posted on May, 28 2011 @ 01:09 PM
I had an unusual weird dream last night that we had a big solar flare with strong geometric activity. I remember calling up friends and family warning
people to seek underground shelter. The dream did not say where, or when this was going to happen. So no need to panic.
Later in the dream, I remember looking at old Mayan artifacts on an old long wood picnic table. Most of it was old pottery carvings of various masks,
and other types of unique 3-d carvings, vases, and artifacts. The only clues I could decode was Yin Yang. Meaning that we need to restore balance to
the world. Not sure what the rest means.
I was wondering if anyone else had any dreams of any strange Mayan symbols. I think the Mayans were trying to tell us something, and maybe no one can
really decode what they are. I’m not saying that this dream has any real meaning, just thought it was interesting. Just wondering if anyone had any
info about the Mayans, and what their symbols could possibly mean. Looking forward to your different ideas.