posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:53 AM
Omega Locos,
Thank you kindly for such a nice welcome and offer of help! I'm sure there are many things I don't know yet about this site, but I have read the
rules and such pretty thoroughly. =)
I have no idea what I will post, or post about as far as topics go, as I usually end up seeing stuff on here before I'd ever find it on the rest of
the internet.
If I need any help, I will be sure to ask. !!
Thank you also for the warm welcome!! As a fellow mom, I can honestly say that was always my concern too. Thankfully, they waited. (*Whew!!!!!) Hope
to see you around the boards!! =)
Thank you kindly for the welcome. Much appreciated! I've been reading these boards literally for years, so I'm aware of what I'm getting myself
into. Thanks for takin it easy on me, on my first thread.
I hope to see you around the boards. Feel free to message me anytime. *Holdin on tightly
SM Sauron,
Thank you very much for the welcome and the links to all of the important stuff here on ATS. Hopefully, I won't give you reason to visit my threads,
other than to say *nice* things to me.
Since I run my own website, I'm rather aware of the kinds of rules needed to keep things civil on a site.
You guys do a great job!!!! Thanks for providing the extra work necessary to make this site what it is. Keep up the great work!!!
Peace to all,
Much love