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Common Sense on Comet Elenin - Think for yourself.

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posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by CaptChaos

The comet has a large electrical charge.

Source, please.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by DexterRiley

1. Mr. Omerbashich has authored or co-authored 12 papers since 2006.

Quantity is not a sign of quality.

2. The paper appears to be well formed with an abstract, significant data analysis, discussion of his theory, and a bibliography (though some of the bibliographic references are to papers that he had previously authored.) It's probably not something that he put together overnight.

Yes, it looks like a real scientific paper, but it isn't. His definitions of "alignments" are arbitrary, and he simply picks and chooses them to agree with his theory. He needs to analyze every single earthquake over a long period of time and compare them to the positions of every single body in the solar system. He doesn't do that, he just cherry picks. The fact that his references consist almost entirely of his previous papers is a dead giveaway that he's a crank.

3. The theory that he presents is no more far-fetched that some of the others that have been presented in this, and other, threads.


4. In order for this paper to be accepted for publication on website, it must conform to Cornell University academic standards.


Disclaimer: Papers will be entered in the listings in order of receipt on an impartial basis and appearance of a paper is not intended in any way to convey tacit approval of its assumptions, methods, or conclusions by any agent (electronic, mechanical, or other).

The papers are not peer reviewed. If anyone at Cornell reads these papers, they will probably get deleted, which will only generate more rumors. Oh well.

5. And finally, it should be noted that insanity and genius are not mutually-exclusive attributes. One need only refer to the biopic "A Beautiful Mind" to see that a schizophrenic genius can develop a Nobel Prize winning theory. So while Mr. Omerbashich may fancy himself a descendant of King Arthur, it remains to be seen whether he had an imaginary friend assist him in completing this paper.

Fair enough.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 11:44 AM
There have been a large number of people, both in this thread and others, who still insist on stating that comet elenin is either invisible, doesnt exist, hidden, only visible in infrared, accompanied by alien spacecraft or other such things.
No matter how many times links to amateur astronomer websites are posted, it seems nobody visits them because the stories dont go away.
So with the concept that a picture tells a thousand words, I'll show rather than tell.

Before the pics of the comet, a "light curve" of the comet, showing that it has the brightness expected of it. A theoretical model, overlaid by the dots showing the brightness from direct observation. Nothing unexpected.
It is in fact following the perfectly standard comet brightness formula.

Now, recent pictures taken by amateurs all around the world.
First, by 'resuah', Germany,, 12 March.

Michael Jager, Austria,, 3 April.

Jean-Francois Soulier, France,, 10 April.

'heidescoper', Germany,, 2 May.

Leonid Elenin (yes, that famous one), USA via remote telescope,, 21 May.

'winnie', Germany,, 26 May.


So these photos are probably enough to show you that it can be observed by amateurs (with backyard telescopes) but heres another set of two images taken on the same night, and if you inspect them, you can see that the same background stars exist on these two pics taken in two different countries, sourced from two different websites.

Pieter-Jan Dekelver, Belgium,, 3 May.

Martin P. Mobberley, England,, 3 May. Slightly more zoomed in.

What say you now?
Still a big worldwide conspiracy?

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by alfa1

Sadly, regardless of how many times the links, or even the photos which you have so kindly included, are posted, they will continue to be overlooked by the majority of skeptics due to that one little word; “amateur”. Interestingly enough, with as much hate and mistrust of NASA that there is around here, no one will accept any information unless it comes from the horses mouth. And still, there will be those who continue to deny the evidence for what it is.

Likewise, some of the photos you provided give no point of reference as to which object is the supposed comet so I would have to question just how many people really know what they are looking at.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 01:50 PM

By now it should be obvious that something more than gravity is at work in the behavior of comets. Since a comet holds a highly negative charge, it attracts the positively charged particles of the solar wind, giving rise to an immense envelope of ionized hydrogen, up to millions of miles across. But the comet watchers do not realize that this vast envelope is gathered and held electrically. And so the question continues to haunt them: How could a tiny piece of rock, no more than a few miles wide, gravitationally entrain and hold in place a ten million mile wide bubble of hydrogen against the force of the solar wind? Yes, the entrained envelope is extremely diffuse, but in gravitational terms it should not be there! If the electric theorists are correct, there is no mystery in the gravity-defying behavior of comets. A gravitationally insignificant rock on a highly elliptical orbit can be an electrically powerful object.

This tiny comet already has a coma of 80,000 miles diameter!

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 01:57 PM

Feb 27, 2006 The Comet and the Future of Science Though NASA officials have said nothing on the subject, astronomy today is on the edge of a critical shift in perception—a revolution that could redefine our view of the heavens. Proponents of the “Electric Universe” say that a revolution in the sciences is inescapable, and they believe the failure of modern comet theory could be the tipping point. The high-energy events exhibited by comets require a new understanding of what makes a comet work, and the answer to the mystery of comets will invariably affect all of the space sciences. For starters, a list of the enigmas would have to include these surprises: comet x-rays, a coma several times the size of the Sun glowing in ultraviolet light, strong electrical and turbulent magnetic fields, million degree coma “temperatures”, supersonic jets, collimation of these jets over great distances, coherent and filamentary comet tails spanning up to a hundred million miles and more, explosive outbursts of dust hundreds of millions of miles from the Sun, the “inexplicable” break up and complete disintegration of comet nuclei far from the Sun, sharply etched surface relief, bright surface patches (camera saturation, most obvious in the case of Tempel 1), and “impossibly” fine comet dust. Intense energetic activity has, one discovery at a time, shocked astronomers. But in fact every surprise points in the same direction.

For several years the electrical theorists have predicted that the fatal blow to modern comet mythology will come from the absence of sufficient water ice or other ices on a comet nucleus to produce the jets and coma. This prediction has already been fulfilled, but the message has yet to register. After repeated failures to find any water on comet surfaces, NASA spokesmen celebrated the “success” of the Deep Impact mission when they thought they had found, on the surface of Comet Tempel 1, a minuscule .005 of the water required by theory to explain the signals associated with water in the coma.

When findings repeatedly discredit an accepted model in the sciences, it’s time to consider the findings from a different vantage point –to look for a pattern that has been missed. For the electrical theorists, the pattern is too obvious to be missed. The unexplained features are predictable effects of an electric discharge, and nothing that an electrical expert would look for is missing from NASA’s discoveries.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by amaster
reply to post by alfa1

Sadly, regardless of how many times the links, or even the photos which you have so kindly included, are posted, they will continue to be overlooked by the majority of skeptics due to that one little word; “amateur”. Interestingly enough, with as much hate and mistrust of NASA that there is around here, no one will accept any information unless it comes from the horses mouth. And still, there will be those who continue to deny the evidence for what it is.

But this is just a stupid way of thinking, these people who want it from the horses mouth(NASA) so to speak are the same people who claim NASA are always lieing about everything. You are never going to win with these people, you would honestly think that they would put their trust with the amatures if they are that convinced they are being decieved by major agencies. It's a backward logic to say the least. The fact of the matter is NASA have very little to do with these things in general, it's amatures who discover them, monitor them and do the sums. If you discover something it is not reported to NASA or normally confirmed by them, there needs to be multiple independant observations that confirm the original data presented, most of the time it is amatures who do this work too. NASA only get involved after the fact, and even then they require amatures to keep the data flow incoming.

But you are right, people will still be denying the truth long after this has passed with no consequences.

Likewise, some of the photos you provided give no point of reference as to which object is the supposed comet so I would have to question just how many people really know what they are looking at.

I can see what you are saying here and understand that, however it is not entirely true. Sure some of the photos don't explain much detail at all but I'd wager nearly all the details you need could be found at the source of the photo. You don't need much to be able to verify the location, if it gives coordinates then you are laughing. Sometimes all you need is the location and the date and time. All you really need is a trusted sky chart with the path of the comet and some basic info about the photo and you can verify it yourself using software to compare the stars in the photos. Sure it would be tedious and boring, for some even too hard but it can be done.
Like I said in another post, just because someone does not understand the details of something does not mean the opposite is true.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 10:41 AM
I pose a simple question.......... NEO trajectories Elenin's effect upon?.................
just a thought I had this morning....
edit on 5-6-2011 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by pazcat

Originally posted by Greensage
So I am a bit confused now, I saw the link provided on another ELE-nin thread that was from Cornell University indicating that Comet Elenin was known since at least 2007.

Cornell University Library

I am not taking credit for this link as it was provided in this thread

So, is it common sense now to realize that everything we are told is a lie?

I'm going to post what I just said in another thread about those papers and the author.

"That's hardly an academic study, there is a huge difference between an epaper and a peer reviewed journal.
Not to mention that the author of that paper is a clearly dubious character who among other things believes he is the rightful heir to the throne of King Arthur.
I'm sorry but that paper should not be used by anybody as evidence for their case.
Checkout friday the 27th entry from Dr Ian Musgrave.

But nevermind if his claims of Royalty in England don't pan out as he has staked his claim to the Bosnian throne as well."

These papers are nothing but bunk.
I wouldn't want to take credit for that link either.
edit on 31-5-2011 by pazcat because: (no reason given)

I cannot argue over King Arthur, but the man certainly shows that he did a ton of research in that "Bosnian Family" line. Are you saying he is a liar? because? Don't answer because I have a feeling you do not believe Arthur existed! LOL

As for the paper being non-peer-reviewed makes no difference to me, the elementals are sound enough to conclude anything.

I do like a "dubious" character, however, your own nature is slightly dubious enough to get me to retract that statement!

Crazy does not warrant dismissal in my opinion. I appreciate your link to Ian Musgrave, but sadly missed any "Dr." on the title because it is not there. Should I dismiss you based on that? No, because it is semantics and you sir are "stuck" in your own negative views on who thinks who is related to Royalty. Which, by the way, we all are! LOL Need we note how many are related to Charlemagne?

I am sure Ego aside, and a slight bowl of Crow can cure any illness Mankind has faced! Thanks for the relic idealisms!

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 12:38 PM
In your haste to make a smart reply you have clearly overlooked follow up posts I have made where I clearly said you can throw the lunatic stuff aside, it's only a reference to character nothing else. I even admit it is irrelevant when it comes to the paper, it's all just food for thought.

And it is clearly over your head if you think the elementals or anything else in that paper are sound, but that's OK you are not alone in that.
And you know if you had even bothered to do the slightest bit of research you would find out all about Dr Ian Musgrave, so you can dismiss it all you like but then that is falling into the same trap as everyone else who can't see past the tip of their nose. Not my fault people are lazy.

So yeah, you can dismiss anything you like and carry on throwing petty insults all day long. It still doesn't make your fantasies real.

Here is a good thread about these theories that's well worth a read too.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 11:37 AM
I have been following all the Elenin talk and if the numbers provided in some of the threads and youtube video are accurate then we are in for one hell of a year. Recently I just happened to turn on the Nostradamus Effect, which I like most understand is a TV show and must be taken with a grain of salt. The episode which aired in 2009, was discussing the Kolbrin Bible and my question is, could there be any relation with "comet" Elenin and the Kolbrin bible? I do not know much about this book and only found two threads on ATS which dated back to 2007, so am hoping someone may be able to provide better knowledge of this.

The authors of The Kolbrin Bible predict an end to life as we know it, by a celestial event. It will be the return of a massive space object, in a long elliptical orbit around our sun. Known to the Egyptians and Hebrews as the "Destroyer," the Celts later called it the “Frightener."

Numerous accounts in The Kolbrin Bible offer prescient descriptions of a large reddish object. We're likewise told it caused Noah's Flood and the Ten Plagues of Exodus during previous flybys. Given the mysterious nature of this object, what could it be? Many Planet X researchers believe it to be a very old brown dwarf. A dim, reddish unborn companion star, in a long elliptical orbit around our Sun. At this point you may be wondering why you haven't heard about this already.

The main thing that caught my attention was the talk of the brown dwarf star, which many believe Elenin is.

Links to information regarding the Kolbrin Bible:
The Kolbrin

I apologize the sites are also selling the book, but they seemed more legit then most.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Cole87

could there be any relation with "comet" Elenin and the Kolbrin bible?

Absolutely; the people who are spreading lies about Leonid Elenin and comet C/2010 X-1 are all Kolbrin Kultists:

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 09:46 AM
Posting this image everywhere...I checked the current co-ordinates for comet Elenin into Google Sky and then I hit the "infrared" button and this huge object appeared, go look for yourself:

Large object where Elenin is found on Google Sky

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by jonnynature

Posting this image everywhere...I checked the current co-ordinates for comet Elenin into Google Sky and then I hit the "infrared" button and this huge object appeared, go look for yourself:

Google Sky is not a real time portrayal of the sky. How many times does that need to be repeated on ATS. In any event, its current location is RA 10 34 37.87 Dec +07 34 04.4 14.32 , not RA 09 47 17 Dec +19 09 15.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by jonnynature
Posting this image everywhere...I checked the current co-ordinates for comet Elenin into Google Sky and then I hit the "infrared" button and this huge object appeared, go look for yourself:

Large object where Elenin is found on Google Sky

Please read this thread.. Particularly Nataylor's response. It's already been discussed. It is not comet Elenin.

Elenin's current location:

C/2010 X1 (Elenin) on 2011 06 20 @ 0h UTC,
R.A = 10 34 37.9 ,
Decl. = +07 34 05,
geocentric distance = 1.8102 AU,
heliocentric distance = 1.7339 AU,
al_solar elongation = 69.3 al_deg,
m1 (T) = 13.7.
Elements from MPC 75009.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Caji316

It sounds like from this video we have a magnetic polar flip comming and we have to be worried about being pulled out in to outer space with the brown dwarf star. What if it moves us for a time into a colder orbit before it drops us? What did that man mean that the dwarf star is under control. Control of what or whom? Just how doomed are we?
edit on 20-6-2011 by frugal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by amaster

Yea, CW Leonis but Elenin fanatics are still spewing this picture all over the net. Hey look, gravity vortex, black cloak, photon horizon, omg BROWN DWARF STAR.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by frugal
reply to post by Caji316

It sounds like from this video we have a magnetic polar flip comming and we have to be worried about being pulled out in to outer space with the brown dwarf star. What if it moves us for a time into a colder orbit before it drops us? What did that man mean that the dwarf star is under control. Control of what or whom? Just how doomed are we?
edit on 20-6-2011 by frugal because: (no reason given)

You're obviously doomed if you believe this crap.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by frugal
reply to post by Caji316

It sounds like from this video we have a magnetic polar flip comming and we have to be worried about being pulled out in to outer space with the brown dwarf star. What if it moves us for a time into a colder orbit before it drops us? What did that man mean that the dwarf star is under control. Control of what or whom? Just how doomed are we?
edit on 20-6-2011 by frugal because: (no reason given)


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