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A Big List Of Suppressed Technologies Related To Energy. We Are Being Deceived Once More...

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posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by boncho

I won't stoop to your juvenile response. It's evident you haven't researched this topic much with your flippant remarks that don't truly debate but rather just shoot off rude flippant remarks.

Here are some videos you might want to view, but I doubt with your closed mind and arrogant heart, they will make a difference. You have chosen the blue be it.

Sweet dreams.

People have been bought off and murdered (accidents / suicides) for trying to bring the common man free energy.

I strongly suggest you read the book, "They Cast No Shadows" by Brian Desborough

Personally, I'm tired of trying to wake up sleeping beauties in the matrix.

Believe what you wish, but if you want to honestly debate than debate vs just making curt remarks please.

Thank you.

ps: My signature stands for all those that have had "accidental death/suicides" trying to bring free, clean and abundant energy to humanity. This in turn would stop mankind's servitude to an unseen power, stop starvation, wars, and all the rest of the insanity currently running and ruining our planet.

This surpression is also tied to the possible alien presence, but that my good sir/madam is another thread and I don't have the time or energy to argue with someone that refuses to research.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

I'd love to give You a million stars!

Yes, much has been suppressed - and "aliens" are involved.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Saying something is in black ops is NOT lack of evidence. It is inaccessibility of the evidence. Geez. Shills like to suggest that because the black ops information is inaccessible there is no evidence. You might want to watch that lest someOne think You are one...

Do You deny that the US has black ops programs? You don't believe me when I say I have direct knowledge of electrogravitics and its uses - and that the science is VERY MUCH in black ops? Whatever. [shrug]

How is this for evidence for 'electrogravitics'?

A paper by NASA:

A series of careful tests have been performed on Asymmetrical Capacitor Thrusters (ACTs). In the past, several mechanisms have been proposed for the thrust that they produce. These mechanisms were considered, both on theoretical grounds and by comparison with test results.

All of the mechanisms considered were eliminated except one. A simple model was developed of ions drifting from one electrode to the other under electrostatic forces, and imparting momentum to air as they underwent multiple collisions. This model was found to be consistent with all of our observations

And in conclusion:

. In spite of decades of speculation about possible new physical principles being responsible for the thrust produced by ACTs and lifters, we find no evidence to support such a conclusion. On the contrary, we find that their operation is fully explained by a very simple theory that uses only electrostatic forces and the transfer of momentum by multiple collisions.

In other words: No big deal.

No massive manipulation of gravity, no free energy or the like.

Sometimes things are classified, but it doesn't mean they work. Evidence of no evidence is not evidence. Of course, now you have a paper to refer to at

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 09:44 PM
Are there technologies that have been suppressed, almost certainly.

But the problem with this thread is too much desire/belief and a lack
of technical education.

Just ask yourself a simple question:

If one of these devices that you see on youtube worked then why hasn't
the inventor just dropped the plans on the net so everyone can have free
energy ?

Seems they always need an investment...

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 10:27 PM

There has been a revived energy revolution movement going on around the world the past 20 years that has not been covered or reported by mainstream press, establishment scientific journals or university research publications.

Most of the discoveries have been made by curious, ingenious minds, who on many occasions have observed experimental results in cold fusion, superconductivity, and magnetic motors which appear to violate present laws of physics, chemistry and electrodynamics. A term has been used to describe such phenomena, is called over-unity energy or free energy, which in many cases means getting more energy out of a system or reaction (magnetic motor or cold fusion reaction) than appears to be put into it. A better explanation is that excess energy is being accessed from as yet not completely explained source. (Note: An atom bomb is an over-unity device which gets a tremendous amount of dirty energy out, in the form of harmful radiation, than is needed to trigger the reaction.)

The first question that usually pops into a skeptic's mind is that if the technology is for real and discoveries have been made, such as Pons & Flieschman's cold fusion cell or Rory Johnson's fusion magnetic motor, why has it not been reported or mass produced for use by our energy-hungry world? The answer is suppression. What do we mean by suppression? Suppression can be an active type -- where a corporation or oil company or OPEC, who does not want the invention marketed, will blow up or destroy the lab and the invention and threaten to kill the inventor if he again attempts to market the revolutionary device. The other type of suppression is the passive type where a competing company, who has big bucks, such as some of the major oil companies, will come in and buy out a patent with no intention of bringing it to market until the demand for oil greatly exceeds the supply and gas prices soar, then they will start marketing a 100 mpg carburetor fir ICE (Internal Combustion Engines).

Other types of passive suppression include universities which are receiving big funding from oil or nuclear establishment sources, refusing to do research, or muzzling bright professors (by withholding tenure) from publishing theories and results as to the what, how's, and whys of these over-unity motors and cold fusion reactions. Or the example where a Patent office refuses to grant patents in revolutionary technology, claiming perpetual motion machines, s they see them, aren't patentable, or if they are patentable, that they can place a secrecy order or gag order on the patent, which prohibits the inventor from disclosing any information to anyone for such disclosure might be detrimental to national security. See Appendix 2

The following suppression stories you are about to read are true, to the best of our knowledge, but the names and places have been changed to protect the innocent. This information will hopefully give you some reasons why this over-unity technology has not reached worldwide attention or use. Perhaps perpetrators of this much-needed new energy technology suppression will consider reversing their policy and incorporate this technology into their business structure for a future profitable enterprise. Such technology can restore Mother Earth, which seems to be in great agony right now, with hot fusion, (nuclear power plants), blowing up, and/or radiation byproducts seeping into water tables in the Russian Arctic or at Hanford, Washington, where radioactive waste seems to be seeping into the Columbia River. In the case of oil spills such as the Exxon Valdez tanker spill, or the U.K. oil tanker spill, these major environmental accidents have destroyed pristine fish and wildlife breeding founds. What is good for the multinational oil companies, OPEC, and nuclear power plants may not necessarily be good for Mother Earth, the nation's human and animal health, or emerging countries whose energy resources are being exploited and their environment, such as the Russian Arctic tundra and South American jungles, destroyed for our short-term, consume-consume energy fling.

For these reasons, the development of energy technology has really gotten the attention of the ingenious, non-conformist inventors. Pioneers they have admired include Nicola Tesla, John Keely, T. Henry Moray, and others. Two primary areas of R&D have been targeted: 1) clean cold fusion as opposed to dirty hot fusion (nuclear energy), and 2) zero point magnetic energy. Again, these technologies have been actively and passively suppressed. The following documented stories will, hopefully, give you some specifics of suppression.

1. In the late 70's a brilliant inventor, Rory Johnson of Elgin Illinois, invented a cold fusion, laser activated, magnetic motor that produced 525 HP, weighed 475 lbs, and would propel a large truck or bus 100,000 miles on about 2 lbs of deuterium and gallium. This was years before Pons $& Flieschman or Dr. James Patterson entered the scene with their cold fusion technology. Rory Johnson was in the process of negotiation with the Greyhound Bus Company to install this revolutionary motor into a few buses to demonstrate the fuel savings, maintenance reduction, and hence a more profitable balance sheet for Greyhound.

The mistake Rory Johnson made (little did he know that OPEC was keeping close track of any future competition to their oil business and that he was number one on the hit list) was to actively publicize hi advanced fusion-magnetic motor in many magazines, telling of his plans to manufacture and distribute this revolutionary motor nationwide. ( I have even talked to a few people who had signed up for a distributorship). Coincidentally, after agents of Greyhound tried to get in touch with Rory Johnson after a year of no contact, they were notified that Rory had passed away unexpectedly. A man of robust health in his early fifties dying?! It was later learned that for some threatening reason, Rory moved out of his laboratory unexpectedly in the middle of the night with all his motors and technology and moved to California before he died.

Another astounding development that surfaced was a restraining order, or gag order, by the U.S. Energy Department had been placed on Rory's Company, Magnatron, Inc., prohibiting him from producing the Magnatron engine. See Appendix 1 - a letter from Minnesota State Senator Marion Manning to U.S. Senator from Minnesota Dave Donenberger inquiring as to why our government would place such a gag order on Mr. Johnson. Isn't this the land of the free market economy? Apparently not. Something seems a little strange about this whole incident. Are the oil cartels dictating energy policy to the U.S. Government? Read on.

Remember Ruby Ridge, recently adapted to a TV movie where over zealous U.S. agents killed Randy Weaver's wife and son? Well at the same time of this FBI siege, another inventor, at that very time, happened to be living and working on an advanced zero point energy device in Northern Idaho.

As the story goes, (told first hand to me by the investor), the investor was coming to visit the inventor who had just made a breakthrough in a free energy device, but made the mistake of publicizing his breakthrough on a local TV station. The day before the investor arrived, two government agents broke into the inventor's home, surmising that both the inventor and his wife were away. It just happened the wife was still at home and was very familiar with the use of a hefty handgun. At point blank range, she held the agents at bay inside her house while she debunked their excuse that they were cable TV repairmen checking out their cables lines. If it wasn't for the siege of Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge, who knows what else would have happened that day. Some comments from this inventor will appear near the end of this article.

By the way, whose side is our government on? It appears that the big money interests, oil cartels, nuclear power companies have control of it. These big powerful corporations don't want any competition. They hoard most of the research funds on not necessarily new or revolutionary technology. It appears it isn't what's in the interest of National Security or Balance of Power in the Middle East, but what is in the best economic interest of the multinational corporations. A classic example is the government-funded hot fusion reactor at Princeton's Plasma Physics Lab. The "powers that be" know there are cleaner, safer and cheaper ways of producing nuclear energy, like bombarding lithium with protons -- known since 1932, but has been kept secret and kept out of college textbooks. Read "The Fifty Year Nuclear War" by David Sereda in the Jan/Feb 1996 issue of Perceptions (310_ 313-5185 for more eye-opening details. This is a classic example of passive suppression of new, clean, economical alternate cold fusion energy.

Now for some real active suppression! About 10 years ago, some very clever backyard inventors took a magnetic generating fly wheel off a Model T Ford, placed stationary magnets in a spiral arrangement to the outside, and developed a self-generating motor-generator. The motor-generator (using the pulsed varying distance magnetic spiral principle), continually produced 1600 watts of power with no outside power input. They demonstrated the generator at UCLA, which confounded the professors, students, and other onlookers. Evidently there were some heavy-handed corporate types in the audience, because the inventors never made it home from the demonstration. The two demonstrator-inventors were found dead along the highway, and the trailer with the generator inside was missing.

Source and rest of article:

Credit to the author: Joe Mackem

Our planet is run by the people who power everything. They are the true powerful elite. The oil, gas and electric companies.

Again, read They Cast No Shadows: A collection of essays on the Illuminati, revisionist history, and Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries by Johnathan Eisen.

To compile this book, editor Jonathan Eisen traveled the world in search of documented stories of scientific cover-ups, covert operations, and programs of deliberate misinformation, all designed to hide controversial inventions and discoveries, such as anti-gravity devices, limitless energy sources, results of cancer and AIDS research, and more. 40 photos. 30 illustrations.

The video below description: Stanley Meyer and many others. Always the same story. The Pentagon wants to see your idea and tell you how they would like to use your invention. You demonstrate your device proving to them that it works, then they block all of your efforts and end up killing you. The only way to get a free energy device out to the public is to foget about patents, distribute underground, sell it to EV enthusiests with the plans and encourage them to travel around and do as you are, you then have created a non interlinked underground distribution system that will spread to the general populous and it will spread like wild fire, it will be un-stoppable.

The big boys on the block, the bullies don't want to give up getting their lunch money...........wake up.

We live close to a star that could power this whole planet a billion times over.

Go to my other post, why in sam heck do we have to live on a planet we were born on?

Who decided that any patch of land belonged to J.P. Morgan?

The big corporations polluted our waters and now pay us to buy it back because they polluted it and now have to clean it................insane or what you decide.

Keep sleeping and you will eventually pay for the air you breathe.

I'm so tired of telling the sheeple the cattle car is headed towards the slaughter house and everyone else is saying moooooooooooooooooo.
edit on 1-6-2011 by ofhumandescent because: added video description

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

There is no alternative explanation to what you have read/seen?


posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Shadowalker

I think the term FREE ENERGY isn't about the cost of the start up item but the fact that the energy that it creates is FREE. (As in, no electricity bills).
Solar power is FREE ENERGY because once you have the panels installed (which cost money) the energy that it then produces afterwards is FREE from the Sun.
Not unless of course they then start to tax Sunlight which really wouldn't surprise me once we are all off the grid with Solar.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by boncho
reply to post by Amaterasu

Saying something is in black ops is NOT lack of evidence. It is inaccessibility of the evidence. Geez. Shills like to suggest that because the black ops information is inaccessible there is no evidence. You might want to watch that lest someOne think You are one...

Do You deny that the US has black ops programs? You don't believe me when I say I have direct knowledge of electrogravitics and its uses - and that the science is VERY MUCH in black ops? Whatever. [shrug]

How is this for evidence for 'electrogravitics'?

A paper by NASA:

A series of careful tests have been performed on Asymmetrical Capacitor Thrusters (ACTs). In the past, several mechanisms have been proposed for the thrust that they produce. These mechanisms were considered, both on theoretical grounds and by comparison with test results.

All of the mechanisms considered were eliminated except one. A simple model was developed of ions drifting from one electrode to the other under electrostatic forces, and imparting momentum to air as they underwent multiple collisions. This model was found to be consistent with all of our observations

And in conclusion:

. In spite of decades of speculation about possible new physical principles being responsible for the thrust produced by ACTs and lifters, we find no evidence to support such a conclusion. On the contrary, we find that their operation is fully explained by a very simple theory that uses only electrostatic forces and the transfer of momentum by multiple collisions.

In other words: No big deal.

No massive manipulation of gravity, no free energy or the like.

Sometimes things are classified, but it doesn't mean they work. Evidence of no evidence is not evidence. Of course, now you have a paper to refer to at

Let's think this through, bonch. I KNOW it's the government that suppresses electrogravitics - it went into black ops. Do I therefore find anything about it on a government site credible?

I think not. Good try though.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by Version100
I worked on radar and radio systems in the USAF, I studied electronics to
work on those systems.

You are a username on a discussion board…. “where the battle lines between truth and falsehood have been drawn.”

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Let's think this through, bonch. I KNOW it's the government that suppresses electrogravitics - it went into black ops.

Do I therefore find anything about it on a government site credible? I think not. Good try though.

If that's the case, how is something going 'into black ops' mean anything.... If the government cannot provide any evidence that is valid, then all evidence must be nil no?

Talk about cherry picking.....

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Let's think this through, bonch. I KNOW it's the government that suppresses electrogravitics - it went into black ops. Do I therefore find anything about it on a government site credible? I think not. Good try though.

And in fact you don't 'KNOW' anything. You believe things you read and are told. But you absolutely nothing about "electrogravitics"....

The least you could have done, is critiqued the NASA study and explained to us what they were doing wrong.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by boncho

reply to post by Amaterasu

Let's think this through, bonch. I KNOW it's the government that suppresses electrogravitics - it went into black ops.

Do I therefore find anything about it on a government site credible? I think not. Good try though.

If that's the case, how is something going 'into black ops' mean anything.... If the government cannot provide any evidence that is valid, then all evidence must be nil no?

Talk about cherry picking.....

LOLOL! Boncho, I know of this technology and of what My father built. I know what it was doing. When I see something that completely counters what I know, and see it's from the same place (aerospace) as I know it disappeared from into secrecy specifically... What am I supposed to make of Your source? Really now.

In fact, I was at Cape Canaveral for a launch of something (I remember the rockets but not the name of what was launched - Gemini, perhaps...) and know My dad did a lot of work for NASA. So...

Yeah. I don't buy NASA as an honest source in this specific matter.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by boncho
reply to post by Amaterasu

Let's think this through, bonch. I KNOW it's the government that suppresses electrogravitics - it went into black ops. Do I therefore find anything about it on a government site credible? I think not. Good try though.

And in fact you don't 'KNOW' anything. You believe things you read and are told. But you absolutely nothing about "electrogravitics"....

Apply an AC voltage across a high-K (highly non-linear) dielectric producing a potential between two electrodes creating a field with thrust in the direction of the positive end of the dielectric. Application of a saw-tooth wave allows the dielectric to "rest," keeping the components in the dielectric from fully polarizing (if they do, the effect is lost).

Did YOU know that?

The least you could have done, is critiqued the NASA study and explained to us what they were doing wrong.

Saying no effects are to be found when effects are to be found? Does that work?

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 05:53 PM
How about the MDI Zero pollution car. Apparently this is still happening, although you will find very little news on the subject.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Saying no effects are to be found when effects are to be found? Does that work?

The effects found completely contradict what you believe about "electrogravitics".

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by poet1b

How about the MDI Zero pollution car. Apparently this is still happening, although you will find very little news on the subject.

I just had a thorough look at the website and was disappointed.

After wasting 10 mins checking it out I realised that it wasn't the official website.

Is this a hoax?

Compressed air cars have been around for over 100years and have always hit the wall when it comes to range and power.

The only model they have shown is the AirPod (rotflmao). It is apparently the only certified model too.

I would pay to see Jeremy Clarkson take it on the Top Gear test track as it appears to be unstable (centre of gravity is way too high, the wheel base is too short, the drivers weight is right over the front wheel which is a huge No-No when designing tricycles, the list goes on...

*moment to compose myself and stop laughing*

Back to the original topic...

There is a very good reason that you don't see any zero-point/over unity/free energy types of technologies - very simply - they don't exist. If they did the first people to jump on them would be the engineering professors in every university on the planet.

Just suppose....

... I own a electricity producing company and want to set-up a new power plant...

Why would I bother with diesel, black or brown coal, nuclear or gas power generation if I could make a system that can produce power for less input expense?

People will still have to buy the electricity off me, the grid won't suddenly collapse, I will still have to employ staff to run the plant and bill customers, the list (again) goes on...

As a mechanical engineering student, one of the first things we were told was to be wary of people claiming to perpetual motion technologies. If they really existed then everyone would be jumping on the band wagon.

Now looking back at the structure of university....I think that if someone was able to prove the "Laws of thermodynamics"to be false, it would be a joyously celebrated event, as it would mean that enigmas such as "faster than light" travel were possible and subsequently, our galaxy would suddenly become our playground.

"Engage warp drive, Mr Le-Forge"

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by poet1b

How about the MDI Zero pollution car. Apparently this is still happening, although you will find very little news on the subject.

I'm curious, is there no pollution made when they compress the air that runs it?

Do they just ask nicely for the air to compress itself?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 02:26 PM
Made a circuit that can run on radio waves. Nikola Tesla's project. It works, now I just need to expand and get a bigger dish to pump out more power.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by OccamAssassin

You can always do your own research. More info on the air powered cars.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by boncho

They use magical beans of course.

How do you think they compress the air?

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