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Rocket of Instanbul - real or fake?

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posted on May, 29 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by pityocamptes

How then do you explain the architecture of the ancients and the ability to cut/lift stones of such magnitude that even today A) we don't know how they did it or B) we actually do not have the technology ourselves...

Both of these are false. It isn't obvious how to do it, but "experimental archaeologists" have reconstructed quite a few of these construction techniques, validating them with the marks on the rocks and other observations. No ET needed, just brains, and a few thousand slaves.
edit on 29-5-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 02:19 PM
Ok guys I didn't forget this topic, its just hard to bare with two jobs in life and the museum is far from my home in Istanbul (it is a very big city with extraordinary traffic).

Anyway I went to Istanbul Archaeology Museums (There are several in one big region) and I searched all of them, especially Urartu remains and Toprakkale/Tuspa (B.C.800-500) and couldn't find the 'rocket', so I asked it to information desk (with Sitchin's Blog open in my iphone), they told me to go to the old security guy standing there and ask him.

So I went to the old guy, showed the rocket and asked about it. He wasn't surprised at all and said: 'Oh you're asking the rocket, it is not displayed in the museum for years. It is preserved in a storage at the basement downstairs, many people came here ask about it, sometime they call the museum and ask about it.' I asked if he saw it himself and he said 'Yes, I saw it and it looks exactly like this (pointing to the photo at Sitchin's blog).'

I asked if the museum plans to put that piece on display soon or not, he said: 'I don't think so, at least not in a couple of years. I've been here for many years, and it is there for more than 5 years. It is really quite an interesting piece.'

So, at least now it is known that the object is real, and looks exactly as its shown at Sitchin's blog (if it is not the real one). The era Sitchin says and the museum info he gave are correct too. But sadly I couldn't have the chance to see it, yet I think I confirmed its reality.

Not to leave your hands empty. I want to share the most interesting figure that I've seen during my trip at the museum. It is a figure from Assur Era, no explanation written below this figure and it looks weird compared to other Assyrian sculptures (maybe a child did this I don't know), most Assyrian sculpture doesn't look like this at all:
fficial&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ& sa=X&ei=CQ8fT-TsENH_-gb73I0w&ved=0CD0QsAQ&biw=1208&bih=807

Since there was no info written below on that specific item, I took a photo of what is written on the glass case which explains nothing at all but I'm putting it too;

I think I may seen a sculpture like this in a video with 'ancient aliens' subject, I don't know if its the same figure, but there you go..

Have a nice week all.
edit on 24-1-2012 by organite because: broken link

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by organite
....most Assyrian sculpture doesn't look like this at all:
fficial&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ& sa=X&ei=CQ8fT-TsENH_-gb73I0w&ved=0CD0QsAQ&biw=1208&bih=807

Just google 'Assyrian sculpture' images and see how their drawing/sculpturing style, in general.. They're pretty detailed and well formed compared to the one I put on my message above.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 10:40 AM
The world has been through some heavy changes in the history of humanity.......
But one thing is screamingly apparent.......The ancients were not the primitive beings the archaeologists paint.
One look at the size and construction of relics we have unearthed, will tell the dumbest of students that the professors merely profess....they do not know........

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 09:20 PM
Stand it, pointy end up and it would look like some Santa Claus dude looking sideways. Real wrinkly skin to boot.

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