posted on May, 31 2011 @ 10:18 PM
I would like to say, as someone who has visited the memorials in Washington D.C., including the Tomb of the unknown soldier, these are national sites
that were constructed and maintained throughout the history of our nation to respect and revere our fallen dead. These are the founders, leaders, and
soldiers of this nation who gave their lives for their beilef in America, it's Constitution, and it's laws so that we all may live free.
This is very simple really. The world we are presently living in makes martyrs out of anyone with a video recording device. It is simple really. I
would not dance on the Tomb of the unknown soldier nor would I dance on the Viet Nam Memorial. I would not dance on the memorial site of Thomas
Jefferson. Obviously, some trash would. I have the freedom to do so. However, out of respect, and that is what is lacking here, I would not dance on
the graves of our fallen leaders and soldiers. I would body slam the lazy bastard myself, he should get a job and grow up and act like a man instead
of a slacker with a cellphone.
What part of respect for the dead is not quite understood here? Is it a difficult concept they have no respect for? Obviously they want to talk about
their freedoms being violated, what a joke. This crap doesn't wash after awhile. The graves they dance on and make a mockery of are the graves of
those who fought for your right to live and flourish in a free society. Millions of American gave their lives in the name of freedom, not yours,
theirs. You did not crawl in a trench or die in a foxhole. Tell me about the depth of your suffering compared to those at Valley Forge? They didn't
have cellphones, Nikes, or video cameras. How pathetic our American society has become. We all know it and see it, don't we?