posted on May, 27 2011 @ 05:15 PM
Skeptic & Springer,
I doubt they expected such a passionate and intelligent debate.
Of all the sites that could help drive the freedom of independent publishing alive, it's not only Ironic but fitting that ATS would be it.
ANY attack on freedom by corporations the left or right or just crazy always starts and is dependant on the "Information War", free, real,
open, inquisitive and non aligned citizen or direct journalism/information, is imho, as important as all the traditional rights, enshrined in law or
implied to each human being we oft see lorded about.
The Power and importance of this is not appreciated or thought about much in society I feel, and just observing through history what "They" do
in regards to information of this kind is evidenced by the all out Sociopaths burning all books & libraries as well as censorship a lot of effort to
List of Book Burning Incident's
Destruction of LibrariesList of Books
Banned by GovernmentCensorship
As compared to the vast amounts of laws, lawyers and money, government resources, lobbying, corporate media we see all still pour into control of the
tone, content and dissemination of the modern book, The net and such places as ATS.
So having considered that Thanks guys for all you’ve done and continue to with ATS, Thanks to the Mods to who day in day out keep it going and
everyone who is one of the lovely member's of ATS for keeping us free and being the eye watching them , whilst they watch us
Kind Regards,