posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:56 PM
Thanks to all who make this forum possible and all those who put it to good use. I'm a discerning truth-seeker and I've had a few experiences that
have made me certain that there is a stranger and more wonderful reality either just under or woven through this one. And given enough of the right
kind of Awareness, that one day soon we might be living in a truly changed world.
Now, concerning the atmospheric anomalies over M9 Japan Quake + Ancient burials in the Azores:
The recent M9 Japan Quake occurred directly on a point at sea that is part of a story I have been working on for the past 5 years. This particular
point at the Japan Trench is one of five located around the world. My story involves a dream I had in 2007 in which I saw (among other things) a very
strange burial on an island that I have since discovered to be the Azores, another one of the five points. Recently, ancient burial sites have been
found on a few of the Azores islands. My story is about this dream and related events that have inspired plans for a journey around the world. While
this may sound unbelievable, this true story has grown considerably and with much Synchronicity to directly involve everything from Alchemy to
Here's a link to the part that involves the Japan Trench directly:
And here's a link to the part that involves the Azores:
But if you're interested in understanding the whole story and how these and 3 other points fit into it then you should really start here: