posted on May, 30 2011 @ 03:05 PM
Finally I have an opportunity share the history of some really cool place I live close to
I've been to this place around twenty times within the past two years and weird stuff happens nearly every trip. There's a "crybaby bridge"
legend where you can supposedly hear the cries of an infant that was drowned by its own mother long ago in a creek that runs through the hollow. I
have had a lot of weird experiences out there and I'm more than willing to link you to a Facebook blog I wrote about it.
Back to your original request... some woman decided to interview the residents of this place about its history since many of them are direct
descendants of the original settlers. They offered information they found in their grandparents' journals and whatnot to be included in this book.
I read through most of it and I can honestly say its very interesting. You can view a scanned copy
And a short news report of the area's history: