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End time Prophet?? Sister Elena Aiello

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posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 05:40 PM
link" target="_blank" class="postlink">End Time Prophet?
Venerable Sister Elena Aiello was born on April 10th 1895 at Montalto, Uffugo, Italy. When she became a nun in later life she founded a Contemplative religious order, The Sister Minims of The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and presided over the sisters as Superior Geneal. A very practical and well balanced woman, Sister Elena Aiello was always open to religious and public scrutiny like Padre Pio, although her life is not well known outside of Europe. The events in her life, however, are attested to by numerous witnesses as well as by photography and scientific and medical studies. In addition to receiving the Stigmata during a vision or Our Lord like Padre Pio and Terese Neumann, Sister Elena underwent mystically the sufferings and Death of Jesus Christ, during which time her stigmatic wounds bled profusely. During one of these Passion episodes, her right hand struck the wall by her bed and the blood ran down and formed the Face of Christ on the masonite panel. This image would later bleed profusely on its own from September 29th continuously until October 13th 1955. After that time it flowed intermittently until Sister Elena died in 1961.

Anyone ever heard of her?The Blessed Virgin showed her other visions during 1959-1961:

"Oh, what a horrible vision I see! A great revolution is going on in Rome! They are entering the Vatican. The Pope is all alone; he is praying. They are holding the Pope. They take him by force. They knock him down to the floor. They are tying him. Oh. God! Oh, God! They are kicking him. What a horrible scene! How dreadful!"

"Our Blessed Mother is drawing near. Like corpses those evil men fall down to the floor. Our Lady helps the Pope to his feet and, taking him by the arm, She covers him with her mantle saying: Fear not!'

"Russia will march upon all the nations of Europe, particularly Italy, and will raise her flag over the dome of St. Peter's. Italy will be severely tried by a great revolution, and Rome will be purified in blood for its many sins, especially those of impurity. The flock is about to be dispersed and the Pope will suffer greatly."

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 05:50 PM
Interesting, I had not heard of her before.

Those visions are quite interesting to say the least - wonder if they will have any truth in the future?


posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 01:32 PM
doubt it...

'russia will march on europe...etc' ??

Russia can't even stop chechen rebels, let alone poverty,etc.. in their country... sorry, that prophecy/vision doesn't hold.

Another quack trying to say the virgin mary has showed her visions.

Heres the truth.... the world will go on like it always has. The U.S will remain a superpower, china will continue to grow, etc.. etc.. the middle east will always have trouble associated with it, yada yada.

No apocolyptic events, no nuclear wars, etc..

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 01:40 PM
You would like the book -
'Trials, Tribulations, Triumph
- before, during and after the AntiChrist'

By Desmond Birch
Queenship Publishing Co.
ISBN - 1-882972-73-2

It's chalked full of all sorts of visions and prophecies
by Venerables, Blesseds, and Saints,

635 pages of it.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 06:33 AM
Thanks for the tip!!!

SHe just sounded like she was talking about today's timeframe.

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 08:22 AM
Henoch Prophecies

The point in time at which these prophecies will begin to be fulfilled will be when a Pope will no longer reside in Rome. All of Europe will then fall victim to a terrible punishment by evil powers. The Christian religion will collapse and the churches and monasteries will end up in ruins and ashes.

Many waters will mix with human blood and turn red, as once in the past the Nile in Egypt turned red with blood.

Sister's Quote," The river Rhine will be overflowing with corpses and blood. Italy will also be harassed by a great revolution, and the Pope will suffer terribly."

The Soviet Union will be dissolved in this decade or at the latest by the beginning of the next. The man decisive for this action will be Mikhail Gorbachev. But this will not lead to rest, because the new Russia will continue its longstanding conflict with China over Inner Mongolia, with the result that Russia will lose a portion of this territory to China. And China becomes dangerous, especially to India, as also at this time China maintains uneasy relations with her. China will attack India; and if biological weapons are used, around 30 million human beings will be killed in the area of and around New Delhi alone. However, this will not be the end yet�because the effect of biological bombs and missiles, etc., used cannot be controlled at that time, and terrible epidemics unknown up to that point in time will arise and will spread quickly to many areas. Also Pakistan will allow herself to be misled to instigate a war against India, which will be especially dangerous in view of the fact that both countries are developing atomic weapons.

Yet Russia will not rest and will attack Scandinavia, and in doing so will embroil all of Europe. And months before that, a terrible tornado will have swept across northern Europe, causing great devastation and destruction. It must still be stated that the Russian attack will occur during the summer, in fact, starting from Arhangelsk. Denmark will not be dragged into the war, due to the insignificance of this country. Yet Russia will not be satisfied with this action of war, as her will for expansion will be ravenous. And consequently Russia will launch a military attack against Iran and Turkey and will conquer these two countries in bloody fighting, causing enormous destruction.

" . . . if people . . . do not return to God with truly Christian living, another terrible war will come from the East to the West. Russia with her secret armies will battle America, will overrun Europe. The river Rhine will be overflowing with corpses and blood. Italy will also be harassed by a great revolution, and the Pope will suffer terribly."

Sisters ' Prophecies

I just thought there were some wierd coincidences here!!!!

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 08:28 AM
This just another hopeful religious prediction for people to come to the call of the church.

She may have seen something but the facts go mix with the politics of her time.

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
She may have seen something but the facts go mix with the politics of her time.

That's the problem I had with Catherine Emmerich's books. We ordered the complete set. I started reading them and found that many things that she was shown in 'visions from God' have since been found to be wrong, at least according to the Catholic church which is canonizing her.

For instance ... she said that she saw a vision of the soul of BL Virgin Mary entering her body in her mothers womb something like 2 weeks before anyone else's souls entered their bodies. Apparently at that time, people didn't think souls entered bodies until they 'quickened' (felt movement) around the 4th month. NOW the church says that the soul enters immediately upon conception. So.. Catherine Emmerick's 'visions' were tainted with what the common thought process of the day was.

Things like that. Those things ruined the reading of Catherine Emmerick for me.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:38 PM
Can you say Russia????

She may have been more correct than we know........

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Tesla... Denmark will not be dragged into the war, due to the insignificance of this country. ...

I'm ... just ... so ... sorry! For Denmark.

It always is so comforting to see that 'prophesies' truly reflect the person that gives them, that they are able to emesh the political and spiritual teachings that they are aware of with the words of the 'devine'.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

trials,tribulations and triumph is an awesome book!

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by porky1981
doubt it...

'russia will march on europe...etc' ??

Russia can't even stop chechen rebels, let alone poverty,etc.. in their country... sorry, that prophecy/vision doesn't hold.

maybe that isn't the meaning.
Prephrased: "Russia is cutting off 100% of Europes gas supply and closing borders" - just an example, not saying it will happen.

[edit on 11/1/09 by absente]

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 04:54 AM
From Mary through Sister Elena Aiello: "No longer do men speak according to the true spirit of the Gospel. The immorality of the times has ‘reached a peak! But men do not listen to my motherly warnings, so the world must soon be purified."

Aiello: "My heart of Mother, and mediatrix of men, close to the mercy of God, invites, with many MANIFESTATIONS and many SIGNS, the people to penance and to pardon. But they respond with a STORM OF HATE, blasphemies and sacrilegious profanations, as if blinded by an INFERNAL RAGE."

If God's power was NOT manifested in a grand scale, people could react with indifference, doubt, and bad humor. But a reaction of "infernal rage" implies undeniable manifestation of God's divine power and will (signs in the sky ; mega-earthquakes) that is rejected and despised by mankind.

Apparently God intends to conceal the truth from mankind even when He acts in the biggest way. If the world accepted and believed the manifestations, it would absolutely not react with a "STORM OF HATE" and infernal rage.

Here are just two signs from God that are in the future according to this Italian prophet:

- "When an extraordinary sign appears in the sky, know it mankind, that next will be the punishment of the world!" (Italian: "Quando nel cielo apparirà un segno straordinario, sappiano gli uomini che prossima sarà la punizione del mondo!"

- "...But it will not delay the punishment of the wicked. That day(the punishment of the wicked) will be scary in a manner most terrible: the earth/ground will tremble and shake all of humanity."

(Italian: "...Ma(But) non(not) tarderà(delay) la(the) punizione(punishment) degli(of the) empi(wicked). Quel(That) giorno(day) sarà(wil be) spaventoso(scary), nel(in a) modo(manner) più(most) terribile: la(the) terra(earth/land/ground) tremerà(trembles) e (and) scuoterà(shakes) tutta(all) l'umanità(humanity).")

And the world will certainly spew a "storm of hate" against the last Pope and French Monarch if they are indeed from God. And against the precursor Pope that fully embraces the Fatima prophecy after it all begins.

The Antichrist on the other hand whose time is much further off, will be loved and embraced by much of the world.

Apparently God insists it be that way, arriving in a manner that provokes a storm of hate, because this world has categorically and completely rejected the spiritual instructions handed down by Jesus.

I think it has been made crystal clear to me that the only ways to discern the truth during those prophetic periods is to see which of those (alleging to be relevant) actively follow the teachings spelled out by Christ (over a proper period of time) versus those that do the opposite, and to see which figures are popularly embraced by the haters of Christ's teachings(very bad), and to see whether God protects His alleged investments. THE REST OF THE FACTORS ARE JUST NOISE that may greatly interfere with seeing the truth.

You simply cannot discern the truth about a person's alleged "piety" over a short period, so the watching and discerning would clearly be an ongoing process.

Sister Aiello: ""Russia, spurred on by Satan, will seek to dominate the whole world and, by BLOODY REVOLUTIONS, will propagate her false teachings throughout all the nations, especially in Italy. The Church will be persecuted and the Pope and the priests shall suffer much."

"The governments(dictatorships) of the people have risen like demons incarnated, and, while they(dictators) speak of peace they prepare for war with the most devastating implements to destroy peoples and nations."

"Italy will be severely tried by a great revolution, and Rome will be purified in blood for its many sins, especially those of impurity! The flock is about to be dispersed and the Pope must suffer greatly."

"A GREAT REVOLUTION is going on in Rome! They are entering the Vatican. The Pope is all alone; he's praying. They are holding the Pope. They take him by force...."

"the dictators of the earth, true monsters infernal, knock to the ground the Churches in the sacred Ciborium's and destroy people and nations and the things most dear. In this sacrilegious fight, by savage impulses and very fierce resistance will be leveled everything that was made by human hands."
("I dittatori della terra, veri mostri infernali, atterreranno le Chiese con i Sacri Cibori e distruggeranno popoli e nazioni e le cose più care. In questa lotta sacrilega, per il feroce impulso e l'accanita resistenza molto verrà abbattuto di tutto quello che è stato fatto dalla mano dell'uomo.")

"He, who personifies Christ on earth, doing good for all, becomes thus outraged with impunity!”

"Tremendous will be the upheaval of the whole world, because men — as at the time of the Deluge — have lost God’s way, and are ruled by the spirit of Satan.(ie: ruled by ego)"
edit on 2-1-2013 by Phantomfire707 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 06:57 AM
Oh, come on!!!

This "prophecy" was made during the Cold War.

When she said "Russia", she meant "the evil atheist communist Soviet Union".

Typical mindset of the Cold War era: "the evil atheist communist Soviet Union" will invade Europe and destroy the Vatican.

The Cold War ended, and the "prophecy" never came true. Forget this miserable nun...

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by GLontra

I believe Pope Benedict XVI elevated Sister Aiello in September 2011 because he was aware of a significant increase in the possibility of prophecy fulfillment in the period between Oct 2011 and May 2012.

If anyone knows which set of prophecies seem to fit best with the 3rd Secret, it would be the Pope.

The conspiracy theorists have been completely brainwashed into turning against all things that were prophesied to occur. These prophecies were made at a time it was impossible for such theories to be believed. New age bologny.

The Aiello prophecy about revolution in Rome, matches another prophecy that I have come to accept for several reasons:

" Premol's prophecy (5th century): ....The cities are destroyed, the natural elements are set loose, the earth quakes everywhere. The Church, O Lord, is torn apart by her own children. One camp is faithful to the fleeing Pontiff, the other is subject to the new government of Rome which has broken the Tiara. But Almighty God will, in His mercy, put an end to this confusion and a new age will begin." (Catholic Prophecy, pg 72-73)

I believe the fleeing Pope (whoever it may be) experiences a renewal of spirit as soon as the big events prophesied have begun. Someone that already knows the secret, cannot help but be shaken greatly when the events finally come true. Their duty to God suddenly becomes 100 times more meaningful.

After the Fatima warning there will be a "bad priest" that inflicts much damage upon the Church (something about a mega sex murder scandal is my guess) that will trigger the international community and particularly the Russians into wanting to arrest the Pope also triggering the boiling anger of many Italian people thus leading to Sister Aiello's prophecy of a revolution in Rome to overthrow the upper Vatican hierarchy.

The Premol prophecy may indicate that the "earth quakes everywhere" at some point before the Pope flees Rome.

The Premol prophecy mentions a "NEW government of Rome" that the other camp follows. My guess, according to Aiello prophecies, is that the NEW government arrives by revolution or by strong Russian interference.

If you are Russian and don't like to hear these prophecies, I assure you I don't intend to post very much, and after a period of a certain number of months (less than 6), I will back away completely and say nothing or produce several somewhat interesting big coincidences/evidence that Heaven had decided once again on a reprieve.

edit on 2-1-2013 by Phantomfire707 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Phantomfire707

Let me repeat it again:

"Russia" was the way as all the Catholic "prophets" refered to the SOVIET UNION during the Cold War era.

During the Cold War era, there were many Catholic "prophets" making predictions about "Russia" (aka the Soviet Union) attacking the Vatican, because the Soviet Union was "the evil atheist empire".

This prophecy in this thread is not different. Just one more Cold War era prophecy about the "evil atheist Soviet Union" attacking the Vatican.

And just like all the other prophecies, this one also failed, since the Soviet Union came to an end, the Cold War is over, and there was NEVER any attempt of the Soviet Union to attack the Vatican.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by GLontra

After the first World War, people thought "never again." They believed
it was a thing of the past. But 20 years latter they were proven wrong.


I guess I'll post one more.

The following prophecy (about the future of the Church) was unimaginable in 1954 (date of the prophecy) when practically the entire Catholic world treated priests with the utmost respect:

Aiello - "The people do not heed the Church and DESPISE THE PRIESTS because among them are (so) MANY that are cause of scandal."

In Italian: "Le persone non si sottomettono alla Chiesa e disprezzano i sacerdoti perché fra di loro ce ne sono tanti che sono motivo di scandalo."

"Le(the) persone(people) non(do not) si(themselves) sottomettono(submit) alla(to) Chiesa(the Church) e (and) disprezzano(despise) i (the) sacerdoti(priests) perché(because) fra(amongst) di loro(them) ce ne(there) sono(are) tanti(many) che(which) sono(are) motivo(cause) di(of) scandalo(scandal)."

From the 1950's when the priests were treated with the utmost respect to the 2050's(2014?-2020's?) when the priests will be despised by the people! (according to that Elena Aiello prophecy without any dates provided)

Most likely the propaganda from the governments of the world will stoke the anti-Catholic sentiment to a fever pitch in reaction to the scandals. (Particularly from the Russian government)

One final scandal will be so horrible that the revelation will provide the final excuse for the international enemies of the church to come to take down the Pope/Vatican with all it's international resources (legal, political, military). It might be that final scandal that causes perhaps the entire priesthood to be despised.

The rage against the Pope/Vatican emerges earlier, but boils over and breaks out into real persecution with the final scandal. Justice will be demanded by the governments and people against the real or perceived perpetrators hiding inside the Vatican walls.

edit on 3-1-2013 by Phantomfire707 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 01:23 AM
Aiello: "...But it will not delay THE PUNISHMENT OF THE WICKED. That day(the punishment of the wicked) will be scary in a manner most terrible: THE EARTH/GROUND WILL TREMBLE AND SHAKE ALL OF HUMANITY."

Do you see what the prophecy is saying? That HEAVEN WILL PUNISH EVILDOERS by sending a colossal earthquake to mankind.

LET ME FINALLY REVEAL an epiphany I had about these prophecies:

In Aiello's prophecy it states that God's "punishment of the wicked" will be a terrifying "day" of a great earthquake that "SHAKES ALL OF HUMANITY"

The obscure clues suddenly fell into place (in November) and the big picture revealed itself about God's punishment. Couldn't believe it took so long to see it before. It seems so obvious now. I was in no rush to share the revelation. I'm not even sure if I should share it now.

It is that the well known prophecy which states "God is about to punish the world by means of war, hunger, and persecution of the Church." in itself is a prophetic fulfillment that is to be entirely triggered by the physical earthquake that God sends directly to "shake all of humanity"

God sends a punishment of war. How does the war emerge, but by out of the aftereffects of the earthquake!
God sends a punishment of hunger. How does the hunger emerge, but by out of the consequences of the earthquake.
Even the changes that bring about the persecution of the Church emerge because of the indirect consequences of the colossal earthquake.

The Aiello prophecy states precisely that the "punishment of the wicked" is directly by earthquake. Put two and two together with what is stated about the announced "punishment of the world" by God. And finally the big picture is perceived.

The prophecy of 1917 is the center piece of all true Catholic prophecy. (unless you reject all Catholic prophecy).

Yet who will be still standing with these prophecies when the world responds to the "many manifestations and signs" with "a STORM OF HATE, blasphemies and sacrilegious profanations, as if blinded by an INFERNAL RAGE."(which is another Aiello prophecy)

My evidence verifiable (concealed for now and for good reason) states that, God is on the verge of punishing the world. I just don't know if perhaps at the last moment, Mother Mary will successfully intercede for mankind, thereby fulfilling the first part of the 3rd secret. We are almost at either the moment of God's judgement or the moment of Mary's great big intercession. 50/50 ? Like I stated the evidence exists, just don't know which path is taken until the last moment. Judgement or Divine Last Minute Intercession? Does anybody know for certain?

(Italian: "...Ma(But) non(not) tarderà(delay) la(the) punizione(punishment) degli(of the) empi(wicked). Quel(That) giorno(day) sarà(wil be) spaventoso(scary), nel(in a) modo(manner) più(most) terribile: la(the) terra(earth/land/ground) tremerà(trembles) e (and) scuoterà(shakes) tutta(all) l'umanità(humanity).")
edit on 11-1-2013 by Phantomfire707 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 02:24 PM
Thought I would point out this prophesy in Daniel.

Daniel 11
5 And the king of the south shall be strong, and one of his princes; and he shall be strong above him, and have dominion; his dominion shall be a great dominion.
6 And in the end of years they shall join themselves together; for the king's daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north to make an agreement: but she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm: but she shall be given up, and they that brought her, and he that begat her, and he that strengthened her in these times.
7 But out of a branch of her roots shall one stand up in his estate, which shall come with an army, and shall enter into the fortress of the king of the north, and shall deal against them, and shall prevail:
8 And shall also carry captives into Egypt their gods, with their princes, and with their precious vessels of silver and of gold; and he shall continue more years than the king of the north.

Assuming the kingdom of the north is Europe in the end times then where would you find idols and princes and vessels of silver and gold?

The Vatican.

Just thinking she got the identity of the attackers wrong.

And I would point this out. Sometimes bible prophesies are supposed to repeat. Even Jesus Christ referred to Daniel 11-31 in the Matthew 24 sermon.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by WeBDeviL

You never heard of the blessed Virgin really, is that what you meant

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