posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 01:15 AM
Ok, long story short the government thinks I'm crazy so they pay me to shut my mouth. Recently, I got a letter in the mail saying that they are going
to switch over all disability recipients who currently receive paper checks on Social Security Disability since 2008 to electronic checking. I started
getting mine in 2006 so I wasn't alarmed. Now while this may seem good and well for some there are a still a few things which struck me as odd.
First, why the need to get rid of the paper checks suddenly? Is the cost of paper that expensive or is it the labor of the postmen? I doubt it, paper
hasn't gone up that much comparatively and the postmen are going to everyone's house with bills and junk mail anyway. Second, why get rid of a good
thing? There will be no paper trail if they do. Third, what if the electronic system is hacked or abused? Sony was hacked, and they are very advanced
in regards to technology. So........ yesterday, I go to the check cashing place to cash my check and there is an officer in uniform in the lobby. Odd
because this place never has a guard, odder still because he bought some bootleg DVDs from a street vendor but that is neither here nor there. As I
went to cash my check I noticed signs every where saying that the switch up to electronic checking is now mandatory. There is a lady behind the glass
who is of Caucasian descent in her upper 50s I have never seen there before, this is odd because the bank employees are all Latin American because my
city is majority Latino and they need to be versed in both languages. I'm not saying white people don't speak Spanish, I'm white and I do, just
saying it was odd with the circumstances at hand. Suddenly I go to cash my check and the lady approaches me with a form. She tells me I have to switch
today to a Visa Master Card credit card to receive my checks on or the government will pick a credit card for me. WHAT?!?!? I have a problem with
credit cards, I over spend. Further more, I don't want that and the letter I received implied I would not have to switch. Everyone there was
switching over, and not only that but I believe that the credit cards are getting some cut of people's disability and social security checks. I
don't know what to do but man, I needed to rant. Thank God for ATS.