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From the U.S. of A to the UPA

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posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 09:46 AM
From the USA to the UPA The future of the United provinces of America.

Most everyone knows that state sovereignty has all but been struck down. No longer does each individual state govern itself so as not to burden the federal government with menial tasks. Instead however the Federal government has taken it upon itself to relieve the states of the charge of self-governing. The reason for this of course is because as the world got smaller via transportation telecommunication and other technological advances, there was no longer a need for the forefather’s superstitious exasperating rituals

While the forefathers protected their fellow patriots from ignorance and slow word, they managed to turn the weakness of their era and the problem of a large region to govern into a strength. Every singly colony was to become it’s own governing state, it’s inhabitants instilled with pride for it’s strengths while happily conceding to one another to deal with its weaknesses. but to prevent a Peloponnesian Americana every state was also to be united simply as the United States of America.

The ignorance of the forefathers cannot be held against them. As they forgot to specify which America these states were to belong they were also oblivious to the technologies that would change the face of the earth, the power of individual criminals and small groups of guerilla fighters would no doubt seem godly to the eyes of the founders
Small Cabals of people could from the ether completely rob an individual from miles away via these new inventions, stealing types of currencies not yet even conceived due its fantastic nature. Even ones appearance and reputation are now tangible, valuable to crooks because of identity theft.

Small groups of guerillas smaller than Washington’s vastly outnumbered skirmishers, with less training than our first president could ever tolerate, from desert caves across the world are now capable of slaughtering thousands with 2 fell swoops.

The founders of the USA could not perceive the coming problems this nation would soon face, nor the solution.

So now that you understand the fallacy of holding these wonderful men known as our forefathers in more esteem than simple men, you can begin to understand why your state’s sovereignty has been taken serious, taken to the next level. Taken to that of federal.

These men were simple only in the sense of their era, new forerunners are needed for the next era which we are on the brink of. It’s also worth noting that these patriots mentioned earlier, privileged with a glimpse of the then future and now present, and even more so the future of the state of our states, would be double plus pleased with you and your cooperation through these growing pains.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Xemplar
From the USA to the UPA The future of the United provinces of America.

These men were simple only in the sense of their era, new forerunners are needed for the next era which we are on the brink of. It’s also worth noting that these patriots mentioned earlier, privileged with a glimpse of the then future and now present, and even more so the future of the state of our states, would be double plus pleased with you and your cooperation through these growing pains.

Yea twenty to fifty years from now people will be qouting degenerates and goobers from everywhere else; can you imagine?

"Duuuude, we totally rocked the US gub bra, they trampled the connie harsh and we werent havin it"

"No doubt woady, we did that there fareal, whaaaat?"

"Lawl We are Teh Nu 4 fatherz, all ur states r blong 2 us!"

"Omg like... we soooo needed to revamp the sovereinty of states n stuff? So we did? and now its all free and stuff? So like now we can buy more shoes, Its awesome! I love it!"

sigh..The horror of reading a whole new constitution written by these so called "new forerunners" ... people can blame the gub all they want, but people degenerated long before the gub did. Im not following a bunch of dumb asses myself but I get your point.
edit on 1-6-2011 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)

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