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I've dubbed this the "pesofication" of the U.S. dollar. But we're really talking here about the dollar's long-term demise. The pesofication of the dollar represents the end of the greenback as a major world currency and figures to be one of the major long-term challenges that we U.S. investors will face. The dollar's demise was set in motion several years ago. But the greenback's fate was sealed in late April, when U.S. Federal Reserve policymakers had a final chance to take a stand against inflation - and failed to do so. Let me explain ...
The Irresponsibility of Ben Bernanke and How He Will Destroy the Dollar
...Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s Quantitative Easing approach is immoral, failed Keynesianism and harmful. ..... It is a deliberate but hidden default on government obligations. It steals from taxpayers because it is a hidden tax on income and wealth. In all of these respects, it is outright theft!
...All economists know the solution to unemployment is lower real wages.
All economists know the solution to unemployment is lower real wages. A central part of Keynes’ theory was the notion of money illusion. Keynes believed that workers would not accept nominal decreases in wages but that they could be fooled via inflation, a belief that only an elitist could have. If the cost of living goes up and wages stay the same, then real wages go down and presumably employment goes up (or down less than it otherwise would). Inflation, the critical tool in the Keynesian paradigm, has been used regularly. Since the formation of the Federal Reserve, the purchasing power of the dollar has fallen almost 96%.
Inflation, the critical tool in the Keynesian paradigm, has been used regularly. Since the formation of the Federal Reserve, the purchasing power of the dollar has fallen almost 96%.
Could Bernanke Spark a Run on the Dollar?
...QE2′s greatest shortcoming is that is really doesn’t create jobs as advertised. It’s just more supply side, “trickle down” monetary theory designed to goose the market while workers languish in unemployment lines. Here’s how the Wall Street journal’s Kelly Evans summed it up: ”…the limits of monetary policy are becoming clearer. History suggests any further easing probably would do too much for the stock market and asset prices, and too little for jobs.The only real fix is to lower the cost of U.S. workers relative to foreign rivals and machines, or else raise their bang for the buck. The latter, while clearly preferable, requires education and training that won’t turn things around overnight.” (“The Fed’s Magic Show Appears to Be Over”, Wall Street Journal)
In other words, the Fed is planning to give every working man and woman in the US a big pay-cut so they can go nose-to-nose with foreign labor.
You can see how this blends seamlessly with Obama’s State of the Union Speech where he focused on “competition” as his central theme. More importantly, Obama reiterated his pledge to double exports in the next 5 years. The only way that can be achieved is by destroying the dollar.
A substantial share of the highly educated migrants to the U.S. come from China and India. Though only about one in 10 new arrivals is from one of these countries, they make up 28 percent of college-educated new arrivals. Almost half of these migrants arrived in the last decade, and one in four came in just the last five years....
The key conclusion of this paper is that Chinese and Indian knowledge workers are good for the regional economy. Industries that face competition from firms in other parts of the country benefit from having more of the available knowledge workers locate in this region, rather than elsewhere—most notably California. Furthermore, if the U.S. were to put tighter restrictions on the number if knowledge workers allowed to enter the country, the jobs they currently fill would more than likely migrate to where those workers are—places like Shanghai and Bangalore......
Though the U.S. census of population does not report the source of an individual’s education, it is generally believed that most of the Chinese and Indians with doctorates working
in the U.S. attended graduate school here.....
Top industries of Chinese college graduates
Industry............................ Share (%)
Universities............................. 9.7
Hospitals ................................ 5.2
Computer systems design........4.9
Pharmaceuticals .....................4.0
Schools ...................................2.7
Nondepository credit ..............2.3
Scientific R&D.........................2.3
Wired telecom .........................2.0
Doctors’ offices........................1.9
Engineering services ................1.9
Technical consulting ................1.7
Restaurants ...............................1.7
Bookkeeping/payroll ................1.5
Source: American Communities Survey, 2005. Numbers are the percentage of Chinese college graduates in the region who are employed in each industry.
Top industries of Indian college graduates
Industry.........................................Share (%)
Computer systems design................9.4
Universities .....................................4.9
Doctors’ offices...............................3.8
Insurance ......................................2.2
Pharmaceuticals ...........................2.1
Technical consulting......................2.1
Engineering services.....................1.9
Real estate....................................1.5
Source: American Communities Survey, 2005. Numbers are the percentage of Indian college graduates in the region who are employed in each industry.
.....One out of 10 Chinese workers is employed at a university (9.7 percent), while
roughly the same share of Indians (9.4 percent) is employed in computer systems design. In
both cases, the share of the other nationality employed in the industry is 4.9 percent.
TABLE 8 [I removed individual # from chart and show only combined]
Chinese and Indian college graduates as a share of employment in the region (by industry)
Industry..........................Chinese or Indian (%)
Software publishing........................12.1
Computer systems design................12.1
Pharmaceutical............................... 7.4
Apparel and fabric.......................... 7.3
Computer equipment.......................7.2
Scientific R&D................................6.0
Source: American Communities Survey, 2005. Numbers are the percentage of employees in the industry who are of the specified national origin.
Chinese and Indian college graduates as a share of employment in the region (by occupation)
Occupation ............................... Chinese or Indian (%)
Medical scientist ....................................26.5
Computer software engineer...................22.2
Health diagnosing and treating..............18.5
Mathematical scientist ...........................18.2
Chemist and materials scientist .............17.7
Physical scientist....................................16.9
Database administrator..........................15.8
Computer hardware engineer..................14.9
Computer scientist...................................13.4
Natural sciences manager.......................11.8
Biology technician...................................11.8
Computer programmer............................10.5
Chemical engineer.....................................8.4
Engineer (misc.)........................................8.4
Credit analys.............................................8.2
Biologist ...................................................8.1
Network systems analyst..........................7.3
Clinical lab technician...............................6.9
Computer systems technician.................... 6.8
Source: American Communities Survey, 2005. Numbers are the percentage of employees in the occupation who are of the specified national origin.....
Originally posted by Bobaganoosh
Yea, that will be the biggest wake up call for Americans. I've been thinking about this for the last couple weeks. Dwelling on it if you will. What will that day be like when Joe Schmoe wakes up to the news that his 40k salary isn't worth 4 Euros. Will Joe go to work that day? Will Joe lose his cool? What will Joe do? Everybody that gets paid in US dollars is Joe. I just feel bad for Joe. None of the news regarding US currency paints a pretty picture of the future. The question is just when.