posted on May, 30 2011 @ 09:11 AM
Welcome to ATS!
Sure seems like alot is happening these days with quakes, ground cracks, volcanoes, tornadoes getting more and more intense. The interesting part is
that this all matches the old prophecies about the end times.
I do believe there is a much higher science than our current "one-dimensional". I believe a multidimensional science is the way forward and human
beings have the innate ability to enter into other dimensions, they just need to assimilate themselves to the universe. And the reason to become a
good person is that the nature of the universe is kindhearted. And the fundamental characteristic of the religious icons is that they were pretty
assimilated to theuniverse and hence could gain supernormal powers and see the multidimensional reality of this universe. Of course, that is all
forgotten today by the public.
Just my two cents.
/Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good, Falun Dafa is good