posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Glz00
Yeah the shafting is real alright! Those spanky new motors bought with money that does not exist means bonuses are paid out of individual savings that
the banks seem to think belong to them!
Whilst I applaud and support any action (even 'un' peaceful ones) that protests both the banks and successive governments that prioritise bank
interests over those of the taxpayer, I think the most effective protest is the one few people are able or willing to enter,
stop using the
banks! Demand employers pay in cash! Take control of your wealth! Also, hit the Treasury! PAYE is NOT mandatory! It was introduced during WW11 as
expedient to the war effort! If a mass movement of employees demanded the right to be taxed as self employed, would government response be to reveal
it's true tyranny or would we achieve a more equitable balance of power whereby government is forced to accept it's role as servant of the people
rather than servant of the banking industry?