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A Bloody Business

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posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by hillynilly

Originally posted by hillynilly
Business as usual or......

Dinner as usual....

...Quit being pansies over this stuff, where you think food comes from?

If your family had to eat and was starving to death, I do not think you would give
two flips about how you killed your next meal..

hillynilly did you watch the video / story? Granted you may have... and if so, it is a good thing to know what people think and how they feel about it. I would imagine people's reactions to this video will reveal much about their character. Then again you may not have watched all of it...

I don't think you have because if people read your comments after seeing that story / video, most would give you the benefit of the doubt ( based on your post ) and assume that you didn't watch it. Just as I am doing.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:56 PM
People have to eat!!

these cows be in India
where they die a VERY VERY loooong, sloooooow, death
while having nothing to eat..

Those cows STARVE to death and rot on the street causing disease to spread!!!

Lets just be real here, I don't want to SEE animals suffering (nor do I WANT them too..

That is why I am not a slaughter man...

At least these cows are being used for PURPOSE!!!

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

No, its more like offering a good last meal and good treatment to the guy going in for a lethal injection. Which we do.

The injection is silly because its designed to prevent an infection. And if the guy is going to die anyway, there is no point. But this isnt about redundant actions, its about treating living things humanely while they are alive, and minimizing their suffering, even if you are planning to kill them.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by Agit8dChop

No, its more like offering a good last meal and good treatment to the guy going in for a lethal injection. Which we do.

The injection is silly because its designed to prevent an infection. And if the guy is going to die anyway, there is no point. But this isnt about redundant actions, its about treating living things humanely while they are alive, and minimizing their suffering, even if you are planning to kill them.

This video is MILD compared to the Ganges river in India where dead cow bodies
and HUMANS rot.......

You can call me sick all you want but I find it SICK people
can sit by and watch people die of hunger because THEY WILL NOT KILL A COW AND EAT IT..

If I was in India and my kid is starving to death ain't no religion going to keep
me from killing a cow HOWEVER I HAVE TOO to let my child eat....

At least they are not LETTING their people die...
Have the seen the people STARVING IN INDIA!!

edit on 2-6-2011 by hillynilly because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by hillynilly

hillynilly, if you didn't watch the video... it's here ---> A Bloody Business - Video

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:27 PM
I understand where the thread is coming from, but
just let these people feed their families!!!!!

Yes they could introduce better ways of slaughtering the animals
they will come around to it..

At least they are EATING the cows and not sitting by idle letting HUMANS die..

Without australia sending their beef to indonesia
thousands would starve to death!!!!!
edit on 2-6-2011 by hillynilly because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by hillynilly

Yes they could introduce better ways of slaughtering the animals
they will come around to it..

You know why "they will come around to it?" Because people complain. Not because people go on some rant about people "just trying to feed their families." The meat industry is not about "just feeding people" its about money. Meat is a luxury item, that we in the west over consume so greatly that we have forgotten that. Its inefficient, highly polluting, often exceptionally cruel, and wasteful.

Im all for "feeding people." But that doesnt excuse us from acting like animals.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by hillynilly

Originally posted by hillynilly
I understand where the thread is coming from, but
just let these people feed their families!!!!!

Yes they could introduce better ways of slaughtering the animals
they will come around to it..

At least they are EATING the cows and not sitting by idle letting HUMANS die..

Without australia sending their beef to indonesia
thousands would starve to death!!!!!

The Beef is mostly for the growing wealth and money, not for "saving lives at all". As well Australia can process the meat in Australia without sending live cattle to torture. The Australian public is very angry with this and may stop it dead if they can force their government.

It's not about feeding people... it's about outright torture and the most base treatment of Australian Cattle in Indonesia... it's about HOW the animals are treated. NOT about feeding people.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Serafine

Not only did hillynilly not watch the video, clearly, he or she also did not read the article, or even the little clip of the article in the OP.

Australia is not sending the cattle over to feed starving people. Its selling them for profit so rich Indonesians who can afford it can eat more beef.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Illusionsaregrander, this is precisely the Australian Government and certain big businesses side of the business... the MONEY... Mind you most all Farmers with Cattle ( and all Australians ) had no idea of this, and are very angry. Petitions have been started in Australia over this and they've already become the fastest growing petitions ever in Australian history.

One of the main factors is not to let this go to sleep, especially in Australia. It's an old trick to let things blow over, then return to business as usual. Last year it was Egypt that was a bloody mess with Australian Cattle, let alone the way Australian Sheep are treated in Kuwait and Bahrain.

Last year "Live Cattle" for Egypt was stopped..... a year later... now... Live Cattle, is again being sent to Egypt, but THIS story is blowing the whole issue sky high in Australia and I suspect all matters concerning "Live Cattle" shipments will have pressure.

Someone mentioned growing up on a farm, in this thread, and how she knew all the animals and their personalities... They are Alive and have spirit... they each have various personalities and anyone raising them would never want to see any of them treated in these ways... I just hope hillynilly understands this. It's not about starving people... it's about how the animals are being treated.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 03:10 PM
If it is simply for fattening the pockets of the

*champaign wishes and caviar dreams* crowd
it is a totally different story..

I think though if Australia processed the meat it would COST MORE MONEY
meaning less people in Indonesia could eat therefore making it where ONLY RICH
people in Indonesia can it eat..

I stand by my stance for people to be allowed to feed their families on cows...

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by hillynilly

Originally posted by hillynilly
I stand by my stance for people to be allowed to feed their families on cows...

hillynilly this isn't about people eating or not eating. It's about how these animals are treated. How do you feel about their treatment?

If you have a broadband internet connection and can watch a video documentary... by all means watch it.. but it is not easy to watch.

If anyone got caught treating animals like that in Australia they would end up in prison. It is outright illegal. When people don't know, it's one thing... But KNOWING and still doing nothing about it, is quite another thing. This has nothing to do with "feeding people".

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by hillynilly

You can call me sick all you want

Did I call you sick? Or are you just exaggerating for drama?

Originally posted by hillynilly
but I find it SICK people
can sit by and watch people die of hunger because THEY WILL NOT KILL A COW AND EAT IT..

If I was in India and my kid is starving to death ain't no religion going to keep
me from killing a cow HOWEVER I HAVE TOO to let my child eat....

If you want people in India to not starve to death, you need to continue the tradition of their not eating beef. Meat is far, far more inefficient to produce per acre than a vegetarian diet. Cattle are very hard on the land, too. If India doesnt control its population growth, a lot of Indians are going to continue to starve. No matter if you kill the cow and eat it or not, any bit of land can only support so many people. Their move to a diet that excluded beef was a very wise move, whether it was sold to the masses via religion or not. Had they been serious meat eaters, they would have had a much more serious hunger problem than they currently do.

Originally posted by hillynilly

Id rather people control their breeding so that people do not have to starve at all, and so that some people dont use the irresponsible actions of people as an excuse to treat other living creatures horribly. I think some people shouldnt breed at all, personally.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Serafine

This is nothing Gail Eisnitz's Slaughter House.

No folks the stun guns aren't turned up high enough, charged up enough and many cows, sheep and other animals die very gruesome and horrible deaths.

Yes I eat meat. About 4 oz of chicken a week and about 8 ounces of wild salmon a week.

No, I don't eat cows, pigs, sheep, buffalo or turkey.

If slaughter houses were in plain sight and had glass walls more people would not eat meat.

I was raised with cows, sheep, and chickens.

They are all pretty dumb animals.

Chickens we had were mean.

The sheep really dumb and scared.

The cows, my girls, like big dogs - when they would see me coming up the hill they would all scamper over as fast as their big beautiful bodies would allow and moo a greeting.

They love to be scratched, petted and talked to.

Molly cried over her still born calf.

They all have personalities and while people do have to have protein to survive, I really wish the big corporatiions would stop making the workers (my girlfriend's brother works at a slaughter house) and they MUST get through a certain quota per minute of animals..................if they are not dead than they are skinned alive, tough, there's a quota, profit to be made.

Yes humans require animal protein to survive, not much - at 58 my hair and nails are fine with very little protein. I try to consume as little as possible.

But the slaughtering should be done as humanely as possible and it is not, don't kid yourself - 1 out of ever 4 cows suffer a very horrible, painful death in the name of profit.

Smithfield Foods is the worse of the worse..............I've heard workers talk about pigs crying just like a human in pain and agony.


Think of this............what goes around comes around. Maybe next time you or I will come back as one of our domesticated animals. Wouldn't that be justice served?

A good book about this is Dominion by Matthew Scully

This is one of the best books ever written on the subject of animal welfare. Scully, a journalist and former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, chooses to fight on his own ground, and he rightly argues that the important thing is not insisting upon equal "rights" for animals but in treating them with a modicum of respect and dignity. His book is as close as a philosophy can come to representing "animal rights" goals while not proclaiming animals to be equal in status to humans, as do classic works like Peter Singer's Animal Liberation. As a journalist, Scully personally investigated several major animal industries, including those of hunting, whaling, and factory farming. He asks penetrating questions and shows the logical and political inconsistencies used to defend cruel industries. Although some may balk at the author's sarcasm, it adds an emotional element to his unequaled depth of insight. Scully has a remarkable grasp of the issues and a unique perspective on our societal treatment of animals.

As a side note: I buy my meat from a farmer in my state that I have visited the farm. The animals are organically fed, and are allowed to free roam................they have a nice big beautiful pasture and clean spacious barns. The owners, a married couple assured me that they are slaughtered humanely............I can't vouch for that because I did not personally watch slaughtering.

People that don't care have never been around animals much or they are heartless.

But yes, my doctor said the 1-1/2 years I tried to go completely vegetarian my blood work came back that I needed more protein.

All I am asking is that they are slaughtered quickly and humanely with no pain.
edit on 2-6-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar & spelling

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent


Think of this............what goes around comes around. Maybe next time you or I will come back as one of our domesticated animals. Wouldn't that be justice served?

(by your logic)
If that little girl was starving like other kids in this world
YOUR DAMN RIGHT I would LOVE to come back as a cow to feed her
so SHE doesn't die...

You people are so half ass backwards when you are bitching about
a cow having to die to feed STARVING HUMANS THAT WOULD DIE OTHER WISE!!!

People are such wimps these days not willing to sacrifice anything..

If I came back as a cow I WOULD MORE THEN WILLING
lay down my body so that little starving girl in the picture could eat!!!

What good could I do as a cow if someone didn't eat me?????
Give them a good pep talk??


BEEF it is whats for dinner..

I'm going to get a hamburger.
edit on 2-6-2011 by hillynilly because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:08 PM
Hilly, you're completely missing the point of this thread. But, that said, I don't believe it matters to you either way, because as I recall ( in the "if animals could talk" thread) you said that if animals could speak, and beg for their lives, you would laugh and still eat them.

Arguing meat production ends any kind of hunger doesn't make sense because to produce one lb of beef it takes a load of corn/grass/water/etc. It is extremely inefficent.

These cows being exported are being killed inhumanely because the employees are not trained, it is, forgive the term, a dog and pony show. It is by NO means any sort of humanitarian slaughterhouse killing animals in any way possibe to feed the masses of dying children you keep going on about. You could feed AND provide clean water to 10 kids for a month with the resources to produce ONE lb of beef for one person for one day, and make no mistake starving people aren't the ones getting beef from these slaughterhouses.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by hillynilly

Someone is just trolling.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by hillynilly

Yes you are right...............I just wish they were killed more humanely.

Second line.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:33 PM
The responses to this thread illustrate perfectly something. I have considered for a long time. Some of us are more humane (human) while others are barbaric.

To all you savages and barbarians out there I have one thing to say. QUIT COMPLAINING! It is your brutality that's allows society to continue its sickening quest towards death! The greed gluttony and utter indifference is what shall one day be revisited on your souls as karma completes. Caring counts.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by hillynilly

No one is saying no meat, people are saying HUMANE! There is a difference between killing cows to world standards and torturing them by hitting them with sticks, pocking them, gouging their eyes, throwing water up their noses, and etc. because the cow is stressed and doesn't want to move.

I agree that we have to eat but there is a difference in the way animals are treated and as leaders of the industry, it us up to them to ensure that the animals are treated in a way that will promote healthy and humane standards.

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