posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 01:58 AM
Anyone who would even CONSIDER a candidate from Taxachusetts is a fool. Massachusetts is beyond oppressive, and I would rather live in Hitler's
Germany than under a Massachusetts president.
Mandatory health insurance.
Mandatory auto insurance.
Mandatory seatbelt and motorcycle helmets.
One of the strictest gun control states (arsenal law anyone?)
Fireworks are illegal.
Absolutely INSANE taxes. 6.25% sales tax on everything. Even a new car...
Ever hear the saying "Everything's illegal in Massachusetts"? It isn't a joke, it's the sick truth.
I would NEVER vote for a Massachusetts candidate EVER. If there was even a 1% chance he would try to turn the United States into larger version of
#holeachusetts he shouldn't even be considered.
I lived in in The Dump aka Massachusetts for a few years, and when I finally moved back to New Hampshire (que angel chorus) it was like being released
from prison. I do not exaggerate... not one. tiny. bit. If Stalinville aka Massachusetts was to slide off the eastern seaboard and disappear into the
abyss of the atlantic ocean the nation would be better off.
I find it ironic that one of the most blatantly anti-constitution states in the United States has the motto "The Spirit of America"... Ha, I think
edit on 7/8/2011 by Adyta because: (no reason given)