reply to post by Pimander
DNA tests to match a person to a known sample take almost a week, apparently there's some new super secret method only the US marines have access to
that is faster, but who knows about that.
Obviously I'm not a DNA specialist, but I do know some basics like it takes some time to get a viable dna sample from material. In the case of an
old skull, you might not even be able to get a viable sample.
To test that this persons dna sample matches this other sample, would be a time involved process.
but to simply plot out the dna and prove it doesn't match earth born dna samples, wouldn't really take that long at all. you aren't matching
anything, you are merely producing the DNA slides then seeing how they are completely out of line with everything else on earth.
This is years, possibly decades, later, and still no definitive results? There never will be. I'll go with the other results that didn't take eons
and showed human dna,
I can't recall the documentary I watched, but they talked about this particular skull, and some of the tests showing human dna but the other donor
was up for grabs, meaning they couldn't say for sure (which others like the conman in question, take to mean alien.)
They also did some research on many of the tribes that practice skull elongation as well as some diseases and syndromes that cause deformity.
They came to the conclusion that, while they couldn't say 100% for sure, that in all probability it's a deformed human skull, that of a child more
than likely. Every aspect of it, all the weirdness could be natural. The extra hard added layer in the bone structure, while uncommon, doesn't
immediately mean alien.
A human alien hybrid, naturally, is just silly.
Sure we can cross breed between some species here on earth. But every creature on earth shares similar DNA, and when taken as a whole, all come from
within a closed system, our earth. Anything "alien" to that earth might not share similar DNA. In fact, most of what we consider "life" is only
the way it is because of the circumstances around it at the time, IE our sun, the elements present on Earth, etc etc.
For something to evolve off earth, it would have different variables. It might come from a planet with hydrogen instead of oxygen. It might not
even be carbon based.
It should be infinitely easy to prove, with a sample, something isn't from earth. And for a conman, in it for the money, to keep this con going
without actually proving it (which would be a windfall for this guy) should set alarm bells off.