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ABC News: Tornadoes Caused by Military? Recent Events Fuel Conspiracy Theories

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posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by windword
I'm sooooo insulted. I watch the news. I've got it on right now! I just can't enough of the constant, unending controversial discussion on ALL stations about Rep. Weiner's weener!

Is there a thread on that here? Hmmm gonna do a search so I can go and have a "real" conversation about the "real" news!

All stations
, What nonsense. These MSM people must have some "mental problem". That's why my TV is off most of the time.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by RUSSO

Never you will see on the TV someone to tell the truth to the people, it is very obvious that satan is trying to continue his work throughout lies and deceptions ... for his final goal - our soul ...

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by Thunder heart woman
Hmm... The fact that this reporter even bothered to address it makes me wonder just how close to the truth we are.

good point thunder
star 4 u

they negated to state the fact that
about 70% of conspiracy theories
turn out to be fact in due time

Which also means that in the end,
it makes the MSM wrong about 70%
of the time

edit on 6/2/2011 by boondock-saint because: (no reason given)

AND 100% of the time trying to make us forget that what you said is most true.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:02 PM
This is great! He goes on pointing out how us "radicalists" do not pay any attention to the MSM and instead get our information from "radicalist" websites. Yet here we are talking about a story that was broadcast by MSM

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by RUSSO

Originally posted by wcitizen

Originally posted by RUSSO

Originally posted by wcitizen
reply to post by RUSSO

Note the use of the word 'radical'. It's not coincidentail. Not only does it subliminally suggest very negative attributes, but it's laying down the ground for a crackdown. '

Yeh, Someday, maybe, they will call us as radical as the radical terrorists of the Middle East.

Yes. The US is already starting insinuate into news stories here and there, the propaganda that dissidents as terrorists. Even the fact that the word 'dissidents' is now an appropriate word to use for those who don't agree with the government, in itself is a sign of where things are at now.

I wonder if this guy has an account here at ATS and, if he has one, who would it be?

Can we sue the station for calling us radicals?

That would make us radicals too!!! Lol.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:18 PM
Outstanding!! I am now a radical!......Pft....just another way for "Big Brother" to try and put "us" free thinking people in the "bad" corner with all the other boogey men......

I wouldn't wipe my you know what with that book!

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by noordmo
reply to post by RUSSO

Never you will see on the TV someone to tell the truth to the people, it is very obvious that satan is trying to continue his work throughout lies and deceptions ... for his final goal - our soul ...

I cant say if "satan" (nor am I quite sure that something like this exists) is involved with this, but if I had to bet on someone, I'd say the guy who shows that program has the potential to be the devil himself.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:57 PM
I have to admit, to call the conspirators crazy and writing a book about it was very smart. Good timing as well.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:14 PM
Well now, there you have it ATS members.
We are all now "radicals" bordering on the
lunatic fringe. Must be true, MSM says it is so.
Will NBC,CBS, CNN and the rest of the government
controled media jump on the band wagon and substantiate
this startling discovery made by none other that ABC and
some so called writer whose "book" cover looks like a
coloring book for a pre-schooler? Wonder if this guy is going
to make the talk show circiut harking this"book" and the
anxiously awaited revelations it contains? Dont forget to color
inside the lines. Looks like i'm going to have to put on a double layer
of aluminum foil on my mouseketeer hat. Might start getting brutal
around here.
More seriously, although this doesent appear to be a direct shot
at ATS I'm wondering if this has anything to do with SkepticOverlords
recent visit to the IAB in D.C. Just wondering.
Star & flag to the ops

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by guessing

I am sure that there is a lot of people who would have trouble in raising cash to able to defend themselves through a court sytem. I believe in free speech regardless of the topic. Then its up to the individual to make a choice. Oppression can only go so far before their is a revolt. Counter law suits , then counter counter lawsuits. At the the end its all about some form of control. People will just run out of money defending themselves. Sadly I would be one of them.

Well the sad fact of our new system is that if people can't afford their right to defend "free speech"
then is there really such a thing as "free speech??"

It free until you get into trouble. So whilst I am not in trouble at this time , I am gonna run my mouth off, blurting out conspiracy after conspiracy to anyone who will listen, pushing the limit..

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by RUSSO

That guy in the video is an idiot.
He said conspiracy theorists he somehow infiltrated like he was in a covert mission didn't think he would take their research serious. Well take that approach to anything and who will trust you? It's not and underground's not uncommon at all. I've met several people just day to day that talk openly about stuff you read here. He wasn't there to give them a fair shake. The book wasn't to show WHAT these people (theorists) do or think, but just to show WHO they are explaining what kind of person comes to think that way. Generally work like that is exploitative. It is totally a smear campaign because whether or not any conspiracies are true the ability to perceive them is lent by a questioning, open mind.

I haven't seen many threads saying the storms were haarp Im sure there are plenty but none that are very popular, I have jokingly mentioned it BUT with a disclaimer that I don't believe in it. This is a big tornado season but it has happened before and will happen again. The only thing I'm questioning is why all the focus on conspiracy theorists lately.

I bet that dude is the kind of guy who sign in sites like ATS to troll and to sow discord among members. It is the typical character that should work for the government or the elites doing the dirty work for them, infiltrating forums and social networks. So I dont doubt he even has an account on this very site. I wonder behind of which mask he hides hinself. It would be very revealing.

OR maybe Im just a radical paranoid

edit on 2-6-2011 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:50 PM
This story is exactly why I wouldn't work for a major network again for all the tea in China. All they do is lie, spin, and obfuscate the truth. For every "conspiracy theorist" here on ATS, there is a debunker that brings a different set of facts and a different viewpoint to the table; but did they even mention that? Noooo, that would be too honest. They also didn't mention the fact that many times, "conspiracy theories" turn out to be REAL conspiracies.

I'm sick to death of the bullsnip that passes for news these days. It all has to be approved by some suit in "corporate" that couldn't find his ass with both hands and a map. Gone are the days when reporters actually went out and got both sides of a story, and then told it fairly to let the reader make up his mind.

There is very little integrity in the field of journalism any more, and YES Mr.Book Writer I'm talking directly to YOU. You're a liar. Even a lie by omission is a lie and you should be ashamed of yourself. You had the perfect opportunity to point out the fact that there IS balance on sites like ATS, but you paint everyone with the same brush, coloring them crazy.

But you have a book to sell don't you? Well my friend, I hope it goes straight to the checkout aisle at Walmart, sold by the publisher for $1.99 to cover printing costs; what ever copies are left over, I hope you choke on them. You make me sick.

Keep on doing what you do ATSers. Some of you are batsnip crazy -
- but without a little bit of outside the box thinking, people would have nothing to chew on and digest but the pablum spewed by the MSM: Now THAT is crazy.

*I think when the book does go on sale for a deep,deep, super Walmart discount, I'll buy a copy to take with me when I go primitive camping. Oak leaves just don't work as well as one would hope.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

There is very little integrity in the field of journalism any more, and YES Mr.Book Writer I'm talking directly to YOU. You're a liar. Even a lie by omission is a lie and you should be ashamed of yourself. You had the perfect opportunity to point out the fact that there IS balance on sites like ATS, but you paint everyone with the same brush, coloring them crazy.

I totally agree with you. A liar and very bad professional. A Judas, a traitor to the journalistic class (nowadays, unfortunately, a constant) that wants to promote and capitalize upon the work of others and without the decency to at least admit it.
edit on 2-6-2011 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:47 PM
I love how they call us radicals and crazy, but they're the ones who refuse to believe that the government might, you know, lie sometimes. Or that random companies and individuals are motivated by money and power rather than the best interests of the general public. Plenty of times we've all seen in the news about some official being caught lying and cheating the law, or some business man stealing millions of dollars... And yet they claim it can't happen, no of course not, people don't lie... Why would the government lie about anything? I mean, it's the GOVERNMENT, after all.
I fail to see how THEY'RE not the crazy, radical ones. There's just no logic here.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by RUSSO

Freedom of speech is for police officers and politicians.

Come on guys.

Wouldn't it be easier if we didn't have so many words in the dictionary? A lot of them are made up anyway.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 03:10 PM
Finally HAARP catching some heat. Also the tinfoil hat joke is old and unfunny. I get tired of reading it in every single HAARP thread. Be original.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 03:13 PM
Just remind the MSM of the 'WMD' conspiracy that got us trapped in a war that's been going on for almost a decade. It's not like they havn't lied to us before, and chances are that wasn't the last time either.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 03:36 PM
Here is a man who simply says he does not believe the conspiracy theories, and so that's okay, just don't believe, All the while "Truthers" are the ones doing the digging, (the hard bit) he doean't have to, because he doesn't believe. He is just the same as NIST doing their report, 'planes brought down the buildings= no need to look for explosives, even though mandatory in a collapse. What a hypocrite, even if every CT was PROVED to be false, it won't be proved by he. Of course he's being used by the media too, as a chance to poohoo CT'ers. It's Meerkat simple.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 03:42 PM
Seriously guys... Why would you give two monkeys what these idiots say?

If they want to keep their heads in the sand thats their problem... Not ours. They will be the ones who will come crawling on their hands and knees screaming how poorly they have handled their fair and partial journalism.

This is pathetic. Even the WWE is poking fun at Conspiracy Theorists recently with the R-Truth storyline and now these bunch of under-educated government lovers want to throw in their pennies worth!

This is the reason I refuse to read papers or watch the news to support these jackasses. IF I do have anything to report it's usually by accident.

To hell with them.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by OldCorp

*I think when the book does go on sale for a deep,deep, super Walmart discount, I'll buy a copy to take with me when I go primitive camping. Oak leaves just don't work as well as one would hope.


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