posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 06:47 PM
Not only are there many chupacabra sightings and attacks in Chile,but now a family in their car reported two 2 meter "dinosaurs" running across
their path. The story and a drawing is on
they do not look carnivorous.
"Not intelligebt as you know it.A new species."2IC
The Chupas tend to attack small livestock although a child was wounded.
They have been reported with glowing eyes and live on the animal's blood.
The only way to restrain an animal must be that they have a latent ability to hypnotise or paralyze their prey.
This sounds hidious,but I recall that Second In Command is continuing with the Pacification of the Earth. More plant eaters,less meat eaters,and more
docile. The chupas by putting the animal "out" hypnotically (which the Visitors already possess) is far more merciful than being torn apart by wild
animals or going to a slaughterhouse.
The Visitors ,once animals themselves, are making changes.And these are all warn climate creatures,the Earth is going to get hot after the
Rending.That is why there are no sightings in colder climes,they are ofreptillian heritage.