posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 10:43 AM
Those are fake, but the truth of the matter is that the public is not informed, out of all the sightings of UFO's about 80 percent of them are actual
USAF made aircraft, the rest can be seen as authentic.
It is because noone knows what the USAF is working with, noone knows what to call an UFO.
Anything can be an UFO, if I have never seen a F-15(Highly Unlikely) I would calle it an UFO.
People refer UFOs to alien spacecrafts, but that is not the true meaning of it, Unidentified Flying Object, anything you have never seen in your life
and now you are seeing it for the first time flying can be called an UFO.
So please, try to call them Alien Vessels or Ships or Extra-terrestial Warshps, or whatever other name you have for them, because UFOs can be
Shattered OUT...