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Home medical remedies

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posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:28 AM
I recently had a small sore become infected - staph. It made me think what would I do without getting antibiotics from the doctor. This is such a knowledgeable group I was hoping someone had an answer. Are there any home remedies for infections such as this? What are other remedies for aliments or sickness we could use when there is no doctors office or pharmacy.What some people call folk or home remedies worked for years, why not now. We could put our ideas together and make a database that could be beneficial to all of us.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Rede2go

Don't know if it helps but a slice of onion can soothe bee stings and mosquito bites. It reduces the swelling.
Also a few teaspoons of honey can help with pain. Boil in hot water and drink Coarse my mom would add whiskey so maybe i am wrong..
edit on 29-5-2011 by Therian because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-5-2011 by Therian because: said ass instead of add

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:40 AM
I usually bite the infected area clean off,then pour alcohol into the wound to clean it,then duct tape some guaze bandages on it,and im good to go.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by brindle

What if it's on your elbow or face? Sorry, had to ask. You made me visualize someone trying to bite their elbow and failing and it made me laugh.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by kittendaydreamer
reply to post by brindle

What if it's on your elbow or face? Sorry, had to ask. You made me visualize someone trying to bite their elbow and failing and it made me laugh.
If I was to get an infection on my elbow,I would just grind it down with sandpaper till I removed the infected area.Then I would pour some rubbing alcohol on and wrap the baby in guaze.I would probably use scotch tape to have more bending functions for the elbow as opposed to duct tape.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Rede2go
I recently had a small sore become infected - staph. It made me think what would I do without getting antibiotics from the doctor. This is such a knowledgeable group I was hoping someone had an answer. Are there any home remedies for infections such as this? What are other remedies for aliments or sickness we could use when there is no doctors office or pharmacy.What some people call folk or home remedies worked for years, why not now. We could put our ideas together and make a database that could be beneficial to all of us.

I have a few things in my first aid kit but I also have Tea Tree oil. Not only do I love the smell of it but it's supposed to be a good antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic. There is tons of info on it through any basic google search. The only down side it I've been told by someone on one of these threads that it is toxic to cats.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Rede2go

First cover the area with an as hot as you can stand it wet rag to draw the infection up. Sterilize a needle with alcohol to lance it with and get as much goo out of it as you can. Pour hydrogen peroxide into the open area to boil it out. Cover with antibiotic ointment or aloe vera gel (straight from the plant) and dress with sterile bandage. This will probably need repeating, and be sure to keep hands washed and clean and to dispose of any materials you use carefully as staph germs are easily spread. Make sure to keep the infected area as clean as possible and to immediately wash any cloths you use as soon as you are done.
Method may not be doctor recommended, but it works.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:54 AM
link new+article&wa_ibfanpage

heres what a few people did in crazy situations to live some with no training....WARNING #1 AND 2 made me cry and almost puke so read at your own risk but if they can do THIS anything is possible with the right mindset and perserverance

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:59 AM
I would personally recommend Honey. The uses for it are endless. See link for known benefits.

I have bought a few buckets of this myself and it lasts almost forever.

Good luck!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:07 PM
catnip has antibacterial properties, u can smoke it too. roaches and mosquito hate it too

vinegar is my favorite of all home remedies. it can be used for almost anything. it is good to clean the floor with too. oh, and vinegar can be used to clean your self, relieve itch, disinfect, increase skin's acidity to decrease the effects of aging. it's good for a catalyst to do extractions if you don't have pure alcohol.

marijuana is a good muscle relaxer if you can get your hand on some seeds and opium poppies, the best pain killer, grow almost every where, I recommend every one start a patch in their backyard. it is legal to grow as long as you don't have the intention of using the opium in the poppies (unless the SHTF of course)

brown sugar can be used as a facial srub.

cinnamon can be used to keep out bugs.

I'll add more if I think of any
edit on 29-5-2011 by PURPLEMAN because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:13 PM
Garlic. It is indispensable!

---Medicinal Action and Uses---Diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant. Many marvellous effects and healing powers have been ascribed to Garlic. It possesses stimulant and stomachic properties in addition to its other virtues.

As an antiseptic, its use has long been recognized. In the late war it was widely employed in the control of suppuration in wounds. The raw juice is expressed, diluted with water, and put on swabs of sterilized Sphagnum moss, which are applied to the wound. Where this treatment has been given, it has been proved that there have been no septic results, and the lives of thousands of men have been saved by its use.

It is sometimes externally applied in ointments and lotions, and as an antiseptic, to disperse hard swellings, also pounded and employed as a poultice for scrofulous sores. It is said to prevent anthrax in cattle, being largely used for the purpose.

In olden days, Garlic was employed as a specific for leprosy. It was also believed that it had most beneficial results in cases of smallpox, if cut small and applied to the soles of the feet in a linen cloth, renewed daily.

It formed the principal ingredient in the 'Four Thieves' Vinegar,' which was adapted so successfully at Marseilles for protection against the plague when it prevailed there in 1722. This originated, it is said, with four thieves who confessed, that whilst protected by the liberal use of aromatic vinegar during the plague, they plundered the dead bodies of its victims with complete security.

It is stated that during an outbreak of infectious fever in certain poor quarters of London, early last century, the French priests who constantly used Garlic in all their dishes, visited the worst cases with impunity, whilst the English clergy caught the infection, and in many instances fell victims to the disease.

Syrup of Garlic is an invaluable medicine for asthma, hoarseness, coughs, difficulty of breathing, and most other disorders of the lungs, being of particular virtue in chronic bronchitis, on account of its powers of promoting expectoration. It is made by pouring a quart of water, boiled hot, upon a pound of the fresh root, cut into slices, and allowed to stand in a closed vessel for twelve hours, sugar then being added to make it of the consistency of syrup. Vinegar and honey greatly improve this syrup as a medicine. A little caraway and sweet fennel seed bruised and boiled for a short time in the vinegar before it is added to the Garlic, will cover the pungent smell of the latter.

A remedy for asthma, that was formerly most popular, is a syrup of Garlic, made by boiling the bulbs till soft and adding an equal quantity of vinegar to the water in which they have been boiled, and then sugared and boiled down to a syrup. The syrup is then poured over the boiled bulbs, which have been allowed to dry meanwhile, and kept in a jar. Each morning a bulb or two is to be taken, with a spoonful of the syrup.

Syrup made by melting 1 1/2 OZ. of lump sugar in 1 OZ. of the raw expressed juice may be given to children in cases of coughs without inflammation.

The successful treatment of tubercular consumption by Garlic has been recorded, the freshly expressed juice, diluted with equal quantities of water, or dilute spirit of wine, being inhaled antiseptically.

Bruised and mixed with lard, it has been proved to relieve whooping-cough if rubbed on the chest and between the shoulder-blades.

An infusion of the bruised bulbs, given before and after every meal, has been considered of good effect in epilepsy.

A clove or two of Garlic, pounded with honey and taken two or three nights successively, is good in rheumatism. Garlic has also been employed with advantage in dropsy, removing the water which may already have collected and preventing its future accumulation. It is stated that some dropsies have been cured by it alone.

If sniffed into the nostrils, it will revive a hysterical sufferer.

Amongst physiological results, it is reported that Garlic makes the eye retina more sensitive and less able to bear strong light.

The juice of Garlic, and milk of Garlic made by boiling the bruised bulbs in milk is used as a vermifuge.

Also, garlic would be easier to get for most people since you can just pop a few bulbs in some dirt to propagate your own crop.

edit on 29-5-2011 by MzMorbid because: Walla walla bing bang.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:26 PM
There is a remedy for everything.Hospitals and doctors are a way to part people from their money.If you want to learn some home remedies,where people have tried the remedy,and reported back on results of the cure,just go to,its a homeopathic cure website.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:35 PM
Although I do believe that staph is serious and should be treated by a doctor, I can only speak from general experience and my over 25 times going to get stitches since highschool. When i used to go to the doctors and get my wound irrigated, cleaned, stiched and bandaged plus antibiotics, it would always take forever to heal, and sometimes still get infected.

Since halfway through I learned to clean and suture my own wounds, then using a local plant some may have heard of Noni. I warm up the leaves and crush them to make a layer on top of my wounds then applying bandage on top. No antibiotics, and i heal 10 times faster with never any infections. No doctors bills.

Noni, best plant ever. Ive heard of some people using this remedy for staph, but for me a staph infection is a littel more serious and i would get antibiotics.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:36 PM
organic apple cider vinegar is basically a cure all.It can cure more ailments than all other medicines combined.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:54 PM

silver bandages

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:54 PM
I'll testify as to garlic being great for knoking out infections.

I'm a Highly Sensitive Person, we're more "spongy" & absorb things more than other people. I can't go to the grocery store without getting sick.

A few weeks ago I caught a sinus infection. My cheek started swelling up but my nose wasn't running; it just kept bulding up until I looked like I had half a golfball in my cheek. I can't afford a doctor & antibiotics hit me hard. Plus, taking too many antobiotics can have non-effective consequences in the long run. I read around on the internet & noted garlic to be used by many for infections. I drove my miserable self to the drug store & got a bottle of garlic pills for less than $5.00 (plus some saline spray & vitamin C). After returning home I medicated myself & within 15 minutes could tell I'd really p.o.'d the infection as I started sweating, coughing as the war started in my cheek. I went to bed, woke up about 4 hours later as my cheek was burning with pain, took another garlic, went back to sleep. About 4 hours later I touched my cheek in my sleep & it jolted me awake as it was completely normal again! Though a little tender, nowhere near the intense level of pain it had been.

I take it daily now, been to the grocery store twice & haven't gotten sick.

Maybe a daily dose would keep cuts from developing serious infection. I don't know if I'd try garlic oil on an open sore, but I might if deperate enough.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:58 PM
The hydrogen peroxide works well topically. But for deeper infections you may want to mix it with DMSO. DMSO will take the hydrogen peroxide deeper.

Another thing to keep in mind is that mega dosing Vitamin C works well in reducing inflammation and swelling. Hit it with both and you should be good to go.

Also, if you have a abscessed tooth, Vitamin C (mega dosed) will reverse the abscess. Don't ask me how, but it does and I speak from experience.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Rede2go

Colloidal silver is some wonderful stuff for infections of almost all types. It can be made cheap and easy by using two pieces of 99.9% pure silver as electrodes and putting them into a glass jar full of distilled water from the grocery store and using three 9 volt batteries hooked together, running the current through the silver. The silver loses molecules and dissolves into the water, which is then applied topically or drank internally.

Dosing iformation can be found online, too much can cause bluing of the skin called argyria so you want to be aware how much is too much before you jump into it. There is also simple guides to doing what I just told you. You can find gnerators you just plug into the wall for around 60 bucks, but IMHO it is so easy to make yourself with a few pieces of wire, some batteries and two pieces of silver, why spend the money? It's all ther with a google search.

Colloidal silver is effective for many types of infections and other things as well. I for one am very glad I was informed about it.


posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Rede2go

A lot of good information is on this YouTube Channel. She gives a lot of good advice and even some drugs that last longer than their "expiry date".

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:37 PM
Here is a one that might be helpful:

So the natural remedy for staff infection is a garlic poultice but to remove the cause you need to look at the surrounding environment that you and your family live in. In other words treat the symptoms and the cause. And if in doubt eat lots of garlic.

Hmmm....Yummy...if you like garlic!

Edit: I should say I second the motion for garlic as I see it is already been brought up!

edit on 29-5-2011 by jerryznv because: ...

edit on 29-5-2011 by jerryznv because: (no reason given)

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