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Street lamps go out when I pass by. Anyone?

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posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by TheArchaeologist

Street lights are on timers.
Residents complain of the lights on all night and sometimes it is to save electricity or to darken a road that isn't used much at this particular hour. At least that's the way it is around here.
Many lights like the lights in the grocery freezer case are motion sensitive and only go on when someone approaches them.

I am aware of this.

This doesn't happen to me in grocery stores at least that I can recall or have noticed, and I am aware that some lights inside and outside are also on timers, and the reasoning behind it, etc.

Perhaps this isn't something that I can explain to someone who hasn't had this experience?

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:31 AM
this also happens to me,i cant beleive i never started a thread like this,i used to scare the hell out of my ex girlfriend because i would tell her to notice how many street lights i'd put out when we'd drive at night.when i was about 16 -17 id go out every night to walk my dog around my neighborhood and some lights would go out as i approached them or as i was under them,never noticed lights turning off behind me though,nor in my rear view as i drove,for years i didnt look too much into it,but i after i turned 19 and got my own place and saw that even in different neighborhoods and streets lights were still going out i felt a bit uneasy,i never told anyone but my ex,although i was convinced that it wasnt coincidence.Glad im not the only one,wish someone had an answer!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:35 AM
Thank you for the comments, those who have had this happen, and even those who doubt it.

I appreciate all the points of views. I will say that I am particularly startled that this is indeed something that has actually been looked into.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by TheArchaeologist

It happens to me too but I never thought anything of it till I read this thread. I just figured it was poor quality products like everything else these days so never paid much attention. Now i am curious to see how often it happens when I pass by. I don't remember it happening when I was a kid either.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:51 AM
In doing a bit of research online, I found this page,
Street Light Interference "SLI"

In reading that article, and some of the replies both here and there, it is almost as if I am quoting verbatim, some of the article and the comments, and I, as I said, wrote this post on a whim, because I am up at an odd hour.

It has never crossed my mind that this is para normal or telekenetic etc. In fact I was hesitant to post it in this forum because I wasn't sure it applied. I debated posting this in the "Science" forum because that seemed more applicable to me.

I am hestitant to say more ( there are experiences I once thought were tenous, that I feel I could now add to this) , because if I were someone looking at this from the outside, I myself might admittedly dismiss it!

edit on 29-5-2011 by TheArchaeologist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:05 AM
i had this happen to me ALOT over the past several years and only recently has everything stopped, like you said, street lights going out, one after the other down the ENTIRE street, EVERY time i walked down, even several of my friends started noticing this and some other things that were happening around me.
it all started a few years back when i had no clue about the true workings of the craft, so i decided to dabble in some black magick, and did some ritual that was supposed to call darkness unto me, or something like that i dont remember the ritual specifically but i do remember what i did, it was simple and at the time i did not believe anything had happened, all i did was meditate over a black candle, calling out to darkness with my 'inner voice', and yeah.. did that for about half an hour.. and then over the past 6 or so years i have had so, SO many unnerving events occur, when alone, and with friends. one night i even saw somethething i have no word for, i would describe it as an amorphous black cloud of malice. i was lying in bed one night (when i was about 13) and the lights were out but the room was slightly illuminated by the street lights oustside, and i thought i could see something moving above my bed, similar the way gas looks when it is being leaked out of a stove, circling above my head, and mind you this was in the middle of summer, and it suddenly became FREEZING cold, then what looked like a black cloud descended through my roof slowly clircling still, at the time i was telling myself this was impossible and could not be happening, begging for this not to be real, and a part of it stretched out and came RIGHT UP to my face, staring into me, i could not see eyes or anything, just this black/morphing shape, all the while i could not move or utter a noise, i was petrified, and it simply ascended back into the roof and i could breathe properly, i got up as quickly as i could and woke my mum up and told her what the hell had just happened and she got up and went into my room and she noticed that it was freezing cold in there too, yet in the rest of the house it was rather hot, that is one of atleast a dozen #ed and creepy thing that have happened since i did that ritual, and mind you it is not NEARLY as #ed as some of the other stuff thats happened that i do not feel comfortable sharing with strangers. anyway.. about a year ago, my mother along with my relatives in south america, (my family are very spiritual, with my cousins/uncles ect all in close contact with the shamanic tribes that are still flourishing in south america) and they did a cleansing ritual of sorts to rid me of whatever it was that i had attracted to myself, and i have had any of the usual negativity that i used to have in that period.
just thought id share that tidbit of info, maybe it will give you someinsight on what is happening/if this is happening to you, by the way, i care not for any opinions which seek to riducule, opinions like that do not phase me and are nothing but a waste of energy.
edit on 29-5-2011 by dreadrokk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:13 AM
Ok, now I feel I have to add this comment from someone on that "SLI" page I found.

Car's electrical system goes wonky
This is the first time I have heard other people having this. I go through alot of light bulbs. I have 3 cars that went through electrical problems. My friends' cars, if i am in them awhile, even though they said they never had problems, when I am not in them they have no problem. Car radio will go on even though there are no keys in the ignition, lights will dim and go bright, or the light bulb blows. I thought I was crazy. I am glad there are others. Wonder what it means, what's it for? If anybody has answers, please email or respond. Thanks.

The above is one of the things I did not mentioned in my original post, but alluded to. Now, after seeing this post in the SLI article, I have to comment.

I had a 1999 SAAB as one of my first cars. The lights and radio would turn on without the keys in the ignition. I attributed this to an electrical short, but never found one. I assumed, that there was one, but we just failed to find it. My husband and I have two identical sportscars ( we both love to drive) and when I am driving, the headlight bulbs often burn out, and again, this appeard to be coincidence, but then when I switched cars, the second car had similiar issues which my husband never had when he drives it. I can also cause radios to go on the fritz just by touching them. However the cars are foreign, so we figured it was just one of the many quirks that go with owning some temperamental sportscars, such as the old joke about british cars and "Lucas electronics" lucas jokingly being referred to as "The prince of darkness" because of all the electrical/lighting problems some British cars with lucas electrical systems can have.

Something else I have noticed, much to my chagrin, is that when I turn the TV on, it will immediately blink off. I thought I must have somehow "double touched it" for lack of a better term. Similarly when I go to turn something off, it will often go off, then immediately turn back on within tenths of a second, again, I attributed this to me somehow punching it twice. Maybe not?

I have other observations too, but I think it might be perilous to admit anymore. I now feel bad for being skeptical of others regarding other topics, especially when others said "ME TOO". Now I find myself in the same boat.

I don't want this thread to sound "nutty".

edit on 29-5-2011 by TheArchaeologist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:30 AM
does anyone feel that they are extraordinarily good guessers,and can guess/predict certain things happening more than what others may be able to?

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by VicDiaz89
does anyone feel that they are extraordinarily good guessers,and can guess/predict certain things happening more than what others may be able to?

Ok, now this is just freaky. Yes.

In high school the store I worked in was robbed by two men, at gunpoint. Before it happened, I said to my coworker half jokingly, "those guys are weird, they're gonna rob us or something"....ten minutes later they pretended to want to check out, and pulled a gun once the drawer was open. Instead of saying WOW I told ya so, instead I felt sheepish for having called it before it happened. Maybe I just picked up on their "vibes" or something.

Similiar situations have continued to happen throughout my life. I have never attempted to link these different aspects together though. I do not study the paranormal or even remotely similiar. I do not play the lottery, nor can I predict the future, nor do I try to. Again, I cannot explain it, and I most certainly do not want to sound like a crazy. I always just thought I was more intuitive/perceptive than some.
edit on 29-5-2011 by TheArchaeologist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by VicDiaz89

Did you ever see a light that goes on when you shine a flashlight at it?
Most street lamps are designed to go on when there is traffic on the road and your headlights are shining on it from a distance and when you get underneath it they go off because they are designed for you to see where you are going and no more. Street lamps keep people awake at night.
No I don't understand the phenomena I guess. Bulbs blow, electrical appliances stop working and the television and radio experience interference when I approach them but I think this is just natural electromagnetic energy and happens to everyone. Of course not all the time. Only when I want to watch something or need the light.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:00 AM
Okay this is just weird because this has happened to me a lot since I can remember, I to tend to take walks or bike rides at night, anyway... in my teenage years I thought with more reasonable thinking that maybe the city was turning off random lights one after another to save power and I just happen to be walking or riding by. But when I was about 22 and in a relationship me and the girlfriend would take nightly walks and she started noticing the street light going out by us, and said something about it being weird never seeing it before, I then told her about this happening to me since I could remember. I always had an eerie feeling in the back of my mind that my presence was making the street light go out, but talked myself out of it with more reasonable thought. Her comment made me think about it, then on one of our walks I had a feeling and said this street light will go out just as we passed it turned out, it made us chuckle. Also what else is weird, when I clicked on a link in this thread about SLI and them using the term SLIder made me look twice as this is the gamer tag I use in all my games, I never had a thought about this gamer tag it just came to me on day long ago and have been using it ever since.
edit on 29-5-2011 by C4RT3R because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-5-2011 by C4RT3R because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

For me, I'd estimate it is one out of ever 5 that I pass. It is a daily occurrence.


All you need to do then is tonight go outside and walk down the street and film it.

Walk past 50 and approx 10 will go out by your estimate,you`ll be an overnight sensation all around the world.You`ll be RICH I tells ya!

Then we`ll all get to witness this so called nonsense.

Dont keep your super powers secret ,Rich! I wont even expect any money for sugesting it.

Oh and I suppose you get kicked out of shopping centres etc when it becomes so obvious that its you who`s causing all the light failures,or is it just street lights that go out?

Anyway looking forward to see the vid,even a cell phone will do, It`ll put all those who think it rubbish in their place.

P.S. Rich!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:02 AM
try focusing on making the light go on or off,the reverse of what you noticed,I can sit in my car with my friend and let them tell me when to shut it out.

tighten your stomach muscles like a martial artist as you direct your thoughts.

This is real,and it is because we are broadcasting our energy and we are unaware,when you know what you are doing it is easier to control.

Not exactly rocket science really

Everyone can do it,we just never notice the ability and if we do we dont know what it is or what to do with it.

But it is simply natural science.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by gps777

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

For me, I'd estimate it is one out of ever 5 that I pass. It is a daily occurrence.


All you need to do then is tonight go outside and walk down the street and film it.

Walk past 50 and approx 10 will go out by your estimate,you`ll be an overnight sensation all around the world.You`ll be RICH I tells ya!

Then we`ll all get to witness this so called nonsense.

Dont keep your super powers secret ,Rich! I wont even expect any money for sugesting it.

Oh and I suppose you get kicked out of shopping centres etc when it becomes so obvious that its you who`s causing all the light failures,or is it just street lights that go out?

Anyway looking forward to see the vid,even a cell phone will do, It`ll put all those who think it rubbish in their place.

P.S. Rich!

There is no need to be snotty about it, and I don't believe anyone is calling this a super power.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by one4all

Dude if you can do that at will,you`ll be the first in human history.

You need to be on the news!

Go there now! and I`d bet it`ll be on the news tonight even here in Australia.


All you guys are sitting on a gold mine.

Anymore that can do it at will?

edit on 29-5-2011 by gps777 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by TheArchaeologist

I beg to differ. They do not merely flicker, they go out, distinctly so. I am not someone who is a flake or is so inept that I would mistake normal flickering lights etc with what I have experienced. It is very distinct.

I should have done a search, sorry, it honest to god did not occur to me that this was a subject that would have been discussed before.

Listen here buddy, I have plenty of times walked
by a street lamp and it all of a sudden dim out..

One time as I walked right past a street light it flickered on then back on real quick..

I have seen a steady breeze jog them a little and make them go off..

I have 10-20 *DISTINCT memories of walking by a street lamp or look at one
and it turn off...

There is nothing super natural about it thats all..
I think you are intelligent enough to catch the drift...

The thing is sir, it's nothing...

edit on 29-5-2011 by hillynilly because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:17 AM


posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by TheArchaeologist

There is no need to be snotty about it, and I don't believe anyone is calling this a super power.

Snotty no,calling it flat out lying as no one has ever been able to do these type of things.

If people want to make up such easly proven nonsense they should be called on it.

He said its a daily occurence,that 1 in 5 will go out.

Easily proven.

You think someone lying is worse than someone who you think is getting snotty? ok so be,when was snottyness against the t&cs of this site?.
edit on 29-5-2011 by gps777 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by gps777

I am the thread starter, and I most certainly am NOT lying. Nor am I a rube who wishes to attribute things to super powers or other nonsense.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:24 AM


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