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Missing other halves of Shanks black boxes and other obvious signs of planting

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posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:59 AM

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by ATH911

why was the CVR from the Pentagon unreadable

Because they only planned the hero story for Flight 93?

and why no boxes from the WTC ?

Because they had video showing "planes" hitting the towers?

You guess that a flight data recorder can be faked by a computer but do you have any evidence to support that ?

- ATCs at the Johnstown airport couldn't see a plane when they were looking for it with there binocs
- PilotsForTruth showed in their Flight 93 doku that all the altitudes described by the witnesses were vastly different than the official flight trajectory
- Reported crash witnesses described more of a 90 deg crash angle, vastly different from the official 40 deg crash angle
- Lee Purbagh didn't describe the plane he thought crashed as upside down when officially is should have been
- Many witnesses say an aircraft fly over Indian Lake, which official flight path never went near

So yeah, I have some evidence to support that.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by roboe
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Yes it is. It may not be proof of absence.

For all I know, they could have taken the pictures to show the state the CVR/FDR were in prior to transportation to whereever they were going.

They had to jump in the excavated hole to do that???

Oh, and it's not entirely unique for the CVR/FDR units to separate from its chassis. In fact, the same thing happened to the FDR from Air France flight 447: And that was a relatively less violent impact (from what we know of it) than that of UA93.

Never said it was unique, but here's what the other found BB looked like:

The Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), one of two flight recorders from the Rio-Paris Air France flight which crashed in 2009, is displayed for the media before a news conference at the BEA headquarters in Le Bourget, northern Paris, May 12, 2011. REUTERS/Charles Platiau

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by samkent
After 9 years all they have are Youtube videos and speculation.

And after 9 years, you skeptics are still obsessed with us.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 02:24 PM
So, what you're saying is that one of the most secure military buildings only has one video camera that takes a picture every five seconds. That's normal.
Stuff was hitting the fan and nobody in PA owns a video recording device to catch a commercial jet in a nose-dive , and was allowed to make a u-turn and not get shot down.
why would the government be afraid to release an uncut video of the pentagon?
you still didn't answer the original question, why would a drone need a voice recorder? and yes, I do believe planes hit the WTC, but it weren't no 700 series Boeing at the Pentagon.
BTW, believing in one extreme or another makes you a sheep, not just one way.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by ATH911

Pilot flying Piper Arrow was requested by ATC to watch out for Flight 93 and report back altitude

Was close enough for them to recognize United Airlines livery

.Wright was flying over Youngwood, Westmoreland County, and was getting ready to land in Latrobe under order from air traffic control.

Then, an air-traffic controller asked him and his passenger to look out the window.

Wright was flying a Piper Arrow when he spotted a jet crossing behind him -- about three miles away. It was close enough for him and his photographer to see the United Airlines colors.

Wright was flying over Youngwood for about 20 minutes before Flight 93 crashed in Stonycreek Township.

Wright said that he knew that there was a problem when air traffic controllers asked him to give them Flight 93's altitude.

Wright thinks there's only one reason air traffic controllers in Cleveland would have been asking him about the altitude. He said that it was probably because the terrorists had cut off all radio transmissions to air traffic controllers.

So you have visual confirmation of United 93 location and heading

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by ATH911

to be honest with you, i never heard anything about the black boxes until now

this just isn't the smoking gun, the smoking gun is the itsy bitsy hole too small in the pentagon, the two towers that fell demolition style as well as the building 7 which... why exactly did it fall?

why would they plant black boxes anyway?

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by indigothefish

the smoking gun is the itsy bitsy hole too small in the pentagon

You mean this little hole?

This is front of Pentagon - hole was almost 90 feet wide left by impact in exterior E Ring wall

Or this hole - in the back wall of the C Ring, left by debris which travelled through the building

Because if you are talking about the bottom hole YOU ARE WRONG !!

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by thedman


Amazing how the wing just dipped behind the spools to hit the building and not touch the spools.
Also...I like how the wing entered the building in sections, while the beams of the building are still in tact, yet no visible carnage of the wings or tail anywhere to be seen.

Whats that word again?


posted on May, 28 2011 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by DIDtm

Maybe should get eyes checked.....

Notice the cable spools are scattered all around

Some of the them are also bent showing evidence of impact damage

Series of pictures of Pentagon impact - plane came from right striking fenced in diesel trailer before
hitting front of building

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by DIDtm

Maybe should get eyes checked.....

Notice the cable spools are scattered all around

Some of the them are also bent showing evidence of impact damage

Series of pictures of Pentagon impact - plane came from right striking fenced in diesel trailer before
hitting front of building

Get my eyes checked? Sure...when you start practicing common sense and logic.

Please explain to me and everyone the spools got there? Were in behind the fenced area? If when the fence assumably was struck by the magic plane did they end up in in the path of the plane?

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 01:29 PM
I wouldn't get to focused on paint jobs, even the little puddle-jumpers belonging to major airlines are painted in their companies colors. you can paint your car to say POLICE , but it doesn't mean you are one.
I'll remain a skeptic of flight 93 and 77 untill someone finally shows a video of either one.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Yahm16
I wouldn't get to focused on paint jobs, even the little puddle-jumpers belonging to major airlines are painted in their companies colors. you can paint your car to say POLICE , but it doesn't mean you are one.
I'll remain a skeptic of flight 93 and 77 untill someone finally shows a video of either one.

It's not just a question of paint-jobs, but you would have to explain how another plane just appeared in the area with UA livery.

However, apart from the sighting by the Piper Arrow referred to above there was also a sighting by Executive 956. Cleveland Air Traffic Control was tracking UA 93 and received inadvertant transmissions from UA 93 as did other aircraft in the vicinity. At 2.59 you can hear on the atc tape the report of a visual sighting :-

If it is all a fake why is there no evidence from these other aircraft or atc staff ?

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by ATH911

Pilot flying Piper Arrow was requested by ATC to watch out for Flight 93 and report back altitude

Was close enough for them to recognize United Airlines livery

It was close enough for him and his photographer to see the United Airlines colors.

So you have visual confirmation of United 93 location and heading

This wasn't over Shanksville, he wasn't quoted directly seeing UA livery, he's apparently the ONLY person to report seeing a UA colored plane if he really did see the colors, and no one is saying aircraft weren't in the area, the question was the official flightpath allegedly from the FDR data was consistent with the outside evidence. I showed you many pieces of evidence it was not.

edit on 28-5-2011 by ATH911 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by indigothefish

why would they plant black boxes anyway?

There really wasn't a lot of noticeable plane debris at the site and since Flight 93 was their "Let's Roll!" plane, the galvanizing flight that would rush us off to war, they had to show the public they "found" the BBs.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by ATH911

The Piper Arrow pilot gave his LOCATION ! It was Youngwood PA

Youngwood PA


40 deg 14 min 22 sec North, 79 deg 34 min 50 sec West


posted on May, 31 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by ATH911

I showed you many pieces of evidence it was not.

No, you did not. You showed a couple of folks on the ground making a guess about a fast moving plane's exact angle of declination, altitude and additude to the horizon. An incident that elapsed in seconds and could easliy be misconstrued. No one is buying the ridiculous notion that because someone who saw the plane before the impact and didn't mention that it was upside down is somehow or another evidence of an "inside job".

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by ATH911

There really wasn't a lot of noticeable plane debris at the site and since Flight 93 was their "Let's Roll!" plane, the galvanizing flight that would rush us off to war, they had to show the public they "found" the BBs.

Here we go again. As usual, ATH911 starts his umpteenth thread regarding Flight 93. Like Killtowns Blogspot, this thread is devoid of any proof of an inside job.

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posted on May, 31 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by ATH911

"Then it just rolled over and was flying upside down for a few seconds ... and then it kind of stalled and did a nose dive over the trees. It was just unreal to see something like that."

What was he talking about?

“I saw the plane flying upside down overhead and crash into the nearby trees."

What is Blaire talking about?

"You could see more of the roof of the plane than you could the belly. It was on its side."

What is Petersen talking about?

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by ATH911

The Piper Arrow pilot gave his LOCATION ! It was Youngwood PA

Right, like I said, not over Shanksville. Can't you read?

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