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Tesla Electric Car runs for a week... in 1931! or.. How we COULD HAVE avoided oil dependancy/war/etc

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posted on May, 30 2011 @ 04:40 PM
Hello everyone!
Before I begin, I acknowledge that this is another article from presscore (like my last few posts). If you have a problem with that source, don't read any further, this information is not for you.
Otherwise, I just thought this was one of those articles that make you begin to wonder where humanity could have got to by now if we weren't shackled by the evil purposes of corporate/political enslavement.
My view? A lot less war, a lot more peaceful coexistence (free energy = less PO'd people), kumbaya and so forth.
I want to include a couple other articles that speak to the same potential future, about electric powered vehicles unleashing humanity's potential.
Looking for a discussion more of how this could have/could soon change our entire method and mode of living, and the impacts on existing societal and corporate power structures. Not looking for technical breakdowns of it being possible or not, for the purpose of this discussion let's assume the there is SOME way of creating effective and efficient electric cars.
I mean, free energy makes man essentially more free, even if he is still held down in other ways, no?

Tesla's 1931 Electric Car (that ran for a week!)
0 gas, 0 oil, 0 emission Electrc Motorcycle
200+ mpg Gas/Electric Hybrid Possible Today

Cheers all!

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 04:48 PM
J.P. Morgan killed Tesla, but only after Edison had taken a couple swings.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 04:52 PM
I studied Tesla quite a bit, and you are quite right sir. JP Morgan ran him out of business while Edison, I do believe, profited more from his relationship with Tesla than vice-versa.
Here's the type of man Tesla was: When he was told that Marconi was doing research on wireless that utilized some of Tesla's patented research, he said something along the lines of let him have it (the patent), he's a good man and he does good work, and I don't have the time to pursue it properly.
Here's a man who was intersted in making the world a better place by the time he took his leave of it. Well, the world taught him, didn't it?
edit on 30-5-2011 by DjDoubleD because: I sez!

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 04:53 PM
It would be nice, wouldn't it? Free energy for all, world peace, a significant reduction in world hunger...

Its too bad that Oil is such a useful tool of control for the PTB. Oil is still needed to direct and fuel the western war machine toward the remaining free third world countries to dissolve major areas of resistance for the coming of the NWO.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 04:58 PM
Tesla was a visionary either way ahead of his time, or just at the right time only we were held back as far as progress by greedy power hungry a-holes.

I feel there are not enough credentialed scientists that take Tesla's work seriously, there are some but not enough.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by DjDoubleD

Agree, Telsa was an amazing person. There has always been alternatives out there, but control of income and people is what TPTB want. Even today, any invention which consumes more energy or is energy dependent, thats a winner for them.

Sometimes less is more. The people of little recourse will inherit the world! (Those were/are the agriculturists).
Every bubble has to burst! The time is coming very soon, don't be afraid, dont live to die, die to live!
Invent,survive, go back to nature and mother earth. Be independent, be brave and remember you are never alone.

Love and Peace

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 05:31 PM
Cheap, abundant energy is the wizard's key to finally countering the subservience of the individual to the collective. Anyone, anywhere, can do whatever they wanted to.
Think about work! How much less would we need to work if our main wants and needs can be satisfied at home with just a little of our time? Now you have a situation where people only need to work a handful of hours a week, and when they want to, at that! Not only this, but if every 40hr a week full time job was now worked by 3 people instead of 1, averaging 13 or so hours a week, wouldn't this treble the amount of available jobs? This would of course be reduced by the amount of jobs LOST because we DON'T NEED OIL NO MORE!
And how do you think the world would be if we only had to work 13 hours a week to meet our needs handily? This is just almost beyond belief how this would free us all! No wonder this is such a huge issue, no suprise then that it has been actively suppressed for literally decades!

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 07:07 PM
Knowing how people are, if there was a free, cheap source of unlimited energy the human population would explode beyond the earths capacity. You can leave the grid and get "free" energy as it is, using the sun,wind,hydro,ect. All i hear is "do it for me, because i'm lazy".

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by peacefulwarrior3
reply to post by DjDoubleD

Agree, Telsa was an amazing person. There has always been alternatives out there, but control of income and people is what TPTB want. Even today, any invention which consumes more energy or is energy dependent, thats a winner for them.

I agree, 110% Amazing what Tesla demonstrated in public around year 1900 even. Today's engineers can't duplicate his work, not all of it.

Sometimes less is more. The people of little recourse will inherit the world! (Those were/are the agriculturists).
Every bubble has to burst! The time is coming very soon, don't be afraid, dont live to die, die to live!

With you so far. Still excited.

Invent,survive, go back to nature and mother earth. Be independent, be brave and remember you are never alone.

Love and Peace

I tried to stay in there. Hugged a tree, all that. Might have done the group hug too. But when the extra choruses of Kumbaya started I slipped out the door.

Hang in there. Keep the spirit alive.

edit on 30-5-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 10:05 AM
energy from nothing is impossible. clearly it harvested it from some source IF it existed in the first place

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