept it does we get suckered into thinking we should pay huge amounts of interest to a bunch of middle men. We need a philosophical change to how we want our finances organised. I don't see we have to accept what we have today,who do we owe - a bunch of fleecing private bankers. If we say no we want you and your system gone certainly chaos for a while but the alternative in the past has been the chaos of war and debt. Hopefully we won't be hoodwinked into that one. In fact its paying for wars that is a major contributor for our situation.

Why has the power over our money been given away? In the UK the Bank of England runs our interest rates. I'm hearing a lot of talk about inflation, but many materials and food have to cost more regardless of the BOE because of floods, famines, wars etc I can see that for myself I don't need the BOE to talk to me like I am a child. Surely a Government should use its own Treasurury Department and Mint to deal with the printing of our money thereby
cutting the huge cost of our own money to us.

Whats needed in our Governments are sharper brains, accountability and a far, far closer awareness and relationship between Glovernment and its country's people's needs and commercial needs.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 04:51 PM
I don't specifically disagree with the gold or hemp portions (although a gold standard should probably be discussed).

On the other hand, I grow very tired of hearing about the fair tax, since it's neither fair nor smart. It all sounds so simple, but when you do not address spending, payroll taxes, corporate taxation, tarriffs, trade agreements, and many other issues, you are really just getting rid of the tiger in lieu of a panther.

Much like the debt ceiling, it will slowly creep upwards, compounding inflation already dangerous effects, espcially on our (sadly) consumption based economy.

A simple flat tax or no income tax and no replacement. Until spending and borrowing are addressed, taxes mean almost nothing and the fair tax is a moot (and poorly conceived) point.


posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by KrazyJethro

I totally disagree with the income tax as we have now, not sure I'm fully onboard with the fair tax. Are there any other options aside from the two mentioned that would work?

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro

On the other hand, I grow very tired of hearing about the fair tax, since it's neither fair nor smart. It all sounds so simple, but when you do not address spending, payroll taxes, corporate taxation, tarriffs, trade agreements, and many other issues, you are really just getting rid of the tiger in lieu of a panther.
Have you looked at the fair tax at all? I mean you, yourself. Don't listen to what the politicians and their shills tell you, go to and read the plan yourself. There would be no payroll taxes, no corporate taxes, and IIRC no tariffs. It places a lot of power back into the hands of the people.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by ignoramusmaximus

Oh what a daunting task....... But is quite doable

Kid Rock pointed it out in one of his videos........... Simplify, Testify, Identify, Rectify........

Hand in hand, with the truth.............

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776
Have you looked at the fair tax at all? I mean you, yourself. Don't listen to what the politicians and their shills tell you, go to and read the plan yourself. There would be no payroll taxes, no corporate taxes, and IIRC no tariffs. It places a lot of power back into the hands of the people.

Yes, I have. Many times over the years that I've been dealing with these tax issues and politics. My point in referencing those items (although that's not to limit it to those by any stretch), is that we generally tend to have compartmentalized ideas that often conflict with other areas and tend to overlap badly on others. It wasn't a specific reference to the fair tax, so sorry if I didn't word that as clearly as I could. Incidentally, I don't agree with no tariffs.

A more holistic view of government reform does not include the fair tax, at least any time in the near future.

What it does, in essence, is cement the purse strings of a losing enterprise when we should be doing the opposite. The problem is not taxation, or legislation (per se), or even spending, but the entire system including the American people. Everything from the individual to the Federal Government has bankrupted itself and shown serious lack of prudence and foresight, especially in terms of financial matters.

Honestly, it's not a terrible idea although it fixes almost nothing in the short term or long term aside from the government's paychecks. It also takes into account that the amount of money needed by the government is somehow even remotely valid, which MOST of it isn't. This includes Social Security and Medicaid/Medicare.


posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by ignoramusmaximus
reply to post by KrazyJethro

I totally disagree with the income tax as we have now, not sure I'm fully onboard with the fair tax. Are there any other options aside from the two mentioned that would work?

No tax.

That would work. The FairTax is not ``fair``; there's nothing fair about taxation.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by ignoramusmaximus
I totally disagree with the income tax as we have now, not sure I'm fully onboard with the fair tax. Are there any other options aside from the two mentioned that would work?

Yes, we could just get rid of the IRS and income tax. That option doesn't seem to be very popular since people thing we suddenly won't be able to fund the government, but let's be honest, we already are spending vastly more than we take in (nationally) every year and the gap is getting larger almost daily.

The sheer level of taxation in this nation is unreasonable for the level of services we get in return, so obviously the money is going to many poorly constructed programs.

Some example ways to reduce spending greatly (just a token list):

- Close overseas military bases
- End all Federal Subsidies (including farm and oil)
- End all Federal Grants
- Eliminate Social Security (not over night, but I have a reasonable system on how to manage this)
- Move all Federal Healthcare expenses to the state, and allow the state to decide to maintain, expand, alter, or abolish the programs depending on the wishes of it's citizens
- Eliminate the Border Patrol and Port Security (those displaced US soldiers will need something to do, why spend the money twice).
- Eliminate the Dept of Education (among others)

There is quite a lot more that can be done to more than compensate for the difference in income and reduce the power of the Federal Government.

Also, I think the prebate idea is shady and prone to be abused. If someone doesn't want to have us pay tax on essentials, don't tax food, medicine, or clothing. That was easy.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by KrazyJethro

RIght -- without spending adjustments, and getting taxes right (for example, quit taxing work 300% higher than unearned income) everything else is folly.

Fairtax is not just "poorly conceived" -- it is basically a farce. In the fine print and footnotes are massive taxes -- that have nothing to do with "sales". For example, every city, county, and state, would have to pay taxes on salaries, benefits and PENSIONS. How are earth are pensions a "sale'? What is even more bogus, this tax on city county and states, has to be paid IN ADVANCE -- yes, ADVANCE. That's in a footnote! Footnote 19.

So New York City, by itself, would owe 1.1 billion, just in advance, as a tax on salaries, benefits and pensions. That isn't their total tax -- that is just the amount they would owe in advance!

All cities and counties and states would owe like this -- it's really a massive amount of money. Yet Fairtax doesnt even mention this -- or other amazing things -- in speeches and videos. But they are in the legislation and footnotes, and this is how they figure their math. Their math is based on these massive revenue streams from city, county, and state government. It's really wild.

While Fairtax seems rational when you first hear of it -- when you look at the footnotes and fine print, it becomes, well, different. All kinds of things in there, that are never mentioned in their speeches and videos, such as an 800 billion dollar tax on city and state governments, such as this pension and wage tax, the list goes on.

Go check out their "calculator" onlne too -- called "Dare to Compare" -- it does not allow you to put in any information about your taxable spending! Very literally, it does not allow you to compare, yet spits out some answer about how much you save, even if Fairtax would cost you a for Fairtax is a TAX on your spending, with a calculator that won't let you enter your taxable spending!!! What's wrong with this picture?

I was FOR fairtax at first, till I started to see the fine print and footnotes, and ask questions.

Some people say -- oh go read Fairtax book, or Well, thats like reading Wizard of Oz and thinking you are a gold brick mason because of it. You have to read the footnotes and fine print too.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Tonosama

Votes are WORTHLESS. Elections are bought and paid for. Sorry to burst your bubble. Come on. REALLY?

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by FilmCriticOne
reply to post by KrazyJethro

RIght -- without spending adjustments, and getting taxes right (for example, quit taxing work 300% higher than unearned income) everything else is folly.

Fairtax is not just "poorly conceived" -- it is basically a farce. In the fine print and footnotes are massive taxes -- that have nothing to do with "sales". For example, every city, county, and state, would have to pay taxes on salaries, benefits and PENSIONS. How are earth are pensions a "sale'? What is even more bogus, this tax on city county and states, has to be paid IN ADVANCE -- yes, ADVANCE. That's in a footnote! Footnote 19.

So New York City, by itself, would owe 1.1 billion, just in advance, as a tax on salaries, benefits and pensions. That isn't their total tax -- that is just the amount they would owe in advance!

All cities and counties and states would owe like this -- it's really a massive amount of money. Yet Fairtax doesnt even mention this -- or other amazing things -- in speeches and videos. But they are in the legislation and footnotes, and this is how they figure their math. Their math is based on these massive revenue streams from city, county, and state government. It's really wild.

While Fairtax seems rational when you first hear of it -- when you look at the footnotes and fine print, it becomes, well, different. All kinds of things in there, that are never mentioned in their speeches and videos, such as an 800 billion dollar tax on city and state governments, such as this pension and wage tax, the list goes on.

Go check out their "calculator" onlne too -- called "Dare to Compare" -- it does not allow you to put in any information about your taxable spending! Very literally, it does not allow you to compare, yet spits out some answer about how much you save, even if Fairtax would cost you a for Fairtax is a TAX on your spending, with a calculator that won't let you enter your taxable spending!!! What's wrong with this picture?

I was FOR fairtax at first, till I started to see the fine print and footnotes, and ask questions.

Some people say -- oh go read Fairtax book, or Well, thats like reading Wizard of Oz and thinking you are a gold brick mason because of it. You have to read the footnotes and fine print too.

Thanks for the additional information. I am just concerned that if we keep going down this current path we are going to be in serious serious trouble and way sooner than later.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 02:24 PM
Also curious if they were any thoughts on dumping the federal reserve? I think its a great idea but possibly a huge undertaking..

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