posted on May, 28 2011 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by itsallmaya
Since when does a 1.7 magnitude earthquake cause "explosions" sounds, loud enough for people in a large area to run out of their homes?
I'm not buying that. I live in New England, and really small earthquakes are not uncommon, you pretty much sleep through them, as they are very
subtle. A lot of people are not aware that earthquakes occur where they live, because they are so small.
I didn't see anyone mention that an aircraft could have broken the sound barrier. That happened here last fall, and it was extremely unusual. They
weren't supposed to be doing operations in this area, and they went supersonic over a residential area. It was extremely loud, as it's a very quiet
area, and it sounded like an explosion, and rattled everything in my house. Everyone flooded the call-centers for our local news stations, because it
was heard for miles, in many different towns. It was on the news, and in the paper the next day. Many complaints.
It's very startling if someone is not used to it, or not privy to what it sounds like. I've heard probably thousands of explosions in my lifetime,
when I was in Iraq. So even for me, it was very surprising. I would assume it is uncommon for aircraft to go supersonic over Philly, PA.
on 28-5-2011 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)