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How much longer!!!!

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posted on May, 28 2011 @ 11:28 PM
Really people! How much longer must we stand by and watch our rights be stripped away by the powers that be. I live in Indiana and we officially have NO, I repeat, NO first amendment and what is being done. Absolutely nothing! It sickens me that none of the other states is fighting the criminal TSA. It's sickening that Obama hasn't been brought to trial for all the atrocities that he's been committing! WHY AMERICA? WHY HAVEN'T YOU WOKEN UP TO THE FACT THAT ALL OUR RIGHTS ARE BEING STRIPPED AWAY SLOWLEY BUT SURELEY? Hope and change huh? All I'm seeing is the continuation of the Bush dynasty by someone who supplies FAKE birth certificates. We're the morons who voted Obama into office and we have the power to vote impeach him. I've had enough with the interview. It's time for us to open our eyes to the horrors that are going on around the world. For god sakes people are LEGALLY putting their hands down the pants of little BOYS and GIRLS. It' won't be soon before long that they're be putting their hands down your pants in malls, grocery stores, movie theaters, you name it. It's time that we use our ultimate weapons. Our voice. The voice of the people will always be heard. So speak up. I love this country. I want my freedoms so I can continue to love my country! Together we can't be defeated! Write your comments on here and tell me what you think. Tell me how we can get more people to realize the wrong going on!

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 11:34 PM
Correction to my post: I meant to say we have no FOURTH amendment

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by CapSolo

For the same reason unhealthy people still go to Mcdonalds, smokers still buy a carton a week, and pollution continues to grow.

The majority do not care about the effects until it is seriously affecting their person and then wakes them up to their own mortality.

By then it's too late.

edit on 28-5-2011 by CN1018 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by CapSolo
Together we can't be defeated!

If you define this as there being an 'Us' and a 'Them,' then we can and already have been defeated.

As or 'Us,' we will never unite around the same values, ideologies or beliefs. In fact, there is a vast number who are more than happy to relinquish their freedoms, or have government dictate how our life's are run.

You are going through a phase of accepting what is already a known truth, America has an incurable terminal disease. Hopefully you will come to accept this so you can enjoy some aspects of life before it is too late.

edit on 28-5-2011 by Wolf321 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:08 AM
So what Wolf? Are you just giving up? It's not too late, I mean something can be done. There are people out there who are waking up but we need more. I'm not accepting the fact that this country is dying, it's just sick and the people can cure it if we just start spreading the word. Sooner or later people will hear about it.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by CapSolo

Denial is the first stage of acceptance. Anger is the second. You are entering the second stage.

No amount of people 'waking up' can reclaim the power, or undo the circumstances that we allowed ourselves to be in. Those in power, keep them and theirs in power. The laws are written by lawyers and crooks to manipulate the system at their whim.

This problem is not unique to the USA, but the USA had the most potential and lost it all. The problem is humanity. What the US founders set in motion was the last great hope for humanity. The people were entrusted with the care of freedom like a gardener caring for a fruit bearing tree. We failed not simply by not caring, but introducing more parasites, disease and destruction to it. Professionally we would be fired, but in this case, humanity has sealed its fate. To be cliche, we are doomed.

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