posted on May, 31 2011 @ 03:12 PM
First let me explain my motives. Today I saw for the third time V for Vendeta. (If anyone did not see it, it is about revolution). And it made me
think isn't time for a revolution. Because unlike in the movie no man with a cape and a mask will come to save us. We have to do it ourselves. And if
not now, very soon. Anyone with a bit of common sense is seeing that the world is corrupted, that we are corrupted. And the end is probably near. We
have to act, the world isn't normal anymore.
I am not saying I have the solution, am saying we should start thinking of one. And the solution should be for everyone, for the whole world.
Everyone, including myself, is always talking about how the government is corrupted, and how they are playing us. Now it is time to stop talking about
it and react. And it would not be that hard because of the number of people here on ATS. Not just the number the knowledge to. And I cannot do it by
This thread may be the last I ever post, I may even quit ATS. Because if the people of ATS won't help me change the world who will. In my opinion ATS
is the best conspiracy theory site out there, and we should be the one to change the world.
P.S. Some of you may think that survival is not the best place for this thread but I assure you it is. I am talking about the survival of the human