posted on May, 31 2011 @ 02:02 PM
So there are 1,000 different threads on Elenin but I haven't seen a single mention of Comet Honda which will be passing by Earth at .077 AU, very
near Earth. Also it will be passing very close to Elenin when it gets to the inner solar system, so I think regardless of Elenin's magnetic affect on
Earth that there may be debris from one of these or even debris from a possible collision of these two that could be a threat to us. I am not fear
mongering, I am trying to show as many possibilities to the reasoning behind the end of the Mayan calender and other prophecies that I can. I have
been visiting all of the Elenin websites that I can and I've found very few that weren't calling for the end of the world or any other opinion-based
info. This site ( ) seems to have a good explanation as to why Elenin is going to bring the Mayan "End of Days" to fruition. The last
paragraph under the "Elenin and the Maya" heading has some info. that I have not heard before but info. that I was guessing would have an effect on
the actual date for the Mayans end of the calender. I have also theorized that the end of the Mayan calender was not meant to be the end of the Human
race but the beginning of the end, with some humans able to survive the catastrophe but not long after the Earth would be uninhabitable for humans and
thus the end of us.
One of my theories about the passing of Elenin I have gathered from some of the better sites and resources I have found, which is that with the
passing of Elenin ( either between us and the Sun or soon after when it passes through our orbit ) that, if this is a Brown Dwarf, we will succumb to
it's gravity and it will drag us out of orbit sending us who knows where...the Sun, deep space, orbiting Elenin as it leaves our solar system...I
don't know, hopefully it would be the other side of that "coin" and the Human Race will be changed for the better by the passing of Elenin. Again,
I am not fear mongering but I simply found a website with some useful info. that should be read by as many people as possible.
Yeah, I know, with a website named directly after the comet it's like a big target for TPTB to put up some mis-info. but the numbers don't lie.