This thread will be a two topic thread for I cannot explain it any other way. The first will deal with the observation I and several others witnessed.
The second is with my reaction to it.
This weekend I was at Angel Fire, NM with my family. It is pretty high in altitude @10,000 Ft. above sea level but the weather and terrain were
beautiful, clear skies as far as you could see. Well on Saturday night we were outside with several others enjoying a few drinks, it was early about
9:45 pm. Anyway, I was looking up at the sky as I normally do, but given the low light pollution out there it is almost impossible not to notice the
beauty in the skies at night. As I sat around looking I noticed a star disappear, it wasn't the brightest star in the sky, but it wasn't the dimmest
either. About a second later it reappeared. I mentioned this to those around me and we all started looking in the general direction it happened, then
it happened again to a different star close by. Same exact experience, disappeared and then one second later it reappeared and this time 2 others
noticed it also. Visually now I tried to draw a line between the 2 stars that disappeared and looked further ahead to the next closest stars in line
with the first two. Sure enough they blinked on and off just like the first two except this time it was 2 stars that were in close proximity. If I had
held a ruler in the air at arms length with one eye closed I would say they were about a cm apart. The sky was as clear as it gets, none of us saw any
objects, lights, shadows or anything that looked out of the ordinary. I dismissed this as a personal experience I could not explain. And there were
absolutely no clouds!
Later on that night though, I couldn't get this out of my head. I do have OCD and I knew there must be an explanation for what I witnessed. Well all
of a sudden, call it an epiphany, I realized something else. It seems in the last 5 years I have been conditioned and my views altered. I had an
experience with a UFO with several friends in HS years earlier, it is what sent me looking further into these topics. That night the excitement,
adrenaline rush type feeling that came over all of us was overwhelming. But on this Saturday night there was no real excitement, no adrenaline rush,
no nothing for me! Just my observation and my minds attempt to understand it. In fact the people with me were more excited and they didn't seem to
cater to the whole ET phenomena.
Well, my attention has shifted now. It has become all too clear, somehow me, a person that believes completely in ET life beyond our horizon, no
longer caters to the UFO phenomenon. Years earlier I would have catered to this being a UFO sighting and tried to explain it down. Now I find myself
looking at this as a natural phenomena with extreme possibilities not ruled out.
The only thing I can compare this to is like when you realize Santa Clause isn't real anymore. You still know you are going to get a present from your
parents but the mystery and magic is gone. Now all this has me wondering about my reaction to many other subjects also, from conspiracy theories to
I can't place blame on this to just one source but I think the TV shows, websites, numerous threads about ridiculous claims, news headlines and radio
talk shows have altered my views and how I experience life without me even realizing it.
Does anybody else fell this way too?
Has your views of the world changed somehow also recently?
And if someone has a similar experience to what I witnessed or an explanation please reply.
Thanx. . . AB
edit on 5/30/2011 by AnteBellum because: (no reason given)