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I was a Liberty University-trained evangelical pastor. I was sure that I was right and that every other person not of my faith was going to burn in hell forever. I was taught that we as Christians should take this nation back, only to find out later that we never had it to begin with.
If I told you that the Amish in Pennsylvania were running for public office in record numbers with the intention of outlawing electricity and forcing others to act, dress and think like them, you would not believe it. Well, that is exactly what is happening in America, only it is not the Amish, it is the fundamentalists. It is not outlawing electricity, it’s placing limits on being a human with free will. Enjoying art and music, loving the person of your choice, dancing, –; the things that fundamentalists call “sins” –; are a big part of what it means to be a human.
Students who live on campus are required to attend convocation three times per week. At these convocations, they have the opportunity to hear from speakers in all walks of professional life, be entertained by performers and musicians, and participate in live praise and worship. Past convocation speakers have included Presidential candidate John McCain, President Ronald Reagan, President George H. W. Bush, Rev. Billy Graham, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Lt. Col. Oliver North, Steve Forbes, Leonard Davidson, former US Senator Jesse Helms, Sam Donaldson, John R. Rice, Elisabeth Elliot (wife of the late missionary Jim Elliot), Skip Erickson, Freddie Gage, Adrian Rogers, creationist Ken Ham, governor Tim Kaine, Sean Hannity, Bobby Bowden, Carrie Prejean, pro-wrestler Lex Luger, Gianna Jessen, and 2008 Presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul. Jerry Falwell regularly spoke at chapel, giving his "Never Give Up" speech in the first semester.
Liberty has $530 million in net assets, which is expected by Chancellor Falwell to rise to 1 billion Dollars by 2014. On December 7, 2010, Liberty sold $120 million in facilities bonds which will be used to finance recent and future expansion.[46]
In 2010, students at Liberty University received approximately $445 million in federal financial aid money, the highest total of any school in Virginia and one of the highest in the country.[47] The total, a 56 per cent increase over the prior year, was mostly in the form of student loans, but also included some grants and other forms of aid.[47] The University's financial aid office has 138 employees.[47]
Affiliates of Sun Myung Moon, controversial leader of the Unification Church, have a history of supporting and courting conservative evangelicals. Now, according to published reports, financial support has been filtered to Liberty University from Moon-related enterprises. But Liberty founder Jerry Fallwell told Christianity Today that the source of the funds does not influence his ministry.
On May 15, 2009, vice president of student affairs Mark Hine sent an e-mail to the president of LU's College Democrats, Brian O'nill Diaz, revoking the university's recognition of the club. "The Democratic Party platform is contrary to the mission of Liberty University and to Christian doctrine," Hine's e-mail stated, citing the party's positions on abortion, same-sex marriage, hate crimes, LGBT civil rights, and socialism as justification for the dissolution. While the club can still meet on campus, it cannot use the university's name or reserve university facilities.[66]
At a meeting with Administration officials, the group was asked to publicly apologize for statements they had made to the media about this controversy. The head of the LU College Democrats, Brian O'nill Diaz, was quoted as saying he was baffled by the administration's decision, "I want to be able to share the love of Christ, but I guess I can't do that on campus because I'm a Democrat as well."
The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) begins this Thursday in Washington, DC. With an expected 10,000 attendees and hundreds of groups participating, this is one of the largest conservative political events of the year. It is also one of the most controversial conservative events this year because of the American Conservative Union’s decision to allow GOProud (a gay conservative group) to be a CPAC Affiliate (ACU sponsors CPAC, and “Affiliate” groups give the ACU money for a table and other benefits). GOProud participated in last year’s CPAC, and several conservative group like Liberty University boycotted as a result.
ZAHN: One final question for you about this administration: A number of evangelicals have also told me they are very angry about how government spending has increased during this administration -- the highest rate since an administration going back to the '60s. Are you troubled by that?
FALWELL: Well, I have to admit that I am not -- I am more of a fiscal conservative than some there -- but I want to say that I -- that is not where my heart is. My heart is in the sanctity of life and marriage and values and defense against terrorism. I support what the president's doing in Iraq, and if they're spending too much money, then I'll let someone else yell about that. But this president -- it's like this Mark Foley thing -- that's not going to discourage any evangelicals I know from voting. We lived through Bill Clinton, and this situation with Foley is minuscule in comparison. So, I really think it's making a mountain out of a molehill.
In 1979, Falwell founded the Moral Majority, which became one of the largest political lobby groups for evangelical Christians in the United States during the 1980s.[6] The Moral Majority was founded as being "pro-family", "pro-life", "pro-defense" and pro-Israel.The group is credited with delivering two thirds of the white, evangelical Christian vote to Ronald Reagan during the 1980 presidential election.[7][8] During his time as head of the Moral Majority, Falwell consistently pushed for Republican candidates and for conservative politics leading Billy Graham, and other conservative Christian leaders, to criticize him for sermons about political issues that lacked a moral element.[6]
"If Chief Justice Warren and his associates had known God's word and had desired to do the Lord's will, I am quite confident that the 1954 decision would never had been made. The facilities should be separate. When God has drawn a line of distinction, we should not attempt to cross that line."
After the September 11, 2001 attacks, Falwell said on The 700 Club, "I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'" Fellow evangelist Pat Robertson concurred with his sentiment.[41] Falwell further stated that the attacks were "probably deserved," a statement which was described as "treason" by columnist Christopher Hitchens.[42] After heavy criticism, Falwell apologized
Originally posted by GAOTU789
I think everyone should be able to believe and practice their religion as they see fit, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. But once you start to legislate how I, or anyone else should live their lives to fit your believes or religion, then I have a problem.
Live and let live. Please stay out of my life and telling me what choices I should make. Religion and politics are like oil and water. They do not go together.
Palin, dubbed by Newsweek last summer as an “earthy Jerry Falwell,” employed Liberty University’s director of debate as a coach during the 2008 presidential campaign. So Palin should be comfortable on campus — she just has to dress carefully. At Liberty University, even extraordinary women aren’t allowed to wear dresses that end above the knee.
Originally posted by itsawild1
Main stream religon took over the church, running contrary to gods word.
WE hero worship the soldier, when god and jesus forbid them. killing is murder even when your country says to, But churches praise the soldier==false church
. Jesus said do as i do---JESUS stayed out of politics, but churches today [except jehovah's witness] love politics==false church
false churches are everywhere today
Originally posted by dizziedame
How can this be a Christain bashing thread?
It does bash the fundamntalist.
And I have a hard time believing fundamentalist are really christain.
Are their actions Godly?
I put radical Muslims and fundamentalist in the same group and consider them equally dangerous.
Both these groups do not believe in freedom of religion.
It is their way or it is wrong.
Good thread Jens.