I had a dream last night about one of my friends dying quiet young - it even stated when he died but unfortunately I woke up too soon and forgot the
exact date.
Was it just a dream or should I actually be worried about my friend?
edit on 31-5-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: (no reason given)
If you worry about your dreams you'll lose your mind.
Just a dream, people have dreams about people dying all the time.
Think of them as sleep-time entertainment.
Worrying does not solve anything. I'm not sure exactly what I would do about this if but I were you but I think if one of my friends had a dream
about me dying (I am young, early 20s) I would want my friend to tell me about the dream. Now ofcourse I'll have people tell me that I'm
"fearmongering" by telling you that, I think it's comforting to know that a friend would tell me so that I could think more deeply about my life
and cherish my loved ones more in case there was any merit to the dream. It certainly would keep me from taking anyone for granted. I say this because
I ponder death occasionally and it keeps me grounded, it keeps me interested in moving onward and upward while I still can.
I wouldnt worry about sometimes a dream is just a dream. However death in a dream does usually indicate birth or a new beginning. A good site to check
out is dreammoods.com if it is really bothering you
Watch final destination with your friend and both of you can freak out together. The meaning for a death in a dream is like a horoscope, its very
veague and could be percieved in so many ways depending on the person.
If over half of your predictive dreams in the past have been accurate, meaning coming to pass, yes, by all means you should tell your friend he is
going to die.
'Not to worry however, the matter is out of your hands. and worrying does no good anyway. Pleasant dreams
edit on 31-5-2011 by Aliensun
because: (no reason given)
The human mind is way too complicated and unknown still for us to have any sort of sense of what dreams actually are or mean.
Your friend dying could be as one poster said, a type of rebirth, or life change that will make your friend a new person (good or bad?).....but that
can happen without dreams as well. The same dream could it not be just a collection of images and final thoughts before rest concious or otherwise?
For instance watching the news before bed and having a thought about going out to coffee with said friend the next day could possibly be melded
together into a story of images which equate overall to the death of your friend. See how complicated that paragraph was, it relates to the nature of
the human brain.
Im curious to see how many different interpretations might be thought of within this thread. Oh and yeah, dont worry about such things, takes away
from the living part of life.
It's also possible that whenever we dream, we may actually be peering into an actual alternative world that exists in a parallel universe.
Maybe your alternative YOU also knows your alternative FRIEND in this alternative world, and maybe he really did die in that parallel universe??
Are you prone to dream things that come true? If so then maybe. If not then its probably another dream. If it is me dreaming it then I would worry
due to the fact that my dreams come true..I have no idea how common that is. It tends to run in my family so we are use to it. I do not and never
have believed in dream interpetation. So if I were you I wouldn't get to tied up in that either from what I have seen its just a crock.
Death in dreams merely represents a change, a shedding of the old and in with the new. Everything in dreams is symbolic i.e flying = orgasm (that one
always makes me laugh, thanks Freud!). Although this just sounds like random dream.
I had a strange dream last night, all i can remember, is someone or something, saying that ive got cancer, i cant even recollect the whole thing, or
exactly what was said, ive just got this thought in the back of my mind that i heard 'it' say something to me.