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....political donations from what i can tell most of the ones you got to be concerned about is the one thats going in the back door that you dont know about. This process is the hardest for me. there is no easy way to find out and to see the link between a political party and a Co. unless you want to sit at your pc for 3 days before buying what you need.....
Nothing in this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization...
...Dwayne Orville Andreas (born 4 March 1918) is one of the most prominent political campaign donors[1] in the United States, having contributed millions of dollars to Democratic and Republican candidates alike....
In 1971 Andreas became Chief Executive Officer of ADM, and is credited with transforming the firm into an industrial powerhouse — so powerful that by 1996, ADM had been investigated for price-fixing and was assessed the largest antitrust fine in United States history: 100 million dollars....
Andreas commands much respect among Washington politicians for his largesse. As part of the investigations surrounding illegal campaign fundraising linked to the Watergate scandal, Andreas was charged with (but acquitted of) illegally contributing $100,000 to Hubert Humphrey's 1968 presidential campaign. In 1972 Andreas unlawfully contributed $25,000 to President Nixon's re-election campaign via Watergate burglar Bernard Barker. Other recipients of Andreas's "tithing" — as he puts it — have included George H. W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, Michael Dukakis, Jesse Jackson, and Jack Kemp.
According to Mother Jones magazine:
During the 1992 election, Andreas gave more than $1.4 million in soft money and $345,000 to individual candidates, using multiple donors in his company and family members (including wife Inez) to circumvent contribution limits.
Not all of Andreas's charity goes directly to politicians: in the 1990s he contributed $2.5 million to Florida public broadcasting network WXEL.....
International Harmonization
The harmonization of laws, regulations and standards between and among trading partners requires intense, complex, time-consuming negotiations by CFSAN officials. Harmonization must simultaneously facilitate international trade and promote mutual understanding, while protecting national interests and establish a basis to resolve food issues on sound scientific evidence in an objective atmosphere. i[]Failure to reach a consistent, harmonized set of laws, regulations and standards within the freetrade agreements and the World Trade Organization Agreements can result in considerable economic repercussions....
President, North American Export Grain Association
Dan Amstutz is president and CEO of the North American Export Grain Association, the association of U.S. grain and oilseed exporters. Previously, he served as executive director of the International Wheat Council, London, now called the International Grains Council.
He was part of the Reagan Administration for 6 years. First, as under secretary of agriculture for international affairs and commodity programs (1983-1987), and then as ambassador and chief negotiator for agriculture in the GATT Uruguay Round trade negotiations. He played a key role in helping achieve more trade liberalization for agriculture than in all preceding multilateral trade rounds.
Before joining government, Amstutz was a general partner of Goldman, Sachs and Company, the New York investment bank, where he initiated the firm’s commodities trading and futures brokerage businesses....
Then, in spring 2008, prices just as mysteriously fell back to their previous level. Jean Ziegler, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, calls it “a silent mass murder”, entirely due to “man-made actions.” Through the 1990s, Goldman Sachs and others lobbied hard and the regulations [controlling agricultural futures contracts] were abolished. Suddenly, these contracts were turned into “derivatives” that could be bought and sold among traders who had nothing to do with agriculture. A market in “food speculation” was born. The speculators drove the price through the roof.”
...Today three companies, Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, and Bunge control the world’s grain trade. Chemical giant Monsanto controls three-fifths of seed production. Unsurprisingly, in the last quarter of 2007, even as the world food crisis was breaking, Archer Daniels Midland’s profits jumped 20%, Monsanto 45%, and Cargill 60%. Recent speculation with food commodities has created another dangerous “boom.” After buying up grains and grain futures, traders are hoarding, withholding stocks and further inflating prices....
....It used to be illegal to charge more than 18% usury, collusion and monopoly laws have been repealed or are laughed at, these laws used to protect the general public; anyone remember when your local gas stations had gas wars? took about 110 years to create $3.148billion (1800 to1910 see Atlanta Fed above). That's an average of about $28 million per year. Moving forward to June of 2000, $242.737 billion was created from June 30, 2000 to Feb. 2008. That's an average of about $34.188 billion per year!
Total Federal Government Debt will grow with Help of FED
.....As you can see, we project that foreign participation has plateaued......
Adding it all together, even under the most conservative of assumptions, there are simply not enough buyers to cover the accelerating federal deficits. That leaves the lender of last resort, the Federal Reserve, as the only remaining candidate to satisfy the government’s grotesque appetite for funding. There is no viable alternative.
The Fed will take up the slack in the only way open to it, by printing money out of thin air and exchanging it for promises from the Treasury. That means an escalation of monetary inflation and, somewhere down the road, serious price inflation as well. We don’t know exactly when that will happen, only that it must.
The editors of The Casey Report have been alerting subscribers to this very possible scenario for quite some time. If foreigners stop buying U.S. government debt, the whole house of cards will come crashing down...
..In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, John D., Sr. (1839-1937) and his brother William Rockefeller (1841-1922) amassed the largest private fortune in history, primarily through Standard Oil. [1] The family is also known for its long association with and financial interest in the Chase Manhattan Bank...
In the early half of the 20th century, petrochemical giants organized a coup on the medical research facilities, hospitals and universities. The Rockefeller family sponsored research and donated sums to universities and medical schools which had drug based research.....
In 1939 a "Drug Trust" alliance was formed by the Rockefeller empire and the German chemical company IG Farben (Bayer). After World War Two, IG Farben was dismantled but later emerged as separate corporations within the alliance. Well known companies included General Mills, Kellogg, Nestle, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Procter and Gamble, Roche and Hoechst (Sanofi-Aventis). The Rockefeller empire, in tandem with Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase), owns over half of the pharmaceutical interests in the United States. It is the largest drug manufacturing combine in the world. Since WWII, the pharmaceutical industry has steadily netted increasing profits to become the world's second largest manufacturing industry; [3], [4] after the arms industry.
...Auschwitz was the largest mass extermination factory in human history. However, few people are aware that Auschwitz was a 100% subsidiary of IG Farben...
After WWII, IG Farben attempted to shake its abominable image through corporate restructuring and renaming. So great has been their success that the public has no idea that it many of the men responsible for such atrocities, were able to carry on their work even after the collapse of the Nazi regime. Namely, a medical paradigm that relies almost exclusively highly toxic drugs. Such men were in control of the large chemical and pharmaceutical companies, both well before and after Hitler. The Nuremberg Tribunal convicted 24 IG Farben board members and executives on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes. Incredibly, most of them had been released by 1951 and continued to consult with German corporations. The Nuremberg Tribunal dissolved IG Farben into Bayer, Hoechst and BASF, each company 20 times as large as IG Farben in 1944. For almost three decades after WWII, BASF, Bayer and Hoechst (Aventis) filled their highest position, chairman of the board, with former members of the Nazi regime. Bayer has been sued by survivors of medical experiments such as Eva Kor who, along with her sister, survived experiments at the hands of Dr. Josef Mengele.[6] See also Bayer....
....I have been telling people that money is the only legal weapon you have that you yourself control. They cannot tell you what to do with it ....... yet. If the banks don't have your money they have nothing to use against you.....
....Under civil asset forfeiture laws, the simple possession of cash, with no drugs or other contraband, can be considered evidence of criminal activity.
Incredible as it sounds, civil asset forfeiture laws allow the government to seize property without charging anyone with a crime..... the government was allowed to keep whatever property it seized without ever having to prove a case. Seized property was presumed guilty and could be forfeited based upon mere hearsay—even a tip supplied by by an informant who stood to gain up to 25% of the forfeited assets. Owners were forced into the untenable situation of trying to prove a negative—that something never happened, even though no proof of any illegal act had been offered at trial....
Originally posted by jimnuggits
If you're in a city, get out.
Find a job for less money, live simply, in a small community.
Once the SHTF, the people around you are all you'll have.
Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither
Originally posted by buddhasystem
What a pointless and pompous OP!
Sure, I'll give up flying, even when I need to see a friend in Colorado. I'll also start carrying unwieldy cash and that change that comes with it -- instead of my convenient plastic which I pay off on time anyhow and which costs me NOTHING to carry. I'll cancel my mobile service although I depend on it to make sure my kids in daycare are doing OK at all times. I don't pay any fees to Chase where I have accounts, but out of spite, I'm going to move funds to that stupid mom and pop bank that doesn't do international transfers when I need them.
Who wants to go back to caves, be my guest.
Originally posted by pajoly
Originally posted by buddhasystem
What a pointless and pompous OP!
Sure, I'll give up flying, even when I need to see a friend in Colorado. I'll also start carrying unwieldy cash and that change that comes with it -- instead of my convenient plastic which I pay off on time anyhow and which costs me NOTHING to carry. I'll cancel my mobile service although I depend on it to make sure my kids in daycare are doing OK at all times. I don't pay any fees to Chase where I have accounts, but out of spite, I'm going to move funds to that stupid mom and pop bank that doesn't do international transfers when I need them.
Who wants to go back to caves, be my guest.
Then all is dandy in your world and things are just as you want them. I am happy for you. You make it pretty clear that convenience is your number one priority, with silly things like privacy and rights as merely quaint, so long as they don't get in the way. By the way, I'm pretty sure your "Mom & Pop" bank (my "Mom and Pop" CU has billions in assets) can likely handle all those, um, so tricky international transactions unless they are abacus based. Gosh, they probably even have online banking.