posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff
You know I agree it was good reading the posts. Gained some insight into people's thoughts even if like in one case was cheese lol!
Hope I explain this ok, so the purpose was basically to see how well people follow rules no matter how pointless the task seems. We can put it down to
respect which may very well be the case but I was sure as soon as I posted this thread it wouldn't work. Was actually kinda hoping that also. If
someone as irrelevant as me can set rules that people follow especially in a forum like ATS and without any consequences from breaking of the rule,
what hope do we have of breaking the shackles of the stupid rules that govern our lives. We as a collective are weak! Its possible but so far from
reality at the moment it's almost scary. For now and the unforeseen future we will remain restrained and will continue to suffer.
Maybe my test wasn't the best method in determining that but it does offer a theory and answer on a small scale.
You all may disagree with my approach and gain nothing out of it but for me it says alot.
Anywho, just saying!