posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 06:22 PM
Originally posted by dreamlandmafia
The Bush Administration's abstinence policies ignore proven methods of actually stopping the disease. John Kerry hopes to change all this.
Virtually ignored by the Clinton Admnistration, Bush is the one of the first to announce a comprehensive plan to help combat AIDS in not only Africa,
but other parts of the globe. I agree that condoms are essential to prevent the spread of AIDS, but Bush's ideology cannot be blamed for their lack
of use in Africa. Cultural influences along with Religious infuences are by far the pervasive reason that condom use is shunned.
In an April 2003 speech Bush recognized a program began in 1986 and singled out condom usage in addition to abstinance and marital fidelity.
This is a terrible disease, but it is not a hopeless disease. At this moment, nations around the world, governments and health officials, doctors and
nurses, people living with the virus are proving that there is hope, and that lives can be saved. We know that AIDS can be prevented. In Uganda --
Madame Ambassador, thank you for being here -- President Museveni has begun a comprehensive program in 1986 with a prevention strategy emphasizing
abstinence and marital fidelity, as well as condoms, to prevent HIV transmission
I am a strong advocate of condom usuage. However, in Africa, Bush has and will take a pragmatic aproach to thier usage. Even if the money is
restricted, there are plenty of other multinational org. that can provide the education and supplies of condom for the people of Africa to use.
John Kerry believes that addressing global health challenges is a humanitarian obligation and a national security threat.
As does Bush.........
Confronting this tragedy is the responsibility of every nation. For the United States, it is a part of the special calling that began with our
founding. We believe in the dignity of life, and this conviction determines our conduct around the world. We believe that everyone has a right to
liberty, including the people of Afghanistan and Iraq. (Applause.) We believe that everyone has a right to life, including children in the cities and
villages of Africa and the Caribbean.
One cannot simply throw money at the problem and hope that people will follow through. As we have seen with the misquided oil for food debacle, there
are to may extraneous forces at work to simply give the money to governments in Africa and hope for the best. Despite the shortfall in funds, one
should give the administration the benifit of the doubt and see what happens over the long term.
The Kerry plan calls for a massive increase in spending. No mention of other countires needing to asist. Has stated goals to meet the unrealistic
expectations of the world health organization. The 30 billion by 2008 as promised is just the tip of the iceberg. The multiple programs as outlined
on his web page are strangly free of potential economic projections as to thier overall costs. The rest of the world in particular the EU need to
shoulder thier fair share of the costs of this futile attempt to bail out Africa Yet Again....