posted on May, 26 2011 @ 06:01 PM
So what is the actual cost of freedom? I know some members may state we are not free but are controlled by the higher powers that be. However what we
see in the United states is all the outcome of freedom. From political scandals, to price gougeing at the pumps. Here is some food for thought.
United States National dept: 14.2 billion and rising, If americans were not free to choose what they buy, where they manufacture, who they hire and
how much they sell it for, good jobs that include a pension , social security, meidcare/medicade,and an extremely overpowered military this debt may
not be so large.
Federal Budgets: over the last 10 years the federal budgets cost the American public $6,080,000,000,000
Mortgages: who would have thought you could sign your next 30 years of your life away to a shady bank with more small print than an encyclopedia for
ants. Is it not the "American Dream " to have that white picket fence with a one family home in a quiet neighborhood? Unfortunately for you if you
come under hard times and cant afford your home those crooked banks will be there to sweep it up from under your feet. oh and by the way you most
likely lost your job due to a failing economy due to other people freedoms to screw the next guy. With nearly a million forclosures this year alone, I
think ill become a banker! what better buisness to be in when you can sell something over and over again.
American death tolls (war related): 2.5 million and counting, as war serves the intrest of the powers that be it is the right of free thought to place
our men and women in harms way. If the Govt dont want war, there will be no war.
The thought of conflict around the world places" FEAR" on the American public, this is why we have the military we do, this is why this country is
the way it is today. Fear = control, once you have fear in the equartion you can see that the cost of freedom is at the ultimate price. A people is no
longer free if they are huddled in a corner wondering when the next attack, economic collapse, bank collector will come knocking.
So i guess the ultimate price of freedom is ourselfs.