posted on May, 26 2011 @ 09:02 AM
1) Why do the illegal aliens in this country get treated and supported better than i do as a citizen?
2)Why do i have to be destitute and homeless to qualify for any social program or relief stipend?
3) Why do i have to pay for medical care? Why is obtaining medical insurance so damned expensive?
4) Why do you lie to the american people for a buck?
5) Why do you feel it necessary to dictate what i can and can not do in the privacy of my own home if it hurts no one but me?
6) Why do you waste my hard earned tax money on stupid bullsh*t? instead of it going to something more noble like feeding hungry americas?
7) Why is gas prices so high when its really based on a ficticous number anyway? Why is it taxed to great ends?
8) why is the tax collection, intelligence agency, and monetary system owned by private entities? Wouldn't it be better if it was strictly owned by
the goverment itself?
9) Why do you oppress ideas and inventions by bright americans who only want to save a buck or create something useful by stealling the pattents
outright or dening the usage of said inventions in the guise of national security?
10) does every elected official on the national level have thier heads in thier a**? I dont recall voting for any of them...why would I? They're
elected as soon as i walk out of my polling place.
11) If you spent as much money on war as you did peace...would there not be world peace? The amount spent on war far exceeds that which would be
needed to provide ALL people of the world with food and shelter and clothes.
12) Why must my children suffer at the behest of your shortsighted, greed induced, arrogant policies?
13) Why does the uber rich get off scott free, but the uber poor cannot defend himself due to a negative cash flow disposition?
I'm sure there are no easy answers to these questions uncle sam, understand you made me what i am, you taught me what i know. You are a absentee
landlord that wont fix the heat. you expect the rent, but you dont want to invest in your tennants.
I do not hate america uncle sam, i hate what you turned it into without my permission. you borrowed the car, hit a tree and failed to fill the tank
when you brought it back. Corporate america is the cancer eating away at the body that is the american people.
I do not wish ill will, but i will not participate any further in the democratic mob rules you have created. This is not a republic, but a popularity
contest. Go *%#@!% yourself Uncle Sam, your fired!
No one else should have to struggle when it is abundantly clear that if you changed your policies, they would never have to.
The more you tighten your grip, the more control will slip through your fingers. Equality and true fairness now, lest we abide by tyranny forever.
Uncle Sam, your American business plan sucks. You can quote me if you like.