posted on May, 28 2011 @ 11:46 PM
So, I had a dream that me and a couple of friends were hanging out at the mall (my crush is a friend of my friend). For the first time ever, I
actually had a real conversation with him, but it was time to leave. Instead of taking the bus with our friends, he and I walked instead so that we
can talk. It was getting later and later. Later on, I dropped my crush off at his house, and all of a sudden I was in my underwear. I said to myself
"I don't care, it's hot anyway and I have to run home". It was getting close to 12AM and there were bad people out this late and I ran pass them
in my underwear. All of a sudden it was completely dark. I couldn't see anything. I kept walking forward and all of a sudden I put my ear against
something and I remembered that it was the "Wall Of Ard". The Wall Of Ard doesn't exist in real life but in my dream, it was a wall holding
microscopic organisms, so when I put my ear on the wall I was like "Oh My God" but then I woke up. What on Earth does this dream mean?