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ABC News: Tornadoes Caused by Military? Recent Events Fuel Conspiracy Theories

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posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 07:09 AM
The relationship of that ABC broadcast to this site is that of a large troll. Talking about how others are talking about people that research and present their case, and taking some time and emotion away from those who discuss data here. Notice the "conspiracies" he talks of in the interview are not the core ones about NWO and their well-documented plans, the fact that our personal money and national taxes (a.k.a. profit!) are flowing headfirst into the pockets of the major bankers, the medical community determined to make people sick or at least buying their products, and so ABC can say "radical" without also saying "informed". You'd think some people who work at ABC and the other mainstream media offices would also be some of the most informed, and that is what may be scaring them. Their own servants may be showing signs of throwing off their compliance to contrived stories and "ignored" information, and so they must label an entire subset of people with insulting names designed to keep other people from looking at the evidence. But you know, it will only take one huge major name to break their silence, a Henry Kissinger-type to come clean in an old-age confession, to awaken lots and lots of "non-radicals" to information and planning that is becoming more obvious on a daily basis.
edit on 3-6-2011 by Aleister because: expansion of post

edit on 3-6-2011 by Aleister because: grammar fix

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by RUSSO
Not saying I agree the gov did this, but ABC quick comes to explain to "normal people" that this is just conspiracy theory. And calls of "radical sites" (ATS?) where the people are free to discuss these kinds of subjects. It's official now. We are crazy. The mainstream media says so. Plus promoting a book.

Oh my! I sure you will remember to put your tinfoil hat to watch the video

I kinda have to laugh. He starts right out implying that conspiracy theorists are bizarre, stating that simply being among them is a surreal experience. Then acts shocked that these "highly intelligent" people didn't trust him (as he was mingling with them for the sole purpose of writing a book that cast them in a negative light). You must be zany if you don't trust people that are obviously trying to smear you...

He seems to be implying that people should trust him BECAUSE he's a member of the main stream media. LOL

The main stream media...
the same group that won't even discuss obvious inconsistencies with Obama's LATEST birth certificate, the same institution that was reporting that building 7 had fallen as they were standing in front of it, the same group that has conveniently forgotten all the times in the past they reported that bin laden was dead, the same group that reported on multiple bombs found at the OKC bombing and then pretended they never said that, the same group that immediately speculated that the crosshair map had something do do with Jared Loughner shooting Giffords, the same group that leaves any mention of race out of stories where there is black criminals but beats the hell out of the duke lacross team for a full year, etc. etc. etc.......

Yeah... you're CRAZY not to trust the main stream media...

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by STL0913
Classic disinformation. The media only covers conspiracy theories they know aren't true. The whole rapture thing, Jerusalem lights, and this. But the actual conspiracy theories that deserve investigations never get the attention they deserve.

Since I do not believe in all of these conspiracy theories, I want to inject some mundane answer for this ABC article. Many mainstream news organizations are battling with alternative news. As a result of trying to control the message, stations such as MSNBC, ABC, and CBS are becoming louder and obnoxious. According to the ratings trends on, MSNBC/NBC News has fallen into the dark reaches of oblivion. ABC News is the next organization in line to fall. Ironically, Fox News gets more ratings each night than the combined numbers of MSNBC/NBC, CBS, CNN, and ABC News. What does that mean? God only knows.

As we get close to the 2012 election cycle, I expect 'all' of the news organizations to get louder. In order to be heard over the static, they will call everyone with an alternative opinion a bigot, racist, homophobic, radical, and nudist. Regardless about the accuracy behind such statements, they will rally their viewers into an angry and violent mob.

(Note: If you are going to respond to this post with name calling (tea-bagger, racist, etc..), I just want you to know that I am an undeclared voter. I voted for Bill Clinton in the 90s, George Bush in 2000, and for no one in 2004 and 2008. I technically don't care.)

edit on 6/3/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
Well well....
Hey mr reporter asshat. How bout you come and call me a well educated idiot savante to me face and see how that goes.

It is also obvious why he isn't a talking head on TV, that is a face made for radio there

They are starting to demonize us. i love how they try to put all of us into a box....we are the next terrorists. How we dare try to find out the truth? We should just listen MSM and shut up. We are not supposed to read and study on our own.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:23 AM
All I can say is, expect to see more and more of this type of propaganda from the MSM because people are slowly beginning to see what's really going on in this country and they are asking questions. If they are expending time and energy to discredit the conspiracy theorists, it means the CP crowd is either growing at a rate that is becoming a threat, or we have come very close to exposing their crimes to a degree that eventually can no longer be ignored or denied.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:36 AM
Pity the poor a**holes comprising TPTB should the day come that a military as vast as the U.S.'s has a mass awakening among it's troops, who realize they've been used as pawns in a murderous game designed to benefit war profiteers. Whom will the troops obey when they realize their leaders are nothing more than murderers of American citizens who have deceived them repeatedly in the name of greed.

It will be a glorious day in America if this comes to pass......when the troops refuse to take orders from a lying Commander in Chief, and act on the wishes of the people so that we can take back our country.

I have enough faith in our troops that I feel they will ultimately refuse to be used against the population when and if the government tries to use false pretenses to initiate martial law. Our troops are not stupid and they love their country and their fellow Americans.
edit on 3-6-2011 by NightGypsy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 10:08 AM
Now that they've ramped up their efforts to discredit us do you think it's time for us to ramp up our efforts too to win people over and show them the light? I feel that if we don't express ourselves and inform others we run the risk of being put in 'that' box with 'terrorists' and 'radicals'.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 10:29 AM
If conspiracy theories are wrong, bogus, fringe, lunatic as the MsM wants to make people believe... then the people should counter that with the following thought

"If CTs are fake, bogus, fiction, nuts, why does the MsM pay so much attention, and raises significant ressources to ridicule them?"

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... only those involved in conspiracies have something to fear (and lose) if conspiracies are researched and uncovered

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

You are absolutly right. There are words that play alot on the subconscious. Just an example. Anybody can look it up.

Effects of the negative on the subconscious

Not only negative words either. Just the word "IMAGINE" opens "gates" in your brain that makes you more susceptible to sugestion. This is an area that has been well studies by pretty much every feild in psychology, military, advertising, it. psy ops are everywere. Weither it's for educational purposes or profit, the methodes remain the same.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 11:15 AM
I really thought we were going to avoid the whole 'thought crime' aspect of 1984, but I guess Orwell is akin to Nostradamus now. Hey! Another conspiracy! I must be insane...

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 11:33 AM
sorta funny how people in the mainstream think that "conspiracies' are nuts when they have never even looked into them. that is a broad statement but i look at my circle of friends, alot fancy themselves as 'informed' but thier 'informed' comes from the MSM. what i see with this reporter, is a bringing of the word and world of 'conspiracy theorists' into the mainstream and to connect that word with 'terroristism', 'un-patriotic', 'radical', 'fringe', 'unstable' ect ect. then it will be easier to make legislation against the 'wild acqusations made by these radical groups'..these 'fringe groups are undermining the sensible talk and confusing reality with fantasies'.

and didnt obama just make a new tzar of 'proper thinking' or 'thought crime dept' or whatever it was?!? give it some time folks..and soon congress will be talking about the 'terroristic conspiracy groups' runniing around the internet..

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 12:10 PM
Sorry, can´t resist...

'But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
'Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: 'we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.'
'How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
'You must be,' said the Cat, 'or you wouldn't have come here.'


edit on 3-6-2011 by Aurvandil because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 12:39 PM
Oh ABC, you make me lol

Anything for ratings

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 01:13 PM
Just the term "Conspiracy Theory", in an of itself, IS the the gubments 911 fairytale. The story they told us, regarding 911, IS a "Conspiracy Theory". It's kinda like..."needing a drivers license" to operate an automobile. Did you know...your Driver's License is your piece of plastic that says you'll obey their laws and regulations. When you get your D.L. you give up your RIGHT TO TRAVEL! TPTB are SLICK with their wording. They KNOW how to say things to make you think it's for your benefit. "Trust me".

Anyhoot, what i'm gonna say, on topic, is this....they're spraying HEAVY TODAY. There was a mild spraying yesterday..but today, it's one after another; and they're thick trails.. And for those of you that say...."it's 'NORMAL' contrails"....please...deny ignorance. Seeing is matter what NASA says, and no matter how many crystal clear, black & white photos you show me, from 1905; trying to get me to believe these 'trails' are normal!

Based on today's spraying...i'm gonna boldly say....expect SEVERE weather in the Mid-West to East Coast, about 2 days from now, maybe 3...if i dont include, yesterday!

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by RUSSO

I like conspiracy theories as much as the next homo sapien, but I never actually truly believe in 90% of these theories, it's sort of an online entertainment, gullible individuals sharing their experiences (in some cases, mental break downs and schizophrenic episodes)

So yes the general population of ats is crazy, I imagine this would include me for indulging in this mild form of entertainment, because thats all any conspiracy theory is, entertainment from boring everyday reality.

Much like watching your favorite movie or video game, you don't believe what you see in it, but you go along, to keep yourself from boredom but many cases it goes from mild entertainment to believing everything they read on this site, starts at entertainment and works it's way to "reality" because without those theories life is generally boring.

We are stuck on oir planet, no aliens to visit us and say hello, so I watch UFO videos in a attempt to reassure myself that there is excitement in the world. That is the logic of how your brain understand conspiracy theories at first. Those who are under educated eat this stuff up like a fat kid at a candy store.

Weather can always get the best of you, feeling like everything is against you when you lose your home or loved ones, so delusional or undereducated folk might try to play the blame game as quickly as possible so they blame their countries administration.

My point being, don't take conspiracy theories all too seriously. Advanced civilizations can alter weather, but we are not advanced we are still primitive, in fact we were suppose to be at our current technological level 10,000 years ago, but superstition, religion and meaningless wars halted our progress. The dark ages.

So we can wonder what could have been, but wondering never bring anything into existence only actions.

So if you want oir species to one day become the aliens to another world, get a job, become a physicist or engineer, astrophysicist etc.
The future is made with actions, not hopes and prayers.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 07:57 PM
I just couldn't bare to finish watching the vid, I got to about 1 minute in. The war on conspiracy theorists has officially begun.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 08:13 PM
I think dovetailing into this is that software has allowed them - the govt - to identify early influencers.

I suspect that the longer one is online, the more that one will become aware of and even interested in conspiracy theories - especially as so many get AFFIRMED every day in this way or that.

I think the strategy is to cordon off these people from the mainstream as much as possible. This is not a new strategy to control people with different takes on events, or that ask the big questions, it's just that now they have to figure out how to do it online.

ATS, youtube, and similiar sites that allow all opinions & theories to be heard are surely a rich source of information to 'them' about what's brewing so they are doing a balancing act. Right now it's all about isolation and identification. We're just all to busy looking for the divide and conquer to see it.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by Aurvandil
Sorry, can´t resist...

'But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
'Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: 'we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.'
'How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
'You must be,' said the Cat, 'or you wouldn't have come here.'


edit on 3-6-2011 by Aurvandil because: (no reason given)

Great one

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by RUSSO

well fantastic. Why did the show us only 3 examples of the bogus theories, and not the ones that have some weight. Msm manipulation. At its finest.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by hazey

Dont like it, dont read it!

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